Moon Signs – Your Emotional Karma

Where your moon sign is is incredibly important to how you relate to other people particularly in your romantic relationships. Moon sign represents how you are emotionally and usually your karmic relationship to your mother. It’s how you tend to respond emotionally and how you felt in childhood.  Some people say the Moon sign is particularly important to women but I feel it is equally important to all as we are all Yin/Yang.

The moon is a brilliant thing to look at when entering a relationship with someone as it will give you a good idea about how they will respond in a love relationship and how deep they can go. Someone with Moon in Aquarius for instance may tend to intellectualise their emotions and be a free spirit where someone with Moon in Pisces will have a lot of intuition and emotional empathy.

Moon in Aries

People with Moon in Aries are very spontaneous with their feelings, they leap from emotion to emotion and may be quick to anger. Very sensitive and go getting, if they want your attention they want it now. Moon in Aries people probably had an independent strong mother and learnt very quickly to be independent emotionally themselves although they do crave constant attention and can be demanding in love. Life will never be boring with a Moon in Aries person as they strive to make you laugh and seek to conquer you emotionally. Passionate and full on they respond well to people who have Moon in a water sign so that they can be a hero.

Positive – Generous, larger than life, romantic, passionate

Shadow- Demanding, forceful, insensitive

Moon in Taurus

Moon in Taurus people are ideal lovers as when they commit to you they tend to be loyal. A strong sense of family and a great love of all things sensual these folk want you for life if they fall in love with you. Their childhood should have been quite stable but either way they will on some level crave stability now. Good food, curling up with lots of affection, long term relationships are things Moon in Taurus live for. They can be stubborn, possessive and demanding but they’re usually in it for the long hall.

Positive – Loyal, adoring, sensual, committed

Shadow- Stubborn, jealous, needy, materialistic

Moon in Gemini

Moon in Gemini people usually find it very difficult to connect emotionally, they are too busy flitting about and tend to get turned on by ideas and intellect rather than emotions. Moon in Gemini people are also incredibly good at changing their mind for no apparent reason and more importantly changing what they feel. They need emotional freedom and don’t like to be pinned down or controlled. They will make every effort to connect to what you’re saying but might be totally miffed by your emotions. They will talk to you all day long about the state of your relationship but it is still almost impossible to rely on them to be consistent. They may have experienced their mother being emotionally unavailable in some way.

Positive- Talkative, quick witted, sense of humour, bright

Shadow – Shallow, changeable, non monogamous. flirty

Moon in Cancer

Moon in Cancer people are incredibly sensitive and more than any other sign need emotional security. They usually have a karmic bond with their mother (for good or bad) and find it very difficult to break the bond. They also make great mothers or fathers themselves and will live for their kids. Moon in Cancer loves totally and wants to nurture you in a relationship but if insecure can get quite manipulative as they have the potential to do anything to maintain emotional security.

Positive – nurturing, sensual, warm, motherly

Shadow- manipulative, insecure, needy

Moon in Leo

Emotionally generous with a huge warmth Moon in Leo when they love, love totally. Leo Moon can however be emotionally demanding like Moon in Aries and can also be a bit arrogant or critical of their lover as they have very high expectations. Usually Moon in Leo people had a strong mother or a mother concerned with their looks. Moon Leo will fiercely protect their lover and desire a mate who they can be proud of, expect them to be generous but also flirtatious, jealous but also have a double standard where they feel entitled to do their own thing. Although a bit of  handful if you capture their heart they will shower you with love.

Positive – warm, affectionate, complimentary, big hearted

Shadow – Proud, conceited, jealous

Moon in Virgo

Moon in Virgo’s have a tough time expressing emotions and can tend to put lovers on a pedestal or experience all their emotions from afar with an unrequited love or as part of a love triangle.  Once they truly love, they will love forever and even if the relationship is long over they have the tendency to stay out of a sense of duty.They can also go from adoring you to becoming very critical as a way of hiding from intimacy. They find it incredibly hard to express their deepest emotions and inadvertently put up barriers.  In this position it can be difficult to let go. Sexually they can go through periods of celibacy or have a wild wanton secret affair. The karmic lesson is to avoid extremes, often Moon in Virgo can be drawn to religion.

