Weekly General Astrology Forecast March 27th 2023

Weekly General Astrology Forecast March 27th 2023

Have the courage to be vulnerable

Opportunity can arrive in disguise

Evolve your values

This week wants to remind us that while our feelings reflect our emotional truth, they are not facts. Do hang on to this on the 30th. Amazing insights can follow. As can improved relationships, closeness and the ability to be authentic with others. Mars in sensitive Cancer trines Saturn in compassionate, empathic Pisces. It reminds us there is always another perspective available. And usually the only way we gain that is by having the courage to be vulnerable and bare our souls.

If we take that step, are genuine and let our defences down, the other party usually becomes equally open. So, try this before reacting or using a knee jerk response. Keep the dialogue non-judgemental as in ‘The feelings that came up for me were . . .’. And if this links to something in your past, again, have the courage to talk about it. You will walk away renewed and also feeling stronger.

Mercury meets Jupiter in Aries on the 28th while Venus and Uranus meet in Taurus on the 30th. Venus is in its domicile in Taurus. So, we say Venus rules here. It promises fabulous outcomes, beneficial and surprising new directions, unexpected opportunities and solutions aligned to our core values. Our inner core and our outer actions are perfectly aligned. We ditch the disconnect and are certain of the result we want to attain. Which again, helps bring about the outcome we’re seeking whether this is emotional or material.

Just be aware however that often the path to our goals can seem to be a detour but is in fact, a more direct route than what we thought. Do keep an open mind on this as this conjunction can bring up an option that doesn’t quite look like we thought it would. But deserves our serious consideration. If it results in an electric charge of excitement – explore it.

Evolve your sense of self-worth and identity now. Yes, buttons can be pushed this week but being honest about your feelings doesn’t make YOU a pushover! Money talks as does your self-esteem as Mercury lands in Taurus on the 2nd. We’re still very much in full-throttle, fast and furious forward motion. But that will end in April. For now, feeling stronger, go off in pursuit of gains in income, love or that all-too-important goal to sacrifice. What matters is that it matters to you now.

In a nutshell: Open up to vulnerability and understanding. Dare to talk about what you really feel while owning this is your truth. Then prepare to get a fresh perspective. Out of the blue events point us all in a fresh evolutionary direction.

28 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aries (Aries)

30 Mar 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (Cancer to Pisces)

30 Mar 2023 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (Taurus)

2 Apr 2023 Mercury enters Taurus (Taurus)