

Love is the transformative element in your life from 2024 onwards, Leo. Pluto takes up permanent residence in your 7th house of partnerships. While lucky Jupiter is in ‘Make a Wish’ mode as it bigs up your goals and dreams.

What you’ve yearned for – limitless, alchemical love is on offer with Pluto’s arrival into your 7th. The day after ruler the Sun lands in here (Jan 20). It’s also the year of Make a Wish. In fact, make three not just one. Big up those goals, believe in your ability to make them happen and dance with the forces of manifestation as Jupiter changes signs on May 25.

First – more hot stuff. And I do mean that, Leo. You are being fuelled up by passion and intensity on a level you’ve not felt before. This begins with the full Moon in your sign on Jan 25. It falls in opposition to newly arrived Pluto. You’re looking closely at your needs and what you want from love. It’s shifting. By the time the new Supermoon appears in your 7th (9th), you have an idea of what this looks like. Or could.

Scorching alignments between Mars and Pluto (14th) could combine to make this V-Day unlike any other. Even if you have no boo (yet), why not make a date with a friend or someone close to you? Love is the healer, the great catalyst in your life during this cycle. No matter how or towards whom, you choose to express it.

This is also a Leap Year. You may feel you are doing just that. Taking that step into unknown relationship territory. How does that make you feel? Once taken, there’s no u-turns. But you are already feeling that vibe. What is obvious however is that you are done with pretence and anything superficial from this point onwards.

Venus and Mars align on Feb 22, bringing you the perfect fusion between love and desire. You’ll want to express this. In fact, from the end of January and all the way through to March, you’ll seek out a focus for that passion. The lucky recipient for those settled Leos will shower you with equal intensity.

Do keep in mind that Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth and regeneration. It along with Mars is the ruler of Scorpio and the 8th house of the zodiac. As well as sex and the obvious boom boom room, the other boom it rules is money. Especially joint assets, the joint bank account, the home, the mortgage and what comes to us via a union with another. Be this an intimate one. Or a professional one. Remember what I said about being unable to fake those feelings from this point onwards? If you’ve been keeping up appearances that all is well with your relationship when it isn’t, Pluto will put an end to the pretence.

Pluto has one brief revisit to pay to your 6th house. But by November it has left it for good. Never to return in your lifetime.

Understand that to have what we want – be this a relationship or another goal, takes fearlessness and daring to accept when it finally turns up. Do ready yourself for this in the run-up to Jupiter’s switch from your 10th to your 11th house. Hopefully you have gotten used to rising higher during Jupiter’s stay in your career zone. There should be a certain comfort in embracing success and rewards. But do confront any past patterns of self-sabotage or impostor syndrome before Jupiter arrives in Gemini.

First, let’s talk about the North Node which remains in your 9th this year – with the South Node in your 3rd. The North Node adds a karmic theme to travel, big business and communication endeavours and studies. There may be a feeling of being somewhere before even if you are visiting for the first time. Or a subject being so effortless to get your head around and embrace you feel as if you are simply building on past knowledge. You may have a vision at the heart of all this. One you feel drawn to pursue – calling you onwards towards some distant goal.

Take it progress will be made once ruler the Sun arrives in this house on March 20. With one caveat in place: You need to stop, watch and wait in the time leading up to the Great North American Eclipse – a total eclipse in your 9th, which occurs on April 8th. It will be visible from North America, Canada and Mexico. It also occurs when Mercury is retrograde in here. Adding to the cover up and the confusion.

Like the next door sign of Cancer, eclipses are a massive big deal for you as they involve your ruler no matter whether it is a solar or lunar eclipse. And this eclipse is truly one of the most powerful and potentially concealing we have seen this century. Avoid travel – especially if it is linked to North America, signing contracts, launches, large purchases and the pursuit of big plans at this time. You know that eclipses conceal and a total eclipse is a total black-out for you. You are disconnected from your truth and your power. Super-sensitive Leos may feel this building up to two weeks before the eclipse takes place. Certainly all of you will feel it by the time the eclipse is a couple of days away – and for a couple of days afterwards.

Eclipses form points in the sky which can be triggered later. Do take note of this one (19 Aries). It remains a sensitive spot for a while. The next solar eclipse – an annular one in Libra and your 3rd house, occurs on Oct 2. While it won’t be quite as powerful as the April eclipse, it does take place in your house of news, communication, business and getting around. Also neighbours and siblings. Take it that nothing may be agreed on this date. Or you are missing a key piece of information. Try to steer clear of signing important papers, job applications and dodgy places on the internet.

Just prior to Jupiter’s shift into your 11th, a career date stands out for you on May 18 when your ruler meets it in your 10th for one final time. Now is the time to make a final, definitive move to grasp that prize, Leo! And see how far you can ascend. Jupiter in your 11th brings larger than life, exuberant friends, who radiate joie de vive and generosity. Who you meet, know and encounter opens doors to new horizons. Friends bring all kinds of benefits. That one?! All I can tell you is that in the next 12 months your social circle is where you need to begin seeking for anything you want. The people you know are your cosmic order delivery system. From that new job or contact to yes, that lover – ask who you know first.

