The Royal Baby – A Princess on Her Own Terms

On Saturday May 2 2015, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge welcomed a daughter into the world at 8.34 am. So, what does her chart tell us about our as yet to be named new princess?

She has her Sun in sensual Taurus and elevated in her 11th house of her connection with the collective. Also, Uranus ruler of the 11th resides in here telling us she could have unusual and unconventional ideas – especially when it comes to her role as a royal. Uranus falls very close to new, warrior goddess planet Eris in here as well which tells us this Princess will be determined to live her life on her own terms.

The Princess has Cancer rising which will give her a strong sense of connection to her family and she will be close to her brother George. Interestingly enough there is family karma going on here as this ascendant falls very close to her late grandmother Diana’s natal Sun. As Marc Cohn wrote in his beautiful song ‘The Things We’ve Handed Down’: Some things skip a generation, Like I’ve heard they often can. We may see even more of Diana’s legacy being lived out through her, especially given her 11th house planets as Diana ensured her own children remained connected to ‘ordinary’ people and experiences. What concerns us will concern this Princess.

The Princess’s Moon sits in her 5th house in Libra and opposes her natal Uranus in the 11th. Kate will also be a major influence and she should have her mother’s style and Kate will encourage her to express her individuality. She’s got a lot to say and some of this may echo and expand on grandfather Charles’s beliefs especially around environmental issues which she may become passionate about. Jupiter sits in her 3rd house of communication and travel. She will be profoundly influenced by what she sees and experiences in the world, taking up the verbal sword to champion causes. Many astrologers forget that in ancient times the sign of Cancer was associated with explorers due to its association with the Moon and tides. Yes, Cancer likes somewhere to come home to, but this Princess will explore both ideas and other cultures and be very aware of what is going on in the world. She will be encouraged in this by her father as well and both of them may encounter opposition to some of their ideas and having the courage to stand by them and express these could be part of the soul challenge she faces.

The Princess also has loaded 6th and 12th houses. Saturn, new planet Quaoa which links us to universal wisdom, and also Pallas (Minerva) which falls conjunct Quaoa, sits within her 6th house. This Princess will work hard and not be content with just being a ‘royal’. Her Part of Fortune also sits in here which says she is prepared to work and accomplish things on her own terms. Her 12th house sees Mercury in his ruling sign of Gemini and also Venus as well as fiery Mars conjunct planet of the environment Sedna opposing Saturn.  These make a square to Neptune ruler of the 12th house elevated in Pisces in the 10th. She will want to make a difference in the world and will literally be prepared to do battle on some level to accomplish this but again, there could be opposition. She is highly intuitive and able to channel information intuitively picking up a lot from people and her surroundings. Again, if she talks about this, she may meet with opposition or even derision but once she finds her ‘voice’ she is not likely to back down!

A powerful man forms part of her future with Pluto sitting in her marriage house and quincunx Jupiter conjunct Juno in her 2nd. Pluto also trines her Sun and also Mars and Sedna. This will be a transformational relationship for her – literally for better or worse. This man looks as if he has made it on his own terms (this will be a big part of his attraction) and is not likely to be royal. They may share many ideas in common especially around the environment and what needs to be done in the world. Together they will be a power couple, with the Princess’s Moon in the 5th, children will play a big role in their lives. This is not to say this may be a fairy tale ending however. If power issues emerge in the marriage then trouble could ensue.

Whatever her name and no matter how her future unfolds, we can safely say we have a Princess determined to be herself and to live her role as a royal very much on her own terms.