Weekly General Astrology Forecast March 25 2024

venus in libra

Weekly General Astrology Forecast March 25 2024

Go deep into partnership matters

Reconnect to emotional truth

Revelations happen

Do check your birthchart for any factors at 5 degrees this week. Especially if they are at 5 Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn – the Cardinal Signs. This includes factors such as asteroids, your ascendant/descendant, IC, MC, Nodes.

This week’s full Plough Moon in Libra at 5 degrees (25th), brings with at an eclipse. If you are in the UK or Europe, you will not be able to see it as it occurs below the horizon. Depending on clear skies, it should be visible from most of the Americas and Asia however.

Full Moon eclipses occur when the moon moves through the earth’s shadow. We could in fact say we may be ‘unearthed’ from our emotional truth and suddenly flung into the dark. We may doubt our own feelings. Or those of others. Libra is the sign of partnerships. Of double acts, duos and duets and even duels. Of all kinds and descriptions.

This is a penumbral eclipse so the moon is only in part of the earth’s shadow. However, something is hidden or we are disconnected from the truth. And in Libra this touches on us and another. So, this is not the time to make major decisions one way or another about a long term relationship. Either getting into one or exiting it.

It’s also inadvisable to be looking for that new union. You might want to hold off on that first date until the eclipse shadows have passed. If you worry the person may not wait – that’s good enough reason to delay in itself. And to know it’s them who has missed out on a good thing – not you.

If you have been holding back with your partner over airing your concerns or needs, this eclipse is actually a good time to air them. And if you have got the feeling there is something on their minds, a little gentle probing may peel back the layers and restore closeness.

While we may be uncertain around those feels, when it comes to what others may be feeling and our doubts over whether they are truth-telling or withholding, then like all eclipses – watch and wait. We should never doubt that nagging, silent whisper that won’t let us go. That doesn’t mean we should react without first gathering more data. It does mean we should look deeper.

Venus is the ruling planet of both Libra and Taurus and is presently in Pisces – sign of secrets and hidden truths. Three days after the eclipse it will angle to Uranus in Taurus. At which point anything still to be revealed with surface in a sudden and unexpected fashion. This may validate what we have thought all along. Or else free us from any remaining doubts. The truth is out there waiting for its moment. And we won’t have to wait long this week for that moment to appear. More in your Full Moon Eclipse in Libra Moonscope.

In a nutshell: This week’s eclipsed full Plough Moon in Libra may have us feeling temporarily disconnected or doubting our emotional truth. The good thing is re-grounding or validation follows like a revelation. Stay connected to your intuition. Now you feel it!

25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (Libra)

28 Mar 2024 Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (Pisces to Taurus)