Wish upon a Fat Planet as this is your house of goals. Make three and expect at least one to manifest in the upcoming year. Do understand that Jupiter in here is not your Fairy Godmother in drag. You do have to make whatever effort you can (see above about mining that circle) and pursue opportunities to make things happen. But you can rely on Jupiter to do the rest. If you are seeking a partner, a new job or anything connected to a major goal, the day you need to highlight in your diary is June 3. On this date, Jupiter will trine Pluto – something that has never occurred between these two planets before in these signs. The strongly magnetic pull of this will activate all the potential around you to attain what you want. Do not waste it and be ready!

Your birthday cycle this year gets off to an early start with Venus’s arrival in your sign on July 11. And a key Venus/Pluto opposition on July 12. You are a magnet for what you desire but do ensure that you do truly want it, Leo. And do keep the energy clean. In relationships, do steer clear of anything ‘complicated’ or with themes around control (often these two go together). Your birthday this year coincides with a Mercury retrograde in your sign. So, fine tune what you have already set in motion to this point rather than starting something completely new.

The end of October through November brings you your yearly home and family focus. During this time Mars will enter your sign and Pluto will re-enter your 7th to take up permanent residence. You vibe with the Sun in your 5th house (Nov 21) but this year your annual pleasure peak occurs in major retrograde weather. Both Mercury and now Jupiter will be backwards in the sky. As this is your house of holidays you need to pack alternative plans if going anywhere.

Last year you experienced an extended Venus retrograde in your sign. 2024 ends with a rare Mars retrograde in your 1st. Do slow down and as we are in the season of giving, do give to yourself by focussing now on your own needs. This retrograde will last until February. And it will remind you that some things cannot be rushed.

You started the year with Venus in your 7th. And you end this year in yet another love and partnership peak as Venus returns here along with Ceres (Dec 7-8). Both meet Pluto upon entry. Ceres offers a new deal, a new dawn in terms of a relationship. Your idea of love, what you need from partners or what the ‘perfect’ union looks like is going through a massive metamorphosis now. And that’s good news, Leo. If things have not worked out for you in the past – you’ll be able to see why. If you are lucky enough to already have the perfect person in your life you will also be aware of this – and how to make it even better. 2024 offers the start of where you experience a love like no other you have done before. Get ready for some alchemy!

In a nutshell: Get ready to re-make your ideas around love. Partnerships transform with the arrival of Pluto in your 7th. The year brings powerful realisations around your needs. And an exciting new phase in friendships courtesy of Jupiter!

20 Jan 2024 Sun enters Aquarius (7th)

21 Jan 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius (7th)

25 Jan 2024 Waxing full Moon in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 7th)

25 Jan 2024 Full Moon in Leo (1st)

9 Feb 2024 New Supermoon in Aquarius (7th)

13 Feb 2024 Mars enters Aquarius (7th)

14 Feb 2024 Mars conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (7th)

16 Feb 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (7th)

17 Feb 2024 Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (7th)

19 Feb 2024 North Node and Chiron conjunct in Aries (9th)

22 Feb 2024 Venus and Mars conjunct in Aquarius (7th)

20 Mar 2024 Sun enters Aries (9th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (9th)

8 Apr 2024 Sun and Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron in Aries (9th)

18 May 2024 Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus (10th)

25 May 2024 Jupiter enters Gemini (11th)

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (11th to 7th)

11 Jul 2024 Venus enters Leo (1st)

12 Jul 2024 Venus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 7th)

22 Jul 2024 Sun enters Leo (1st)

23 Jul 2024 Sun in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 7th)

4 Aug 2024 New Moon in Leo (1st)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius (7th)

19 Aug 2024 Full Moon in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mercury in Leo (7th to 1st)

2 Oct 2024 New Moon in Libra – Annular Solar Eclipse (10 04’) (3rd)

17 Oct 2024 Full Supermoon in Aries (9th)

17 Oct 2024 Venus enters Sagittarius (5th)

4 Nov 2024 Mars enters Leo (1st)

19 Nov 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius (7th) – Never to return to Capricorn

21 Nov 2024 Sun enters Sagittarius (5th)

27 Nov 2024 Sun in Sagittarius trine Mars in Leo (5th to 1st)

1 Dec 2024 New Moon in Sagittarius (5th)

6 Dec 2024 Mars stationary retrograde in Leo (1st)

7 Dec 2024 Venus enters Aquarius (7th)

7 Dec 2024 Venus and Pluto conjunct in Aquarius (7th)

8 Dec 2024 Ceres enters Aquarius (7th)

9 Dec 2024 Ceres and Pluto conjunct in Aquarius (7th)

12 Dec 2024 Venus in Aquarius opposition retrograde Mars in Leo (7th to 1st)

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