Weekly General Astrology Forecast August 7th 2023

Weekly General Astrology Forecast August 7th 2023

Expect a return on the love you’ve invested

Revivals feature

Go the distance

Retro-active love could feature for many this week. Not just in the form of the return of the one that got away either. Retrogrades involve ‘re’ words. No matter what planet is backwards or which sign or house the retrograde takes place in. This week we have the Sun in its ruling sign of Leo, conjunct retrograde Venus. This is fabulous retrograde energy. Think good ‘re’ words in the sign that rules romance, pleasure, hobbies, holidays, lovers, babies, children, showstopping moves and joy.

Venus rules Taurus as well as Libra. Our bank accounts and what happens in our bedrooms. This week sees the Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (7th). And then retro-Venus square Uranus in Taurus (9th). This could see an unexpected re-run, return, reunion, revival, reconciliation or second time around opportunity come spinning out of nowhere. But at the same time asks us if we truly, madly, deeply did want it in the first place?

Make a list of all the ‘re’ words you can think of which reuse the themes of joy, delight and pure sensual bliss. One of them should turn out to be totally applicable to your personal Venus retro surprise package this week.

The retro vibe is being carried forward but now at a slower speed by Mercury in its ruling sign of Virgo. It’s not fully retrograde yet. That happens later this month. Mercury slowing down gives us more time to consider what’s on offer. We don’t have to give our answer right away. The 10th is one of the best days of the month for work and money matters as Mercury trines Jupiter. Focus, attention to detail, due diligence, deliberation, willingness to go the distance – those of us who have dedicated ourselves to this with a specific goal in mind, could be handed the tangible results and rewards that exceed our expectations. Yes, result is a ‘re’ word too. As is reward.

In a nutshell: A surprise return or second chance revival around someone or something we love rekindles a lost spark this week. Detail, dedication and a willingness to put in the work also brings rewards for others.

7 Aug 2023 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus (Leo to Taurus)

9 Aug 2023 Retrograde Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus (Leo to Taurus)

10 Aug 2023 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (Virgo to Taurus)

13 Aug 2023 Sun conjunct retrograde Venus in Leo (Leo)