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ARIES Expand your possibilities Allow answers to emerge The tide of attraction flows effortlessly your way! Introspection is always followed by expansion, Aries. So, spend some time in contemplation at the start of July. And use this to get very clear on what it is you want to go for next. Yes, you are on […]

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TAURUS Be your own life coach! If offered a second time – say ‘Yes’ You ARE the Heat! The Aries next door are turning their houses upside down in a desperate attempt to find where they put their mojo. Of course, you have it now with Mars in your sign, Taurus. Mars doesn’t just turn […]

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GEMINI Fire up that profile Set those plans in motion What feels brand new? Fierce fiery Mars is on its way and arrives in your 1st on the 20th. Combined with Jupiter now in residence, this is set to fuel you with drive and determination as well as a level of confidence you’ve not experienced […]

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CANCER Enlighten your life! Once in a Blue Moon love strikes Happy new YOU Your extra special, startlingly sweet new Moon ushers in the start of your astrological new year on the 5th. Begin again, Cancer. But this time – do it different. Look to an area you know needs renovation or simply you owning […]

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LEO Nobody does it better Here comes the change you have been waiting for Happy birthday, Leo! You will be at your most vivacious and vibrant as the planets begin to cross into your sign. Starting with Mercury sparking invitations, conversations and outright flirtation from the 2nd. Feel the cosmos begin to turn towards you, […]

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VIRGO Save the date for goal delivery Lean in to deservedness Know what the future will bring 2025 sees Jupiter in your house of goals and wishes. This month allows you to decide what you want the planet of open-handed generosity and good luck to deliver when it arrives next June. Be the mage of […]

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LIBRA Step up and claim your due Play and participation boost attraction Resolve that emotional ‘sticking point’ The Sun is in your house of public persona and profession right up until the 22nd. It doesn’t matter if you are engaged in paid work or not. Expect to be sought out for your expertise or something […]

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SCORPIO Chart a fresh course Let go of any need to control Love takes a surprising twist The barrier breaking new Moon in your 9th promises momentum and forward progress this month. Travel may feature for some of you. As could the discovery of new opportunities and solutions just clamouring to be let in! Your […]

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SAGITTARIUS Nurture those ideas Bling yourself up Find a new star to aim for! What we bring into reality, what we experience or manifest, always begins with an idea. A thought, a flash of inspiration around what could possibly be. So, the first three weeks of July asks you follow yours and entertain visions of […]

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CAPRICORN Get ready for a once-in-a-Blue-Moon event Is it me you’re looking for? Love, reclaimed Come and get your love this July, Cappy. A new Moon in your 7th along with Venus in here adds up to BOTH rulers of this house in residence at the same time. (The Moon rules Cancer and Venus rules […]

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AQUARIUS What’s mundane is magical Ditch the limits on love It’s what you experience – not what you have that matters The Everyday and practical magic of our 6th house may seem mundane compared to all the sparkle and attraction potential of our 1st, 5th or 7th houses. It’s less showy and more subtle. What […]

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PISCES Dance with creation No more denying those feelings Define who you are Get your soul glow going with the new Moon in your 5th. This is the high point of creation/attraction for you. And while the Sun and other planets move through your 5th, they trine Saturn and ruler Neptune in your sign. Your […]

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