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ARIES YEARLY FORECAST 2024 2024 sees Pluto connect you to a wider, freer more transformative and connected cycle. Expect progress in business and in what you have to share and contribute, Aries. When it comes to love – take your time but expect profound shifts and revelations. No more editing who you are to get […]

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TAURUS YEARLY FORECAST 2024 Whether you know it or not, your image plays an important role in this year’s success strategy for you, Taurus. As does your reputation. Ensure both say all you need to say about you. Get ready for power moves both personally and professionally. And dress for success! How do you feel […]

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Gemini – Your Yearly Forecast 2024 Go further and go bolder in ‘24, Gemini! Jupiter returns to your sign after a 12 year absence. Bigging up both your image and your potential. Combined with Pluto in Jupiter’s ruling 9th in your chart – you’re in No Limits territory now. The luckiest day of 2024 for […]

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CANCER YEARLY FORECAST 2024 After many years in your house of duos, duets and double acts of all descriptions, Pluto finally exits it this year. Leaving you with a sense of the transformative power of your relationships. Now – work that love for all you’re worth, Cancer! You begin and end this year on a […]

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LEO YEARLY FORECAST 2024 Love is the transformative element in your life from 2024 onwards, Leo. Pluto takes up permanent residence in your 7th house of partnerships. While lucky Jupiter is in ‘Make a Wish’ mode as it bigs up your goals and dreams. What you’ve yearned for – limitless, alchemical love is on offer […]

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VIRGO YEARLY FORECAST 2024 Work and career stars redefine what success means to you in ‘24 with Pluto now in your 6th and Jupiter in your status setting 10th. Bolder, bigger fiercer you has all the right moves, Virgo! Plus an extra long cycle of love and attraction sets a lasting and serious tone on […]

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LIBRA YEARLY FORECAST 2024 Pedal to the metal in ‘24, Libra. You’re back in the fast lane when it comes to love, doing what you love and immersing yourself in fresh experiences. Pluto redefines pleasure for you. While Jupiter opens a highway to heaven. Be ready to go further. Life been too slow lately? Get […]

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SCORPIO YEARLY FORECAST 2024 You glow, phoenix! 2024 is a year when you step into your power. And no-one can ignore the fact you’re a force for love to be reckoned with. Escape any residual pain of the past and embrace a new kind of love. Ruler Pluto tells you it all begins close to […]

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SAGITTARIUS YEARLY FORECAST 2024 Here comes Fat Cupid! Ruler Jupiter lands in your 7th bigging up those passions and bringing you supersized love for ‘24, Sag. Opportunities abound when it comes to you and another. Or any adventure that takes two. Find your ride or die or that wing person. You’ll be travelling 2024 in […]

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CAPRICORN YEARLY FORECAST 2024 Say a final farewell to Pluto in your sign as it moves into your house of money and self-worth. That belief in yourself should be unshakeable now. The good things of life are on offer, Capricorn. Are you ready to give yourself permission to enjoy them?! Hack 2024 instantly by looking […]

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AQUARIUS YEARLY FORECAST 2024 You’d have to be living on well – Pluto, to have missed the news that Pluto will take up residence in your sign for the next 20 years in 2024. Prepare to become a more empowered, magnetic and certain version of you, Aquarius. While Jupiter in your 5th from May, brings […]

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PISCES YEARLY FORECAST 2024 What do you believe, Pisces? Your interests in more than heaven and earth will be awakened now Pluto lands in your 12th house. Explore the fundamentals of the cosmos and watch how this changes you. Ancient ruler Jupiter offers you the key to a door in ‘24. Unlock it and find […]

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