Your General Monthly Astrology Forecast for April

4th – Full Moon in Libra (Full Pink Moon) – Total Lunar Eclipse

8th – Mercury/Uranus exact conjunct in Aries

8th – Jupiter direct in Leo

10th – Sun/Mercury/Uranus/Eris conjunct in Aries

11th – Venus enters Gemini

14th – Mercury enters Taurus

17th – Pluto retrograde in Capricorn

18th – New Moon in Aries

20th – Sun enters Taurus

23rd – Mercury/Mars exact conjunct in Taurus

  • Balance may require tipping the scales
  • What shakes up the established order of things?
  • Expansion and opportunity are back on the astro-menu!

We’ve another total eclipse this month but this one is a Total Lunar Eclipse and takes place in the sign of partnerships, Libra on the 4th. This is a Pink Moon rising as traditionally, this full Moon is known as the Pink Moon. Libra is the only sign of the zodiac that is an inanimate object as opposed to a living being (even a mythical one!). It is the 7th house in the Zodiac and if we are to look at Aries being the 1st – which represents the rising sign or rising Sun, then Libra would be the setting Sun and this is what the sign represented in ancient Egypt. It also represents the equals = sign. If you look at the glyph for Libra you can see how similar they are. This is why Libra is associated not only with partnerships but with balance too. The ‘middle ground’ is very much a Libran philosophy as is ‘sitting on the fence’. If you know (or are!) a Libran, their desire to maintain balance and not come down on one side or another can infuriate many others. The other down-side to this is taking a ‘peace at all costs’ approach and taking compromise to the extreme to the point where we ‘give ourselves away’ totally. Therefore, this eclipse may bring up the need to compromise but balanced with the knowledge that occasionally, compromise may not be the answer and we need to come down firmly on one side or the other!

With major conjunctions happening in Libra’s opposite sign of Aries around this time – we have an exact conjunction between Mercury and Uranus on the 8th and then a meeting between the Sun, Mercury, Uranus and new planet Eris on the 10th, events may unfold that make us see that in order to restore balance, we need to take action one way or another and that fence-sitting or compromising just to keep the peace, is not possible – or even desirable. Natural justice however, can be restored and that is how the scales balance again. The message: Don’t be afraid to take a stand – or to come down definitively on one side or the other.

Jupiter direct again in Leo from the 8th restores expansion opportunities and permission to shine pursuing what lights up our souls while Venus’s arrival in Gemini on the 11th puts the emphasis on communicating with love, beauty and creativity – all of which may assist us in restoring that balance by smoothing ruffled feathers if we have been forced to take a stand. Mercury arrives in Venus’s ruling sign of Taurus just three days later meaning that these two have plenty to talk about and what’s more – it won’t just stay ‘talk’ but can be incorporated into ideas and used to enhance every aspect of our being.

Pluto is one of those planets who just gets well, a lot more him when he turns retrograde which he does on the 17th. He’s shaking up the established order of things in Capricorn so expect a whole lot more shakin’ going on as a result. If we look back at the financial crisis which began when Pluto first entered here and also the revelations that have shocked and rocked many established organisations, we may have an inkling about what to expect – especially if scandals appear to have been died down or attention has gone elsewhere. They will re-surface again if they have not been properly dealt with.

New opportunities to take actions which can re-define ourselves or how we are perceived could be the gift of the late-blooming new Moon in Aries on the 18th which occurs just two days before the Sun enters sensual and earthy Taurus asking us what we want to experience in the world. The use of our talents, the rewards of this and all the pleasures life has to offer – which includes art, music, good food and love, Mercury and Mars will meet in here on the 23rd and Mars’s energy does not sit very well in a feminine sign – especially as Venus has left here. He does however send us off in pursuit of pleasure while Mercury may alert us or bring us news of how, where and with whom we can experience this. As usual, it’s all a question of balance. Of being in the world and enjoying all it has to offer without this becoming an all-encompassing desire or reason for being. Love and money are all the same energy but just two aspects of all life has to offer. Don’t limit yourself to just these two this April if you want a balanced life.