Pisces Solar Eclipse – The Beginning Of The End

This is the first in a series of articles from astrological up and coming talent. I love helping people where I can and I want to provide the opportunity for brilliant astrologers to share their wisdom with you all. Idan approached me and I loved his passionate style. Idan has been into astrology since he was 14 and at the ripe old age of 20 is truly a golden young talent who I am delighted to share with you.

On March 20th, the moon will eclipse the sun, just few hours prior to the Northern hemisphere’s spring equinox. And that is the least interesting thing that will happen!

The Sun and Moon will meet at the last degree of the zodiac, the 29° Pisces. But it is also the first degree of the zodiac coming into 0° Aries. What does it mean for all of us?  I believe that the timing of this eclipse is no coincidence. The universe gives silent yet loud signals of change, of transition into another phase. Solar eclipses always signify some major beginning of an upcoming phase, karmic of sorts. Positioned in the last degree of Pisces, it symbolizes the beginning of the end. Before we move into a new period of time, before the exact trine with the retrograding Saturn, we come to a point of silence. It is the point of no return, the point of unity with source, with everything and everyone- peace.

But what change exactly, what should we expect? This degree’s Sabian Symbol is- “A Majestic Rock Formation Resembling a Face Is Idealized by a Boy Who Takes It as His Ideal of Greatness, And as He Grows Up, Begins to look like it”. It is a time of coming into who we are, our core essence, realizing our greatest version. It’s also the degree of the dream manifesting itself, the rock that we looked up to, is now forming itself through us, through our being. Which takes us perfectly to the first degree of Aries, the starting point, the point where we become ourselves, fully. The unapologetic degree of assertiveness, of expressing our uniqueness, before anyone had the chance to ruin it.

It is not the time to think “straight” or become rationally aware of things. It’s the time to surrender, to take down the barriers and take in the inspiration, the unconscious realization that who you are, by just being, is enough. The Leo Jupiter only emphasizes the joy of being yourself, expressing what you love and going after it.  The Sagittarius Saturn reminds us to respect the diversity of humanity and nature, and to embrace it as we embrace our own personal uniqueness. It seems like an exciting time of stepping into our own heart’s directive.  Finally, there’s hope. Finally, the passion is back, after a long time of an uncompromising change.