Sagittarius Horoscope for Jupiter in Libra

jupiter in libra

Get ready for the unstoppable combination of friends and magic, Sag! Your ruler Jupiter is on the move this September and arrives in your 11th house. Time to have the courage to be who you are – no apologies, no holds barred. Success could come to you via others during this period but the message now is to be yourself. Time also to discover that it may not be what you know that determines your success in the next 13 months but who you know. Or should I say who you are going to get to know? Jupiter as you know always expands and in this case he will be expanding both your personal and professional circles.

Whenever Jupiter enters anyone’s 11th house I always tell them to make a wish. But as we are talking Jupiter’s ability to big everything up, I do suggest you make three. This is your house of goals, wishes and dreams after all. And this of course is where that touch of magic just may play a part. Because at some point during Jupiter’s transit of this house you should see at least one of them come true. Just because Jupiter is your ruler, does not mean you can sit back and wait for Jupiter to act as your cosmic FedEx delivery dude and dump that wish nicely packaged in your lap. We have to engage Jupiter’s energy and ability to deliver us apparent ‘lucky’ breaks, by taking whatever steps we can to manifest that goal. If we do this, then Jupiter will put the right people or circumstances in our path to make that dream a reality.

As I said, this is your house of friends, groups, professional contacts and associations of all kinds. During the unusually long transit that Jupiter makes of this house – 13 months instead of the usual 12, many new, interesting and unique individuals are going to cross your path. Your circle is going to expand and the people who enter your life now could be a major influence when it comes to attaining those dreams. If you have been thinking about joining a club, group or society, please take that step now as the people you connect with via this will benefit you in ways you cannot possibly imagine. Being authentic and finding your ‘people’ is also part and parcel of this Jupiter cycle. Think back to the kind of people who crossed your path 12 years ago when Jupiter was last in this house. You could encounter similar personalities now. Have your business cards handy (or order them now!) as you will be handing them out. And be ready to accept others and when you do, hang on to them as you will be using them!

If certain connections have lapsed, Jupiter in your 11th says why not get back in touch? You may also discover old friends getting back in touch with you. Existing friendships enjoy a rejuvenation and old ones could feel like new. Your diary should fill up and you may even find your social life takes precedence over other areas of your life. It’s more of a social hurricane that’s building than a social whirl now with you at the epicentre!

As with all Jupiter cycles, Jupiter may turn up in person and embodying your ideal Sag-type friend. One friendship in particular could prove to be highly significant and turn out to be a lasting one. They will have that unapologetic, know-who-they-are vibe you resonate with. You love their straight talking, sense of humour and above all, their ideas. Especially when it comes to helping you succeed with your dreams. You may benefit from the generosity of one of your friends who may also be on a lucky streak and want to share this with you. This person may be one and the same or you may just end up feeling you have hit the jackpot on the friendship table this year!

Of course, if you have slumped into hermit mode and refuse Jupiter’s invitation to get out and meet and connect, then you will remain in hermit mode. Just be aware that if you remain shut away from the world, you will stay that way for some time to come. Jupiter however will try his best to drag you out the door as the party has started and you are the guest of honour now!

When it comes to those wishes and goals: if these come under Jupiter’s rulership then know that you have a better-than-average chance of coming true. All wishes have a promise about them now, but you can increase your chances when you focus on goals linked to the Sag-ruled areas you love. Travel, learning, the outdoors, the mass media, the law, sports, comedy, animals and taking a chance on something – Jupiter gives all these his extra backing.

Your 11th house is Libra, the sign of partnerships and lasting love. Naturally this cycle emphases the love of friends more than anything. But Libra is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and romance.  So, we can hardly talk about goals, wishes and dreams and not talk about those love goals now, can we? If you are seeking love now then it goes without saying that your social circle could be your best resource now. You may discover a lover when and where you least expect it as this is also your house of surprises! The 11th house rules the internet so it is worth giving on-line dating a whirl but no matter what avenue you try, be aware that love is most likely to find you when you are out and about with others and at a time when it is furthest from your mind. For those of you already in a relationship, then you and your significant other could be out partying together or even both joining that club or group.

You may decide to kick-start this cycle by yourself. Your 11th house is the house of the individual who does it for themselves. Whether you are female or male, expect at least one of the friends you attract during this cycle to be a highly independent woman who is very much her own person whether she is in a relationship or not. Eccentrics, rebels, humanitarians and visionary geniuses are all the kinds of individuals you will attract now. You could also find yourself in the position where you are a lightning conductor. You attract the lightning –the bright people or flash of inspiration. If so, this is just one of Jupiter’s many gifts for you in here. And one of the many ways he will bring about those dreams coming true now.