
pin: 2339

“I was very impressed with Seven. I phoned on the spur of the moment as I was concerned and distressed about a family issue. He grasped the situation and got the feel of it straight away exhibiting a very good insight into the situation. He also told me things that I didn’t know but have suspected. Seven then went onto help direct me in how I could navigate a very difficult situation. His manner was warm and friendly at the same time as being direct and supportive. I came away from the reading feeling empowered and much calmer.”


pin: 2339

Once he got started I couldn’t get a word in even if I tried. This is by far the best reading I have had so far. He picked up on a lot of things I could resonate with.


pin: 2339

Seven gave a very positive reading. I liked his style, I liked the way he communicated.  The specific questions I asked him with regards to people, he tuned into them accurately and gave what I perceived an agreeable outcome.  He is enjoyable to listen to and has a great colourful energy which I found very engaging.

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