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The week ahead for capricorn

Restrictions lift around ideas or you simply feeling you’re lost for words. Emotional truth, originality and above all, self-belief power you ahead. You’ve everything at your disposal to bring about the result you want. Don’t let self-doubt creep in and dilute it.

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Love rings true

Clarity dissolves restriction

YOU make it happen, Cappy!

Those loving statements have the ring of truth to them. Promises are made to be kept thanks to the trine between the Sun in your 7th and Neptune in your 3rd (22nd). If you have been finding it difficult to express yourself or get your message across, this week sees those barriers swept aside. Or it may be the question you have been asking concerns how the other party really feels? Again, look forward to clarity if that’s been the case.

It’s all down to the lifting of restriction in your sector of communication. So do take advantage of this window. Mercury which rules this house, is in retroshadow and your 9th from the 25th. Next month it delivers the usual mayhem and missed connections we have come to associate with Mercury retro going mainstream. It will go backwards in its ruling sign so expect its capacity for snafu-creation to increase. So, say it now, Capricorn.

The simple act of knowing where you stand could be the change you need. And change is what’s ahead of you as the Sun enters your 8th. It shines on Pluto in your 2nd (23rd) potentially handing you so much more to work with. You work those inner assets to your advantage now. And yes, this can result in your income increasing. Certainly any efforts you put into this should pay off. Do check your chart for anything at an early degree of Aquarius. Many Capricorns are born with Aquarian factors. If you have them, your ability to bring about the result you want is enhanced now. But that magnetic intensity you project is undeniable. No matter where your focus lands this week – that’s where you’ll bring about the change.

In a nutshell: Restrictions lift around ideas or you simply feeling you’re lost for words. Emotional truth, originality and above all, self-belief power you ahead. You’ve everything at your disposal to bring about the result you want. Don’t let self-doubt creep in and dilute it.

22 Jul 2024 Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)

22 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

22 Jul 2024 Venus and Vesta conjunct in Leo (8th)

22 Jul 2024 Sun enters Leo (8th)

23 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 2nd)

25 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Virgo (9th)

26 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (8th to 6th)

27 Jul 2024 Chiron retrograde in Aries (4th)

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Get ready for a once-in-a-Blue-Moon event

Is it me you’re looking for?

Love, reclaimed

Come and get your love this July, Cappy. A new Moon in your 7th along with Venus in here adds up to BOTH rulers of this house in residence at the same time. (The Moon rules Cancer and Venus rules your 7th house). This makes the 5th one of the best days of the entire year to plant those relationship seeds for the next 12 months. And also to open yourself up to receive love and other benefits in return as this is your prime house of attraction.

Do keep in mind, manifestation doesn’t just rely on our amazing powers of imagination, visualisation and willingness to do the magical work to bring us what we want. We have to be in a state of deservedness, openness and ready-to-receive. Otherwise – right on cue the universe delivers what we asked for. Only for us to self-sabotage or reject it. Do work on both sides of this coin while the planets are in your 7th.

If love is elusive, hard work or on a rinse and repeat cycle, you have a fresh set of tools to reach for. And an invitation to try something (or someone!) new. Ditch the usual ‘type’ if you are seeking, Cappy. And if Pluto’s self-examination in your 1st has led you to connect your past to your relationship choices in the present, your best hack to break the pattern is to opt for the one who seems strange.

Yes, it sounds counter-intuitive, doesn’t it? After all, aren’t we always told to go with our gut? I am not talking about ignoring red flags. That’s different. But if we have experienced toxicity and dysfunction growing up, that’s what seems familiar to us. What we feel is safe, is unsafe. Or we can attract unavailable partners due to feeling we are unlovable. So, if this has been your story and your pattern, keep in mind not just reciprocity now but that real love feels strange. Unfamiliar. Maybe even a little scary. And if someone appears who makes you feel that way, do give them an opportunity to show they are the answer you’ve been looking for.

This month hands us a rare ‘Blue’ full Moon in your sign (21st). The second of two full Moons during your partnership peak when the Sun is in Cancer and your 7th. Combined with Mercury’s slowing into retroshade from the 17th in your 8th, this is about reappearances, rebirths and resurrections. Have you been feeling you have been abandoned in the emotional Lost & Found office of the cosmos? If so, this second ‘Blue’ Moon sees you reclaimed. Love moves back in. Or you see clearly where it can be found.

