
Gemini – Your Yearly Forecast 2024

Go further and go bolder in ‘24, Gemini! Jupiter returns to your sign after a 12 year absence. Bigging up both your image and your potential. Combined with Pluto in Jupiter’s ruling 9th in your chart – you’re in No Limits territory now.

The luckiest day of 2024 for you will be June 3 when a never before experienced trine between Jupiter in your sign and Pluto in your 9th occurs releasing you into something wondrous, freeing and totally transforming. Mark this date in your diary and don’t miss any opportunity which arises around then to act, travel, leave your comfort zone or step into something bigger. The soul call to you is to expand your idea of what is possible and to embrace your power. Jupiter always brings opportunities and solutions while Pluto the fuel or resources to power the change.

Your mindset determines how far this takes you in the lead up to this point. Are you the mage, the powerful yet playful wielder of self-made miracles charting your own course amongst the stars? Or determined to remain earthbound with those who have no imagination? As early as January when Pluto re-enters Aquarius and your 9th, questions arise around influence and being influenced. As in – just who do you allow to influence you? And realising that the only real influence we should allow in our lives is our own inner voice. Plus the need to stand out from the crowd, from the static of social media. And the only way we ever do that is to plug into the power of our own individuality.

You’re coming into your own in this now with Pluto preparing to exit your 8th of personal power, rebirth and yes, sex, money, assets and resources, permanently by the end of this year. And place the emphasis on friendships, groups, networks and other alignments and how you fit into these. You will also embrace a new feeling of power and attainment when it comes to not only going after your goals and dreams – but overwhelming them.

Love is the hot zone for you as you begin and end the year with Venus in its ruling 7th. So, you have two major love cycles happening instead of one. Jupiter however bigs up your ability to attract once it arrives. Meaning you have almost six months of attraction factor working in your favour.

This year also tells you: If you build it, they will come. That is a very Saturnian sentiment. And one which you will be working towards fulfilling in ‘24. Saturn remains in its ruling 10th in your chart this year – along with Neptune. Neptune can have us adrift with various possibilities but doing nothing about them. Saturn provides the antidote to that. Seeing you get realistic and serious about what it is you ant to attain. You now know there are no short cuts to real and lasting success. You raise the bar on what you believe you can achieve. Lay the foundation stones for your future and continue to build on them as the year unfolds. Your mission statement is: Whatever it takes.

Jupiter is likely to throw opportunity into your path. But you have to take those steps to make it happen, Gemini. Let’s throw caution to the winds! Jupiter in your sign is all about taking that chance. And being unafraid to do this. Ahead of Jupiter’s arrival, use Mars’s ability to boost your confidence and call to action as it also transits through your 10th March 22 thru to April 30.

Best birthday cycle EVER! And yes, ruler Mercury IS direct when it begins, Gemini. It marks a call to live your full potential. To be bold, outrageous and unedited. Your heart and your head are perfectly in sync now. And this gives you the ability to not only be certain about what it is you want, but shows your the path of right action to making it happen.

You have to factor in the usual stops and starts of ruler Mercury’s retrogrades. As well as the before-and-after retroshadows. Allow 3 weeks either side of the retrogrades themselves to be certain. You start the year with Mercury direct in your 7th (2nd Jan). The next retrograde cycle will be in your 11th of goals and friendships with the retrograde itself from 1 – 25 April. Revive old connections and revisit your goal path.

Mercury retrogrades three times a year. The next occurs in the other Mercury ruled sign – Virgo and your 4th (Aug 5). Property matters should be put on hold if possible. And you need to pay close attention to not only your own health, but the health of your home itself and that of family members. Think ‘Healthy Environment’. How can you create this or make changes to bring this about?

The year ends with the third and final Mercury moonwalk – this time in Sagittarius and your 7th house. During this retro-cycle Mercury will make not one but three oppositions to Jupiter in your 1st. This is extra-special as both planets are in each other’s ruling signs. Something we astrologers cal ‘Mutual reception’. This means they are speaking one another’s language.

I cannot say all retro-bets are off. But what you can expect under this are second-time around opportunities, reappearances or the re-emergence of something you have been hoping for (or even someone!). Do bear in mind that this may not happen all at once. But the period of Nov 18 – Dec 26 should see something significant take form for you. Meaning you end the year on a high note. Especially when it comes to partnerships, duos, duets and double acts. Or any venture involving you and another. Do see your Jupiter in the Air Signs forecast for more on what Jupiter has in store for you.

Friends, connections and contacts, groups, clubs and associations ask that you keep whatever you are told within the circle this year. We have the North Node still moving through your 11th house along with Chiron. Radically different kinds of friendships may be on offer. Certainly you’ll know which ones are locked down for the long term now. Love may be found via joining something so do bear this is mind. Especially during September which is highlighted for you as when your ability to attract will be at its peak.

