Weekly General Astrology Forecast March 4th 2024

Weekly General Astrology Forecast March 4th 2024

Let go and release

Take an intuitive approach

Escape the illusion!

None of us will be able to stay stuck or hold on to anything which no longer serves this week. If we don’t voluntarily make the soul evolving choice, chances are the universe will step in and make it for us as Mars squares up against Uranus on the 9th. Both are in fixed signs so both planets – concerned with action, revolution and electrifying revelations, push against the energy of signs which love to either hang on to the status quo (Taurus) or cling to being right (Aquarius).

Uranus is of course, Aquarius’ ruling planet. So, for many of us, embracing a new dynamic may come easier than usual. All this occurs against a back-drop of facts vs. illusion as Mercury encounters Neptune in Pisces the previous day. Of course, on an intuitive or even factual level, we may be well aware of the truth. But we may consciously choose to edit it out, deny it or ignore it on some level. We take refuge in denial but its no refuge at all. The Mars/Uranus square wakes us up if that’s what we’ve been doing. And now we’re fully awake there’s no denying what’s in front of us.

Our take-out however is spiritual empowerment. Because when we opt for denial or excuses (the ones we make for others or ourselves), that’s what we sacrifice. By swallowing the red pill, we escape any Matrix-like illusion. And reclaim our power in the process. Mercury’s red pill is available as it bumps into blue pull Neptune in Pisces on the 8th. Which one will you choose? Understanding what’s really happening or simply staying with the illusion?

Choose and act with a new sense of mindfulness and soul awakening thanks to this week’s new supermoon in Pisces asking for inspired choices. New supermoons are what I like to call secret supermoons as unlike the full supermoon kind, we cannot see them. As Pisces is the sign of secrets, there’s no better sign to host one. But that also awakens our psychic senses and our creativity. We draw back the curtain, see past the illusion. And this is when we discover we are in fact the wizard able to wield the magic all along! Who knew, right?! More revelatory insights in your New Supermoon in Pisces Moonscope.

Think fast as Mercury arrives in Aries (10th). Time to act in the name of our future selves following any insights and revelations we’ve received earlier in the week. As Mercury arrives in here the same day as the new supermoon its a clear invitation to run with the red pill insights. The same day Mercury angles to Pluto in Aquarius. It’s asking if we are open to the new, dynamic, awakening elements of soul truths. Or just want to remain oblivious to what it really going on in our lives. As the poet Rumi said: Don’t go back to sleep. Go with the red pill and be fully awake instead.

In a nutshell: Pierce the illusion and see the truth around love and intimacy this week. What holds us back from getting the connection we seek is revealed. As is the nature of the love we have. Reach for the higher version. Of relating – and yourself.

4 Mar 2024 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (Pisces to Taurus)

8 Mar 2024 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (Pisces)

9 Mar 2024 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (Aquarius to Taurus)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury enters Aries (Aries)

10 Mar 2024 New Supermoon in Pisces (Pisces)

10 Mar 2024 Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius (Aries to Aquarius)