It’s linked to how you are seeing yourself as much as how others see you, Capricorn. And because thanks to Pluto you now have a totally reforged attitude to who you know you are, you know what’s right for you as well. With an unshakeable self-certainty. This may require you to say no just as you may say yes. All in the name of love of course! More in your Full Blue Moon in Capricorn Moonscope.

Change is your certainty as the Sun arrives in your 8th and opposes Pluto on the 23rd. There’s a back and forth motion to this however. And the process may last right up until November for you. See this as chrysalis time for you. And don’t push the process. Be content at times to sit with it, be within it and align yourself to its timeline. No, that’s not being powerless to control your destiny. That’s the complete confidence and trust of self-empowerment. You can discern accurately when you need to take action – and when you simply need to let go and not get in the way of transformations which need to occur.

One intimate connection or very close friendship may be in focus now. If you began seeing someone during your partnership peak – this is the time when it can go to the next stage. The best connections are the ones where both parties are changed in some fundamental way. No matter the ultimate outcome of the union. Or the form it takes. So, expect one relationship to be the catalyst for this. Just as you perform the same alchemical transmutation for the other. Look to the 22nd for who is front and centre in your life – or your consciousness, Capricorn.

Heading into August, passion and shared rapport define your unions. Be they in business or in your personal life. The next few weeks and the retrograde cycle which includes not just Mercury but also Neptune in your 3rd and Chiron in your 4th, makes this period ideal for getting rid of anything you no longer need in your life. And for looking at long term futures in terms of your money – and yes, your relationships. Sometimes letting go brings you what you need all along. Don’t doubt you have the courage to do this if needed. And trust that along this path – what’s strange, unfamiliar but ultimately right for you, will seek you out.

In a nutshell: A second love path defining full Moon appears in your sign this month. It’s a rare event designed to get you reconnected to that loving feeling. No matter your current status, Capricorn. You’ll reclaim what’s lost. That includes self-love too.

2 Jul 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

2 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Leo (8th)

2 Jul 2024 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (3rd)

3 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

3 Jul 2024 Mercury in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 2nd)

5 Jul 2024 Mars in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (5th to 3rd)

5 Jul 2024 New Moon in Cancer (7th)

5 Jul 2024 Sun and new Moon in Cancer opposition Ceres in Capricorn (7th to 1st)

8 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 5th)

8 Jul 2024 Mercury in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 6th)

11 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

11 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

11 Jul 2024 Venus enters Leo (8th)

12 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 2nd)

15 Jul 2024 Mars and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (5th)

17 Jul 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Leo (8th)

18 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus (7th to 5th)

20 Jul 2024 Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (5th to 3rd)

20 Jul 2024 Mars enters Gemini (6th)

21 Jul 2024 Full ‘Blue’ Moon in Capricorn (1st)

21 Jul 2024 Full ‘Blue’ Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (1st to 3rd)

21 Jul 2024 Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (2nd)

21 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini (8th to 6th)

22 Jul 2024 Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (6th to 2nd)

22 Jul 2024 Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

22 Jul 2024 Venus and Vesta conjunct in Leo (8th)

22 Jul 2024 Sun enters Leo (8th)

23 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (8th to 2nd)

25 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Virgo (9th)

26 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini (8th to 6th)

27 Jul 2024 Chiron retrograde in Aries (4th)

30 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo trine Chiron in Aries (8th to 4th)

View your written yearly astrology reading


Say a final farewell to Pluto in your sign as it moves into your house of money and self-worth. That belief in yourself should be unshakeable now. The good things of life are on offer, Capricorn. Are you ready to give yourself permission to enjoy them?!

Hack 2024 instantly by looking closer at the ancient symbol for your sign – the Sea Goat, Capricorn. Yes, the agile goat is able to discover pathways to the top of that mountain which are invisible to others. But the secret for you lies also in the tail of that sea goat. The curled secret power you possess. But which is often ignored or misunderstood.

Aside from the obvious associations with trade and the deep, that tail looks like an ancient cornucopia – the ‘horn of plenty’ and ancient symbol of overflowing abundance. Hold that thought! What it tells you is that no matter what or where you direct your energy – eventual and overflowing success has to follow. This is a certainty for you in 2024.

