Astrology Forecast February 5th 2024 – Manifesting Magic!

weekly horoscopes

Weekly General Astrology Forecast February 5th 2024

Are you the idea whose time has come?


The old gives way to the new

Find your people – and your focus!

All the planets are direct in the sky right now. Mercury’s arrival in Aquarius and its meeting with Pluto promise a sweep of innovation and imaginative ideas that transform our worldview both individually and collectively.

Manifesting magic

It’s very all for one and one for all. This week also hands us a new Supermoon in Aquarius (9th). Ideas and technology open our eyes to what we can achieve together. It’s an incredible Moon for manifesting Aquarius connects us all, And it’s time to allow our inner entrepreneur or inventor to express fully. Don’t suppress your inner genius. How do you know that you are not the idea whose time has truly come? Unleash your greatness upon the world as this week favours anything that can move the collective or, quite literally, end up going viral. Sign up to my newsletter for more in your New Supermoon in Aquarius Moonscope.

Ceres a power shift

Ceres arrival in Capricorn (8th) points to a shift in the balance of power somewhere. For us, this could be a reshuffle at our place of work, government or corporate body, university, etc, which opens up opportunities or working within a better dynamic for us. Ceres represents power. But not in the traditional cis-gendered way. Pale, male and stale – the arrival of Ceres says this kind of dynamic is done. Collectively, we may see established structures being replaced by something fairer and more inclusive. Especially now Pluto is in Aquarius.

Speak your truth

This week wants to hand us all our voices. And the ability blossom, to use it and be heard. For our ideas to gain validation and backing. Especially if they are designed to help others achieve their growth or inspire them to attain their dreams, we need to act as individuals, but with the awareness we are all connected. Nobody goes it alone or achieves it alone in the Now Age.

Cosmic mingling!

Above all, this week asks us for flexibility and openness. To learn from the past but to no longer cling to it. Think unity, teamwork, togetherness. If you have felt during your life you are an outsider, minority, outlier or excluded, the good news about all this Now Age of Aquarius energy is that it will show you that you do belong. And where to find your people. No matter what our sign is, the new Moon in Aquarius always allows us to set new goals and upgrade our social lives if this happens.

Soul Family

This week’s new supermoon lights the path ahead for all of us. Maybe you are one of the lucky ones and have already found your circle. If so, this week embeds you deeper within it. You’re a key part of something bigger now – not apart from it. I could say go where the action is. But the action is wherever you are from this point onwards.

In a nutshell: A new supermoon in Aquarius (9th) hands us all the ability to put our future on a fresh path. That potential is always linked to the people we know and are connected to. Find your co-creators this week. And change the world together!

5 Feb 2024 Mercury enters Aquarius (Aquarius)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (Aquarius)

7 Feb 2024 Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus (Capricorn to Taurus)

8 Feb 2024 Mars in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces (Capricorn to Pisces)

8 Feb 2024 Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (Aquarius to Taurus)

8 Feb 2024 Ceres enters Capricorn (Capricorn)

9 Feb 2024 Vesta direct in Gemini (Gemini)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (Aquarius)

10 Feb 2024 Mercury in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus (Aquarius to Taurus)