Monthly General Astrology Forecast June 2023

Monthly General Astrology Forecast June 2023

How we define ourselves changes

Chart a fresh course for the rest of the year

June kicks off with one of the most fabulous days of the year for manifesting on the 1st. Jupiter the planet of good fortune offers us hope and possibility. We are urged to believe and follow our path as the North Node lights our way.   If you could see yourself in a fulfilling and glorious future what would it look like? Always remember that the Cosmos may have something even more delicious in store. The key to manifesting is to KNOW it is possible.

Money destiny (yes, it does have one), features on the 1st too. The same day as Mercury flies free of its retroshadow in here. And the same day as a Fixed Grand Cross stretches across the sky.

This may have a big impact on us personally and globally as it occurs days before a full Moon in Sagittarius on the 4th (sign of foreigners and overseas). The 4th also brings newly freed Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Taurus. The result could be unexpected upheavals, storms and lightning strikes across the global money markets with a trickle-down effect to our personal bank accounts and values. For some, it could bring an abundance uplift but don’t be too spontaneous this month.Sagittarius rules gambling and luck. We could see winners and losers. Big shorts paying off, financial decisions or investments we made 19 years ago coming full circle or alternatively, anything we over-valued going through a re-adjustment or its true worth exposed.

Pluto lands back in Capricorn this month (11th) so events may echo what was happening back in March when it switched signs. There’s a feeling of playing catch-up or the other Beirkenstock dropping if we have been waiting for something to finally play out. there may still be another chapter to come.

We are in outer planet retro weather now. So the energy is slow moving. Saturn turns back in Pisces (17th) and Neptune also in here (30th). Along with Pluto back and forth, that chapter may unfold in fits and starts. Or get re-written along the way. And when it comes to re-writing, we can do that to our personal stories too. It is a second chance!

How we choose to define ourselves may change this month with Venus’s move into glorious Leo and its opposition to Pluto just before it exits Aquarius. How we are influenced or what we feel we need to do to gain recognition or stand out is set for another seismic shift. We’ll seek out new ways to be authentically creative. To express our passions. Who we have followed or who we have been influenced by may also be subject to those lighting strikes. But this time of our own inspired making! Time to look at how you express your creativity and unique essence. None of us are the same. So why try to be anything else than an original?

A late new Moon in Gemini (18th) asks we take our new perceptions and look to how we communicate these. Visually and verbally. It’s time to explore and showcase how our ideas about ourselves have changed. How we convey this via our ideas, what we say and send out and what we communicate. We are all storytellers and we all have a story to share. Look to how you brand yours under this new Moon. Oh, and remember that words are powerful spells. What thoughts and words do you want to caste and conjure under this New Moon?

The summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter one in the Southern (June 21st) ushers in Cancer’s birthday season. We are now at the halfway point in the astrological year. And it’s only natural to pause and look back at what we’ve achieved or how far we’ve come since the start of the year. And to reassess where we want to go next. A perfect turning point to redirect our energy.

Cancer  season strikes on the 21st encouraging us to get cosy. In fact, we can all access our inner homing beacons. Something – a place, a milestone, a goal – calls us towards it. The electro-magnetic elements of our mind and spirit align to this – a bit like a migrating bird to the Earth’s magnetic field. This is the surety of the path we are supposed to take. And it’s only when we question it or allow ourselves to be diverted from it that we get blown off course.

We can all realign or reclaim it now as the year pivots. Cancer is the sign that shows us not just the importance of home, but the fact home is also a path and purpose we take with us (like the crab’s shell), and sustains us wherever we go. Time to rediscover yours – no matter what your sign. So, embark on a journey which can define the rest of the year for you.

In a nutshell: How we want to define ourselves, be seen and appreciated, may undergo a radical re-invention this June. Ahead of the solstice and Cancer’s birthday season, we all pivot how we see ourselves – and how we want the rest of the year to unfold!

1 Jun 2023 Jupiter conjunct the North Node in Taurus (Taurus)

1 Jun 2023 Mercury exits retroshadow in Taurus (Taurus)

1 Jun 2023 Fixed Grand Cross (Wide) Jupiter conjunct the North Node in Taurus (3o) square Mars in Leo (6o) square Moon in Scorpio (0-6) square anaretic Pluto in Aquarius (0o) opposition Mars in Leo (6o). Jupiter conjunct North Node in Taurus opposition Moon in Scorpio (0-6) (Taurus to Leo to Scorpio to Aquarius to Taurus)

2 Jun 2023 Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (Cancer to Pisces)

4 Jun 2023 Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus (Taurus)

4 Jun 2023 Full Moon in Sagittarius (Sagittarius)

5 Jun 2023 Venus enters Leo (Leo)

5 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (Leo to Aquarius)

9 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces (Taurus to Pisces)

10 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo opposition Neptune in Pisces (Virgo to Pisces)

11 Jun 2023 Pluto retrograde re-enters Capricorn (Capricorn)

11 Jun 2023 Mercury in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn (Taurus to Capricorn)

11 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Gemini (Gemini)

11 Jun 2023 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (Leo to Taurus)

15 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (Gemini to Pisces)

17 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Venus in Leo (Gemini to Leo)

17 Jun 2023 Saturn stationary retrograde in Pisces (Pisces)

18 Jun 2023 New Moon in Gemini (Gemini)

19 Jun 2023 Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (Gemini to Pisces)

19 Jun 2023 Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (Taurus to Pisces)

21 Jun 2023 Sun enters Cancer (Cancer)

21 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini sextile Mars in Leo (Gemini to Leo)

21 Jun 2023 Ceres in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (Virgo to Capricorn)

22 Jun 2023 Ceres re-enters Libra (Libra)

23 Jun 2023 Juno enters Cancer (Cancer)

23 Jun 2023 Vesta enters Gemini (Gemini)

25 Jun 2023 Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (Gemini to Pisces)

26 Jun 2023 Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (Leo to Taurus)

27 Jun 2023 Mercury enters Cancer (Cancer)

29 Jun 2023 Sun in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (Cancer to Pisces)

30 Jun 2023 Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (Cancer to Pisces)

30 Jun 2023 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (Pisces)