Weekly General Astrology July 1st 2024 – What is important?

Weekly General Astrology July 1st 2024

Prepare to pivot

Lock into inspiration

Hold that thought – it’s GPS for the soul!

Whether you live in the Northern or Southern Hemispheres – Solstice Time is an important pivot in the year. It doesn’t matter if you are entering summer or winter. What matters is this is a power point. We all get to look at the inroads we have made towards goals set at the beginning of the year. And realign purpose to progress.

We may redouble our efforts. Course correct. Congratulate ourselves on what we’ve achieved so far and prepare for our next challenge. The solstice is a measuring point. Time’s passing. How have you worked with it?

New inspired ways to work with it come to us thanks to the trine between Venus in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces. Just prior to Mercury’s arrival in Leo, it trines Neptune. Along with the Cancer New Moon (the point of new beginnings for the birthday sign), which falls opposite Ceres in Up Where We Belong Capricorn, we harness inspiration to craft win-wins and also use it to climb higher.

Outstanding is a word that sums up our potential results this week. Of course, Mercury in Leo is about the news and ideas that soar above the rest. There’s nothing on the down-low when it comes to Leo energy. Cancer’s subtlety and quiet desire for something which hands us lasting soul satisfaction means that we’ll use our inspiration for something we love. Or which keeps on giving over the long term. Capricorn and Ceres hand us the win/win or compromise, which keeps us on course for the long haul.

Whether it’s a new purpose that draws you onwards, or one you recommit to, visualise where you want to be in relation to it by the next equinox – in December. The night of the New Moon is the best one to do this. Hold that thought and think of it as your invisible soul compass. Cancer rules the gut and those ‘gut’ feelings. But tuning into them and following their prompts, you’ll be guided infallibly towards what you need to make that vision real by the end of the year.

In a nutshell: Inspired choices filled with soul sustenance and satisfaction appear to guide us towards our destination. This week’s new Moon in Cancer crafts us the means to bring about a new deal when it comes to getting what we want. There’s more in your New Moon in Cancer Moonscope.

2 Jul 2024 Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces (Cancer to Pisces)

2 Jul 2024 Mercury enters Leo (Leo)

2 Jul 2024 Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces (Pisces)

3 Jul 2024 Venus in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (Cancer to Pisces)

3 Jul 2024 Mercury in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (Leo to Aquarius)

5 Jul 2024 Mars in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (Taurus to Pisces)

5 Jul 2024 New Moon in Cancer (Cancer)

5 Jul 2024 Sun and new Moon in Cancer opposition Ceres in Capricorn (Cancer to Capricorn)