Positive – good listeners, supportive, loyal

Shadow- unemotional, detached, lonely

Moon in Libra

Moon in Libra people are usually charming and kind, they love to bring beauty and harmony into emotional situations. Sometimes they are a little too agreeable and do whatever it takes to keep the peace. They have a real tendency to put others needs before their own.  If they’re in a difficult situation they can swing into depression. Artistic and creative they also make very good councillors. They have a strong sense of justice and find it difficult to deal with loudness or aggression. They  shine in social situations as they put people at ease. In childhood the mother could have been detached or intellectualised emotions.

Positive – gentle, loving, kind, compassionate

Shadow- people pleasers, clingy, dependent

Moon in Scorpio

Moon in Scorpio people are intense and secretive. They won’t reveal themselves unless they trust you. They have a deep rooted fear of loosing control and so can avoid intimacy  unless totally in love. Often Moon in Scorpio can get obsessive and refuse to let go of an idea of love. Moon in Scorpio often had a difficult or challenging relationship with their mother where they did not feel they could trust the mother or the mother died in their childhood, the relationship with the mother is always intense. Moon in Scorpio’s are like old souls and were probably very wise of aware in childhood.

Positive – Deep, psychic, sexual, intense

Shadow – Possessive, paranoid, unfaithful, obsessive

Moon in Sagittarius

Moon in Sagittarius are unpredictable and need to be a bit of a free spirit. They also can change their mind or emotional state in a split second. They’re passionate about travel and feel at home in other countries. They can often fall in love with someone from another culture or who is quite unlike themselves. Philosophical and brave they can also be temperamental and say the wrong thing at the wrong time particularly in an intimate situation! The mother is likely to be slightly eccentric/wild or excessively religious.

Positive – Expansive, generous, affectionate, loving

Shadow – insensitive, loud, unpredictable

Moon in Capricorn

People born with Moon in Capricorn are usually an old soul. They are born with an innate sense of responsibility and find it very hard to let go. Even as a kid they felt they had to behave in a certain way. Often Moon in Capricorn have had some kind of emotional trauma in childhood and have learned to protect themselves emotionally. They detest vulnerability and they will always be protective of those they love. Sometimes it may feel hard to get close to someone with Moon in Capricorn (unless they have Pisces or water in their chart to compensate) as they prefer to give than to receive. There is usually a complicated relationship to the mother and an old wound.

Positive – Loyal, hard working, responsible, committed

Shadow – Stubborn, pig headed, obstinate, distant

Moon in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius need more emotional freedom than any other sign. They will never judge you and will always believe in you but they also need to be able to express exactly who they are. Moon Aquarius will be creative and forward thinking, they have the knack of knowing what is coming next and being one step ahead. In love they tend to intellectualise and think about love rather than get lost in the emotion. Moon in Aquarius probably accepts their mother unconditionally but never had that a closeness, the mother could be emotionally distant or very intellectual.

Positive – Visionary, creative, freedom loving, non judgmental.

Shadow – Distant, cold, unreachable.

Moon in Pisces

Moon in Pisces is the most romantic of all the moons. The Pisces Moon will feel what you’re feeling and give you what you need. Romance, cuddles, intense love are all easy for the Pisces Moon. Psychic and intuitive the only danger for a Pisces moon is becoming deluded about other peoples intentions, seeing the best in people and getting lost in illusion. The mother of Pisces moon probably had these aspects too, a dreamer who was too intense or even drank too much as drinking is also a Moon Pisces vice.

Positive – Warm, kind, sensual, loving, intuitive

Shadow- Hedonist, flirt, no boundaries.

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