Weekly General Astrology Forecast January 29th 2024

Weekly General Astrology Forecast January 29th 2024

What’s your excuse not to Go for It?!

Make happiness part of your definition of success

You are not your past but your present magnificent creation!

As we head into February we now hit one of those rare and wonderful cycles where all the planets are direct in the sky. This is going to take us all the way through to the second week of March which is when Mercury will enter retroshadow in Aries in preparation for full retrograde in April. So, no excuses. No procrastination. Just assertive and unimpeded action.

Just Do It is the message of the two main aspects this week. The 29th sees Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Venus’s ruling sign of Taurus. While Mars also in Capricorn, trines Uranus in Taurus. This is about passionate pursuit of what matters to us. The desire to achieve and attain something. For ourselves and our loved ones. This may not just touch on our career and material rewards. What we may desire may be a home, a relationship, security for our family.

Mars is ready to do whatever it takes. We rise to the challenge with Mars in here. Confident we can conquer or achieve what we set out to do. Venus aligns us to our emotional goals as well as our material ones. It shows us success feels empty if we sacrifice one for the other. That happiness and love are prerequisites as part of our take-out. We have to include these as part of the package.

This week has the power to turn our dreams into reality. If we stop merely dreaming and do what needs to be done in order to manifest them. We can also step free of past failures, wounds or unhappy memories. Mercury’s angle to Neptune (2nd), exposes these. But not in a way where we continue to deny or suppress them. We can acknowledge them, understand the role they played when it comes to how we felt or the actions we took, integrate these and now simply move on.

We can consciously and bravely choose to look fearlessly at the past which created our magnificence today, but we are no longer bound by it. We instead celebrate the personal integration and wholeness that has resulted from this. It fuels our determination to have what we want. We become unstoppable forces of our own creation. The future then has no limits. Go meet yours this week.

In a Nutshell: Explore your limitless potential this week. Refuse to be defined by your past. Instead integrate it. It helped forge the magnificent being you are today! Memories are the fuel which power us towards manifestation magic.

29 Jan 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Jupiter in Taurus (Capricorn to Taurus)

29 Jan 2024 Mars in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (Capricorn to Taurus)

2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (Capricorn to Pisces)