The headline act of the year for you is Pluto. Which finally exits your sign never to return in your lifetime, in November. If you are a Zoomer, then you have gone through childhood and reached adulthood with Pluto in Capricorn from 2008. Pluto leaves your sign and enters Aquarius and your 2nd of money, income and self-worth on January 21, 2024. It will re-enter your sign for one final brief visit between September 2 and November 19. Then – its gone. Naturally, those of you who have final ‘anaretic’ Capricorn chart elements (29 degrees), will feel this the most. For the rest of you – you’ll be aware of the energy shift as one cycle definitely closes.

That abundant image of the overflowing cornucopia can be yours to experience. As how you interact with the material world this year shifts and changes thanks to Pluto. From mid-February onwards as Venus (which rules your 2nd as well as your 7th), meets Pluto and then the Sun and ruler Saturn leverage those ideas, the time for money talks is here. And money talks loudest when you take action. So, no longer sit on those ideas, Capricorn. Work them.

Know your limits however. And be as organised, systematic and structured as possible. Ruler Saturn is all about colouring inside the lines. And opting for the tried and trusted methods. And with Pluto in your 2nd – this applies to your cash. Pluto’s about the power. Saturn is about the constraints. In other words – you have the power to increase your income or access to resources now. But when this happens – don’t go overboard with your spending. Pluto in your 2nd can offer access to power money. As in loans and credit as it rules your 8th. The downside of this is that because you may find this easy to access or even be on a roll, you can if you over-extend yourself, find yourself drowning in debt. Do keep this in mind. That’s not part of the cornucopia vision, Cappy!

Jupiter and Uranus in your 5th bring luck, divine cosmic timing, that break you’ve been waiting for and for some, that lover like no other. This is especially good for creative projects, attraction and yes, attention and fame! You feel more adventurous and daring with these two planets in here.

There’s a sense of experimentation going on. And with Neptune remaining in your 3rd – you can reap the rewards of your imagination. You can predict the trend, know what people want before they even do, magic up the right words to say and yes, grow that following too. You are in a position to weave an irresistible story or spell that sells anything from your skills, your ideas and yes, even you personally this year. But do harness Saturn’s expertise and have a plan to make it happen.

Look to April in particular. This is when you are at your most profoundly and scorchingly insightful. It’s also when those limitations you have placed upon yourself can fall away. And you confront any remaining inhibitions when it comes to being yourself. The rewards from this should add to the experience of pleasure. And keep that cornucopia overflowing. Others return to innocence and playfulness via children – your own or those of others. Or you allow your inner child more opportunities for healing self-expression. There’s an over-arcing theme of letting go of self-criticism and ceasing to worry about what others may think to all this. And what you will immediately begin to notice as you do is that not only do you feel lighter and life flows more easily, but that you attract what you need effortlessly to. That includes that lover or that opportunity. The more confident you are – the better the results.

April and May are the best times for this. Sudden, breathtaking, surprising and being swept off your feet moments are likely as the Sun enters its ruling house on April 19. Run with that impulse or that golden opportunity across the 10th – 21st April. This has Mars encounter ruler Saturn and Jupiter and Uranus align. It’s the start of a bold new beginning thanks to the new Moon in your 5th on May 8th. And what this entails should be abundantly clear for you by May 23rd. A new dawn, a new deal and a new love or direction.

The Great North American Eclipse on April 8 the represents a total blackout of blind spot when it comes to home, property matters, family and anything which impacts on your sense of belonging and security. Do try to avoid any kind of property decisions or moves on this day. You are completely in the dark about something. Although your intuition is on high alert, it may not be as reliable on this day as it has been so far. A bit like a scrambled signal. Take a moment to ground yourself. If you are feeling insecure on this day – what is it that you really feel you are lacking? Is it emotional support? Feeling alone? Are you stressed? What about your back? Any pain or discomfort there? This can also be a sign you feel unsupported as well as of course, an actual problem. But do look beyond the obvious.

This eclipse can reveal as the shadows disperse, how vulnerable you allow yourself to be. How good you are at directly asking for what you need. And also demonstrate where you or another may give the impression of being withdrawn or okay when actually you need connection and help. This is why you shouldn’t jump to conclusions about someone’s emotional state under this eclipse. And be open about your own.

Jupiter is on the move on May 25th – entering your 6th. It’s alignment to Pluto on June 3rd can bring a work or study breakthrough for you. And the material rewards which accompany that. You are in for a 12 month period where your job becomes more enjoyable, your routine freeing, your studies immersive and your wellbeing and energy levels have an uptick. This is an excellent transit for launching that business or side hustle. For upskilling or returning to education. Or taking up a sport or outdoor activity. Just please don’t overdo things. Either by taking on too much or by over-indulging on the goodies in that cornucopia. You may feel you can take on the world or get away with eating or drinking what you want. But your body may have other ideas!