This year’s eclipse axis is therefore across your 11th/5th houses. And all due care needs to be applied during these times. The first is a lunar eclipse in your 5th (25 March). Do pay attention to your gut feelings around a child or young person on this date. Don’t ignore them. Steer clear of swiping or seeking romance – the other party may not be emotionally honest. Any niggles you have about an existing connection need to be taken seriously. This eclipse favours looking at the work/pleasure balance in your life. And if you are creating enough time for love – or for it to flourish.

The Great North American Eclipse – a total eclipse in your 11th, occurs on April 8th. It will be visible from North America, Canada and Mexico. It also occurs when your ruler Mercury is retrograde in here. Not just a cover-up. But a complete obfuscation of the facts. First and foremost – stick to what I said about keeping what you are told either totally to yourself or ensuring confidentiality within a group setting is kept. Second – don’t believe it unless you know for certain your source is 100% credible. And back that up with the facts. Also, you may want to keep things to yourself. Others may not keep what you say within the vault.

Watch for fake news, clickbait and keep scrolling rather than get sucked into pointless arguments with keyboard warriors. If you are worried about someone’s integrity or a frenemy – distance yourself. Do not engage in gossip or speculation. This is the most powerful eclipse of the year. It will show you who is on your team – and who isn’t.

Your extra long partnership peak this year begins on October 17 when Venus enters your 7th. Followed by Mercury on Nov 2 and the Sun on Nov 21. By which time Pluto is back in your 9th and there to stay. Between the new Moon in your 7th (Dec 1) and the full Moon in your sign (Dec 15), Mars will make a rare retrograde in your 3rd of communication. Combined with the Mercury retrograde, expect more than the usual number of delays, cancellations and snafus. Do however watch for your patience to be wearing thin, for blurting or rushing. Once the full Moon appears, passion is heightened. You feel very strongly about something and also a need to express this. Some retro restrictions will lift on this day as it is when Mercury heads direct again. If you have been holding back about something, you’ll no longer be able to stay silent. Share away, Gemini.

Be prepared to step into something bigger this year. Don’t ignore the push to explore or make a bold move. Transformations occur via learning, travel, studies, the mass media, law, sports, the outdoors and people in other countries. This year is the first on a much longer journey. And one of the best you have experienced in the past 12 years. The only person who can hold you back is you now. Ditch all thoughts of limitations and watch the barriers to progress in love and life, dissolve.

In a nutshell: Jupiter in your sign from May onwards promises opportunities, solutions and the end of restrictions if you believe in yourself, Gemini. While Pluto in Aquarius dares you to venture into unexplored territory. The future belongs to those who dare!

2 Jan 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Sagittarius (7th)

16 Jan 2023 Venus and Ceres conjunct in Sagittarius (7th)

21 Jan 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius (9th)

5 Feb 2024 Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius (9th)

18 Mar 2024 Mercury retroshadow begins in Aries (11th)

20 Mar 2024 Mercury and Chiron conjunct in Aries (11th)

25 Mar 2024 Full Moon in Libra – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 5o 7’ (5th)

1 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Aries (11th)

8 Apr 2024 New Supermoon – Total Solar Eclipse in Aries (19 24’) (11th)

19 Apr 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Aries (11th)

25 Apr 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Aries (11th)

20 May 2024 Sun enters Gemini (1st)

23 May 2024 Full Moon in Sagittarius (7th)

23 May 2024 Venus enters Gemini (1st)

25 May 2024 Jupiter enters Gemini (1st)

3 June 2024 Mercury enters Gemini (1st)

3 June 2024 Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius (1st to 9th)

4 June 2024 Mercury and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (1st)

6 June 2024 New Moon in Gemini (1st)

6 June 2024 New Moon conjunct Venus in Gemini (1st)

14 June 2024 Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini (1st)

17 June 2024 Mercury and Venus conjunct in Gemini (1st)

20 Jul 2024 Mars enters Gemini (1st)

5 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Virgo (4th)

8 Aug 2024 Retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus in Virgo (4th)

14 Aug 2024 Moon, Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini (1st)

28 Aug 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Leo (3rd)

15 Sept 2024 Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (5th to 1st)

29 Sept 2024 Mercury in Libra opposition North Node in Aries (5th to 11th)

13 Oct 2024 Grand Air Trine – Sun in Libra trine Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini trine Sun in Libra (5th to 9th to 1st to 5th)

17 Oct 2024 Venus enters Sagittarius (7th)

2 Nov 2024 Mercury enters Sagittarius (7th)

18 Nov 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (7th to 1st) (Mutual reception)

19 Nov 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius (9th) – Never to return to Capricorn

21 Nov 2024 Sun enters Sagittarius (7th)

26 Nov 2024 Mercury stationary retrograde in Sagittarius (7th)

1 Dec 2024 New Moon in Sagittarius (7th)

4 Dec 2024 Retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (2nd time) (7th to 1st) (Mutual Reception)

6 Dec 2024 Mars stationary retrograde in Leo (3rd)

15 Dec 2024 Full Moon in Gemini (1st)

15 Dec 2024 Mercury stationary direct in Sagittarius (7th)

26 Dec 2024 Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter in Gemini (3rd time) (7th to 1st) (Mutual Reception)

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