Your General Weekly Astrology Forecast February 23

25th – Pentagram: Juno in Leo sextile Moon in Gemini sextile Venus/Mars conjunct in Aries sextile Mercury in Aquarius sextile Saturn in Sagittarius trine Juno in Leo

26th – Sun/Neptune conjunct in Pisces

26th – Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in Aries

1st – Mercury in Aquarius exact opposition Jupiter in Leo and exact sextile to Uranus in Aries


  • What are you learning about partnerships?
  • Love who you are – just the way you are
  • You can only ever change one person and that is you

Hello beautiful soul and for all of us, we ARE the brightest stars in the sky this week as we welcome in the first glorious, glowing Pentagram to appear in what I am calling the Year of the Pentagram. It’s more than twinkling here – it’s about understanding our destiny is to SHINE! Venus and Mars are conjunct in Aries – and with Juno planet of marriage and partnerships in the mix here it’s all about us being with the right person we can shine as brightly as we can with. For singles, Saturn in here may have decided it is time for you to have that new learning experience with the unique soul for you – and Mercury in Aquarius is all about appreciating the fact that the perfect person for us doesn’t necessarily have to fit a preconceived idea of what they should look like, think or be. Be open but communication is the key to any successful relationship as the Moon in Gemini here reminds us.

Unexpected events and spiritual understanding could fuse on the following day (26th) when the Sun and Neptune meet in empathic Pisces while Venus, Mars and Uranus are mixing and mingling in Aries. What transpires when it comes to relationships is that many of us now – coupled up or single, suddenly realise that the best connections are formed with souls who know who they are and are happy with themselves. These people are then happy to let you be who you are in turn without trying to change you. How many relationships have you experienced – either yourself or as an observer, where the relationship comes to a clunking close due to one or both partners trying to change the other – and usually this involves trying to change the very things that attracted them to one another in the first place? Love who you are and others will love you for just that and what’s more you’ll attract someone able to do the same. If you come to the conclusion this week that a connection does not allow you to do that and you are bending yourself out of shape to accommodate some else’s ideas around who or what you should be, then Mercury in Aquarius opposing Jupiter in Leo and sextiling Uranus should allow you to open up a frank discussion about what you need now. See this as soul growth work and the truth is – partnerships provide us with the best opportunity to do this work, no matter whether our current partner is able to engage in it with us or not. Accept who your partner is and where they are, that’s the message this week, just as it’s time to accept yourself. Even if this means continuing on the journey alone for a time. That’s true star quality in every sense of the word.