Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview August 27

August 27th – Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn

August 31st – Full ‘Blue’ Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune and Chiron in Pisces opp Sun in Virgo

September 1st – Venus in Cancer square Saturn in Libra

September 2nd – Mercury enters Virgo

  • Time those ground-breaking career moves
  • Loved ones may seem distant
  • Soul wounds come to the surface to be healed

This week the Sun in Virgo makes some career-making moves to Pluto planet of transformation in Capricorn. Some of you may literally ‘strike gold’ when it comes to career breakthroughs and good news could be forthcoming especially when Mercury planet of communication also enters Virgo on the 2nd.

However, there’s some tension going on between Venus presently in emotional and nurturing Cancer and Saturn planet of restriction in Libra sign of partnerships. These two planets do not mix well together. As a result loved ones may come across as cold or distant and if you’re turning to them for reassurance they may not be able to provide it.

On the 31st we have a full Moon in Pisces which is also a ‘blue’ moon. So just what is a ‘blue’ moon? A ‘blue’ moon refers to two full moons in a calendar month. The modern day calendar doesn’t reflect the actual lunar cycles as it’s been designed around 12 calendar months – but there are actually 13 lunar months. So occasionally we have a ‘left over’ moon although the origins of a blue moon may go back even further and owe its roots to Indian Vedic culture where there second of two full moons in an astrological sign was considered auspicious with the second moon termed ‘blue’. Spiritually this was also considered a time when the connection with the heavens was very potent – so it was a good time for meditation and prayer.

There’s a special significance to this full Moon be it blue or otherwise as it will be opposite the Sun in Virgo and also conjunct spiritual Neptune and Chiron also in Pisces. Chiron often represents the soul wound we all carry and this aspect may bring it to the surface in order for it to be healed. If you’re feeling more emotional than usual around this full Moon this is a real sign something important is going on. Take note of your feelings especially if they are linked to some long standing hurt or feeling of inadequacy. The universe is offering you an opportunity to examine this and heal it once and for all. Remember, we can only be free of something if we acknowledge it. Whatever has been holding you back take one last look at it before bidding it goodbye and look forward to soul freedom.

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