Weekly General Astrology Forecast April 29th 2024

weekly astrology

Weekly General Astrology Forecast April 29th 2024

Following your bliss is as magical as finding it

Take that step free of the past

Total acceptance and healing is your birthright!

Sweet soul – the treasure chest of earthly delights is yours to unpack and use to attract and charm this week. Both Venus (29th) and Mars (30th), land in their ruling signs. Venus in sensual, gratifying Taurus and Mars in assertive, confident Aries. What this adds up to in simple terms, is that none of us will wait around for what we want to simply come to us. But will do whatever it takes to get it. And what we do to set this in motion ends up being just as pleasure-centered and joyously thrilling as the end result.

This following your bliss energy is available to all signs. But naturally, Aries and Taurus will both feel as if their birthday cycles are extended.

True courage – the kind we can practice each and every day, is the brave and simple act of ceasing to care about the approval of others. And simply taking that one next step towards what it is we want. So, which way do you want to steer your future? Because Pluto in Aquarius is not only asking all of us this question, but showing us that we have the power to take ourselves in any direction we want to go.

Prepare for an ‘Ah-ha!’ moment when it comes to that new course being revealed. To reconnect to what you want and who you truly are. Especially if others or even the circumstances of life itself, have caused you to become disconnected from your unique brilliance and reason for being here. If you have ever been made to feel there is something wrong with you, that you are not good enough, or alternatively, no matter what courageous processes you have undertaken to heal yourself, those wounds refuse to close, the Mars/Neptune conjunction in Pisces (29th) hands you the perspective you’ve been seeking.

This occurs the day before Mars enters its ruling sign. Which means the clarity we gain on the steps we now need to take on our own behalf, will be followed through backed by spiritual insight and surety of intention! Yes, for some this may be a painful reality check as you see something for what it truly is, rather than what you wanted it to be. But that’s just a healing hurt. Others shed worries or wounds from the past and step forward fuelled with self-love and knowing that they matter. Your mystic path is open. And free of speed bumps and barriers. Whether put there by others or your own fears.

This week sees Pluto reverse in Aquarius. Keep in mind that unlike other retrogrades – Mercury for instance, where all bets are off, Pluto just gets more powerful and potent when it heads backwards. One final shedding of something can occur on May Day as it squares Venus in Taurus. While the angle it makes to Mars in Aries on the 3rd sees us take that bold and soul defining step towards that goal or intention. What’s more – those on the same wavelength as us are easy to connect to or are simply waiting for us to join them on this new, exciting and higher path we’ve taken. You’ll end the week knowing there is nothing wrong with you. Step from the adversity of your past into acceptance this week.

In a nutshell: Venus arrives in its ruling sign of Taurus and Mars in its ruling Aries this week. Love and action along with confidence and attraction fuel all our journeys. And from this point on, we can fly free of what has held us back in the past.

29 Apr 2024 Venus enters Taurus (Taurus)

29 Apr 2024 Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces (Pisces)

30 Apr 2024 Mars enters Aries (Aries)

1 May 2024 Venus in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius (Taurus to Aquarius)

2 May 2024 Pluto stationary retrograde in Aquarius (Aquarius)

3 May 2024 Mars in Aries sextile retrograde Pluto in Aquarius (Aries to Aquarius)