Weekly General Astrology Forecast January 15th 2024

Weekly General Astrology Forecast January 15th 2024

Join the Great Escape!

Are you ready for a soul intervention?

Happy birthday, Aquarius

Watch for final soul-forging moments this week. And for a new path to freedom to open up. This will be particularly powerful if you have anaertic planets or chart aspects. The anaretic degrees are 29 and 0. So the end of one sign and the start of another. Do check your chart and if you are unsure, one of our gifted astrologers will be happy to help you.

First, look for a new birth when it comes to release or opportunity. The bigger the vision or the love we have, the further this can take us as Venus and Ceres meet in Sagittarius on the 16th. For fire signs and also Geminis, this occurs at 20-21 degrees. So again, check your chart for anything within this orb. New directions can appear. Something is on offer to be explored. A solution, a great escape, a lucky break. Whatever form it comes in, it represents a win/win or entree into a cycle of pursuit of a greater love. This is our starting point where we begin to experience something bigger.

The 20th sees the Sun and Pluto meet at anaretic – 29 degrees Capricorn. For the final time in our lifetimes. Pluto will return to Capricorn once more. But it will exit Capricorn for good in November – before the Sun reaches here. This final conjunction will bring about the final stages of a long transformational process for many. Especially those with anaretic planets in the Cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. This also includes government bodies, corporations, institutions and those at the top of these structures. The towers of power in other words. Watch for shifts, shake-ups amongst the movers and shakers, falls from grace and moves up and down. Also watch corporate real estate – the literal Towers of Power as this may have a role to play.

This is the energy of the card of The Tower in action as just hours after the conjunction, the Sun shifts into Aquarius and then Pluto follows in here the next day (21st). This is also the day when Mercury clears its retroshadow in Capricorn. Wake-up calls are on their way. Like a bolt from the blue we see things as they really are – not as we would like them to be. Awakenings can be surprising, shocking even, but always liberating.

Pluto rules power and Aquarius rules the collective. So think of Pluto in Aquarius as power passing to the people. This especially applies if the people have given power to those who don’t deserve it or have abused it. When a planet is anaretic – its influence is at a peak. I often refer to it as ‘In and Out Astrology’. We see very clearly the energy change. So, Aquarius – your birthday cycle this year may be marked by unmissable events and a shift around power structures which announce Pluto’s arrival in your sign. Those of you whose birthday falls on the 20th – 21st will experience a big turnaround or transformation in an important area in the coming year.

Pluto in Aquarius will bring us dramatic changes for the better around situations which have been outgrown, or anything built on shaky foundations. Anyone who has acted purely out their own self-interests or ambitions, will find themselves purged from their positions. Although Pluto in Aquarius may initially seem to cause collapses and shocks, we need to keep in mind that its purpose is actually the reverse of that. Anything that is built on false pretences – a relationship, a career, even a system or government, is cleared away so we are free to create something real in its place.

Pluto in Aquarius is set to protect and purify us. It shows us as individuals and as a collective, what we need to do in the name of our own self-preservation and freedom. Get ready for an intervention – Pluto style!

In a nutshell: Happy birthday, Aquarius. You begin a birthday cycle in full phoenix mode thanks to Pluto’s re-arrival in your sign. Time to embrace transformation and soar free of false structures. Anything that’s not built to last will be replaced by something future-proof and strong.

16 Jan 2023 Venus and Ceres conjunct in Sagittarius (Sagittarius)

16 Jan 2024 Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (Capricorn to Pisces)

18 Jan 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces (Capricorn to Pisces)

19 Jan 2024 Mercury in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (Capricorn to Taurus)

19 Jan 2024 Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces (Sagittarius to Pisces)

20 Jan 2024 Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (Capricorn)

20 Jan 2024 Sun enters Aquarius (Aquarius)

21 Jan 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius (Aquarius)

21 Jan 2024 Mercury retroshadow ends in Capricorn (Capricorn)