Monthly General Astrology Forecast February 2024

feb astrology

Monthly General Astrology Forecast February 2024

Awaken into your power!

Harness the full potential of the Now Age of Aquarius

Happy birthday, Pisces

Hear the call to freedom, independence and breakthroughs this month! Time to liberate ourselves from what no longer works for us. Or prevents the evolution of our souls. Astounding innovations, awakenings and revelations are on offer this February.

Even when the Sun moves into Pisces on the 19th – we remain very much in the Now Age of Aquarius due to the massive stellium in the house of the collective and our future. The Sun’s change of signs does mean we will be acting with spiritual intent. And looking very closely at what stands the test of time – and what needs to change.

This February sees all the planets direct in the sky – handing us a window for action. Change is being fuelled by Pluto now in Aquarius. This is the age of People Power and where we transform our ideas around what we can achieve as individuals and as groups. Watch for shifts in power as the old Pluto in Capricorn energy dissipates. This is no longer about the 1% at the top hoarding 99% of the resources. A different dynamic is being created.

Upheavals may follow which will be good for many but not so good for others who insist on hanging on to out-dated ideas. Do watch the 8th for this when the Sun in Aquarius squares Uranus – Aquarius’ ruling planet, in Taurus. What we consider valuable, have placed value in, will be shown for what it is truly worth. It’s probably not a good day to speculate financially either. Over-valued? Expect a big reset across the markets and especially at the time of the new Supermoon in Aquarius on the 9th.

Mars arrives in Aquarius on the 13th, bringing sweeping changes and a call to action. The 14th isn’t just love-struck but positively explosive as Mars and Pluto meet in here. There’s a call to revolution going out as well as a desire to transform something from the very atoms up and remake it into something new.

But we may do this with love as Venus lands in Aquarius (16th) and meets Pluto on the 17th. After this – there’s no going back. Love may look very different from here on in.

The Sun in Pisces shines on the importance of bringing the spiritual into all of this. In the midst of what may be profound changes in our outer world and the systems that underpin it, we may look to our beliefs, and a higher power. We’re all seeking answers to big questions. And no matter what is going on in the outer world, we now understand that without these answers or a strong sense of belief within us – then nothing much makes sense. Call it seeking out the divine if you like. We may resort to astrology, a psychic reading, a therapist, self-help, our religious leader or guide, the Tarot or even someone in the spirit world – a guide, a family member – communicating in a way that’s impossible to miss and telling us there is more in heaven and earth than we dreamed of. The meeting between the Sun, Mercury and Saturn in Pisces (28th) will show us where we need to look to gain the wisdom we seek.

And yes, we have a Leap Year. What is it you want to propose? Of course, this can be the traditional kind of proposal we associate with Leap Year. What this month will have shown you leading up to this however is the need to seize the day and make it and get your answer. Be this a business proposition, asking someone on a date, a friend if they want to join you on a trip or in a plan. This is about the power of more than one person who together or collectively, add up to far far more than the sum of the individual parts. Or can do when aligned. So, make that pitch or proposal on this day. Life is what you make it – so don’t waste it.

In a nutshell: Dare you propose a leap into a radical new dynamic? February delivers opportunities, awakenings and freedom from what what has been holding us back. Time to harness the people power of the Now Age!


2 Feb 2024 Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (Capricorn to Pisces)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (Aquarius)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (Aquarius)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (Capricorn to Taurus)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (Capricorn to Pisces)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (Aquarius to Taurus)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (Capricorn)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (Gemini)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (Aquarius)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (Aquarius to Taurus)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (Aquarius)

13 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (Capricorn to Pisces)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (Aquarius)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (Aquarius)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (Aquarius)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (Aries)

19 Feb 2024 Sun enters Pisces (Pisces)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (Aquarius)

23 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Pisces (Pisces)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo (Virgo)

24 Feb 2024 Full Moon in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn (Virgo to Capricorn)

24 Feb 2024 Sun in Pisces sextile Ceres in Capricorn (Pisces to Capricorn)

25 Feb 2024 Venus in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (Aquarius to Taurus)

25 Feb 2024 Ceres in Capricorn sextile Mercury in Pisces (Capricorn to Pisces)

27 Feb 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (Aquarius to Taurus)

28 Feb 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Pisces (Pisces)

28 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Pisces (Pisces)

28 Feb 2024 Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunct in Pisces (Pisces)

29 Feb 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus (Pisces to Taurus)