Abundance, beauty, sensuality and partnerships rule from June 17th when Venus arrives in Cancer and its ruling 7th. Sweet, sweet love and understanding is on your mind as the Sun follows on Solstice Day. This is about your spouse, your present or potential partner, your bestie or bae, that dynamic duo, that superhero dream duet. If you meet someone at this time, you’re at your most engaging. Plus you want to dig deep and find out what really makes them tick. There’s something magic in the works for you right now. Again, this could be a working union just as much as it could be a lovers meeting. Those of you coupled up should be feeling a new kind of closeness. Especially if things have been challenging these past few years.

The Nodes dictate the eclipse axis and we are in the final stages of the eclipses in Aries and Libra (your 4th and 10th). Next year sees the North Node move into Pisces and your 3rd and the South into Virgo and your 9th. Travel back to places you have been in the past (or in a past life) may feature. Before the nodal swing, we have a preview eclipse on September 18 at the time of the full Supermoon in your 3rd. This also occurs at the same time as Pluto returns to your 1st for its final visit. Take it that a final loose end will be tied up or something finalised once and for all. Ahead lies permanent freedom. But do use caution if travelling under this eclipse.

Carve out time for your friendships this year. And despite the big love stars around you, don’t make your #1 your one and only. We all need many kinds of relationships in our lives for a healthy balance.

You begin and end this year with Venus in your sign. But the end of the year will feel very different to what it has done for many years due to the fact you are finally Pluto free from November 19. 2024 is a year where you can achieve many of your goals. Pluto should have done its work by plugging you into your own power. There should be no more room for doubts where this is concerned. 2024 should hand you the results of knowing that. In that you find your goals and ambitions easier to attain than you have for many years.

You’ve faced the fire within and been transformed. You know that allowing yourself to enjoy all the good things that life offers is okay. You’ve earned the cornucopia of love, pleasure and all the rewards. Now, look forward to powering on further in ‘25.

In a nutshell: Believe in yourself and that success is your birthright. The year ahead flows so much smoother when you give yourself permission to embrace your full, authentic power. Deeper insights into what you really need, open the floodgates that see it flow towards you.

11 Jan 2024 New Moon in Capricorn (1st)

12 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (1st to 5th)

20 Jan 2024 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (1st)

21 Jan 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius (2nd)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (2nd)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (4th)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (3rd)

25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (10th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (4th)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (4th)

10 Apr 2024 Mars and Saturn conjunct in Pisces (3rd)

21 Apr 2024 Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (5th)

8 May 2024 New Moon in Taurus (5th)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (5th)

19 May 2024 Ceres retrograde in Capricorn (1st)

23 May 2024 Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (5th)

25 May 2024 Jupiter enters Gemini (6th)

17 June 2024 Venus enters Cancer (7th)

21 June 2024 Sun enters Cancer (7th)

22 June 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn (1st)

26 June 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

29 June 2024 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (3rd)

3 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

5 Jul 2024 New Moon in Cancer (7th)

5 Jul 2024 Sun and new Moon in Cancer opposition Ceres in Capricorn (7th to 1st)

21 Jul 2024 Full Blue in Capricorn (1st)

27 Aug 2024 Ceres direct in Capricorn (1st)

2 Sept 2024 Retrograde Pluto re-enters Capricorn (1st)

18 Sept 2024 Full Supermoon in Pisces – Partial Lunar Eclipse (25 41’) (3rd)

30 Sept 2024 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (7th to 3rd)

2 Oct 2024 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (10 04’) (10th)

3 Nov 2024 Mars in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn (7th to 1st)

11 Nov 2024 Venus enters Capricorn (1st)

19 Nov 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius (2nd) – Never to return to Capricorn

6 Dec 2024 Mars stationary retrograde in Leo (8th)

21 Dec 2024 Sun enters Capricorn (1st)

All about Capricorn

Capricorn is an Earth sign ruled by Saturn the lord of responsibility. The most tenacious sign of the Zodiac Capricorn will always reach the top of the mountain. Powerful, strong and forceful Capricorns are capable of great success. Your soul lesson is learn to let go sometimes and let someone love you!

Below you can find free daily, weekly monthly and annual readings for Capricorn.

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