Weekly Horoscopes 15th-21st November 2010


20th – Mars conjunct Mercury in 9th house; 18th -Venus direct in 7th house, full Moon on 21st semisquare saturn in 7th house.

You want to tell it like it is this week and but try to do it a bit gently as Mars your ruler is stirring you up. Be especially patient with friends and lovers who might be frustrating you by taking their time to contact you or make a decision, give them a bit of space and try not to get too impatient and give everyone else time to catch up. Thank Venus for turning direct causing a massive positive shift in all of your relationships that lets you and everyone around you know exactly where they stand. You end the week feeling much more emotionally secure and also very excited about life. You feel the time has come to expand your horizons and the inspiration you need is right here.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Aries this week, call 0905 817 2280. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

18th – venus direct in 6th house; 18th – jupiter direct in 11th house; 21st – full moon in taurus semi-sq saturn in 6th house

Lots of things left hanging recently click into place around the 18th.  When it comes to your getting on with the day to day stuff of life, you’ll suddenly find your own groove and love the way it all feels.  Don’t let yourself get thrown if someone needs to air some resentments you had no idea about – you’ve got a few things of your own that need to be cleared up and a tricky talk ends with you both feeling much happier. Being a sentimental creature you might have been doing a bit of soul searching recently and been thinking about past relationships. Finally you can let go of the past this week and see the beauty of what’s in front of you. In this moment is all the magic you need to create the next step. Love and passion flow freely but remember the love you feel comes from you so no need to give your power away.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Taurus this week, call 0905 817 2281. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


16th – sun in 6th house trine moon in 10th (conjunct jupiter/uranus in 10th); mars conjunct mercury in 7th house

A Fire sign could signal that they want to get much closer. Together you can make a brilliant team and you’ll be able to give whatever you’re involved in your full attention. You’re full of the spark of life and your spirit feels inspired to connect to unusual people. Even idle chats could turn into all-out debates, but instead of feeling intimidated you’ll revel in the intellectual stimulation.  Matching your wits against someone elses’ will put you in touch with how you really feel about something important. You’re in the mood to throw yourself into passionate experiences and love has a new found chemistry.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Gemini this week, call 0905 817 2282. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


16th – sun in 5th trine moon in 9th (conjunct jupiter/uranus), 18th – jupiter in 9th direct; 21st – full moon in Taurus

If you’ve been feeling the need to play it all under guard recently, keep your antennae tuned for chances to soften up and relax the high standards you’ve been holding yourself to.  You’ll discover that everything will run just as smoothly and you’ll have a lot more fun being the real you as you do it.  As always, you love spending time with the people closest to you but there’s an extra special gloss on anything you get up to with them this week. Your heart is open and you’re dealing with issues of trust. If you have a good relationship with yourself and trust yourself to make the right decisions nothing can throw you off balance this week in fact you’re open to a whole new way of being.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for the sign of Cancer this week, call 0905 817 2283. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


18th – jupiter direct in 8th house; venus direct in 3rd house; full moon in 10th house, sun semi-sq saturn in 3rd house;

The planetary line up is urging you to stop hanging back and get proactive.  You’re in a brilliant place to make the most of it.  You’ve got even more courage than usual to make any fresh starts or launch yourself into anything new this week.  It all comes from the inner confidence of knowing you can handle whatever happens.  In particular, it’s the perfect time to refresh old contacts and put some effort into making more as you’re creating just the right impression with everything you say. You are in tune with the energy of the Universe and realise that life is a dance with everyone else being your partner. Treating others with your famous generous spirit allows the Universe to deliver you a reward. You are loved and you are love this week (and to be honest you always can be!)

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Leo this week, call 0905 817 2284. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


18th – jupiter direct in 7th house; mars conjunct mercury in 4th; 21st – full moon semi-sq saturn in 2nd house.

You might want to play it all close to home this week.  Whether that means just spending time in the place where you live or sticking with what you know best, it will help you see real value in something that you might have been taking for granted lately.  You get the most out of putting practical affairs in order. All in all, it’s a week of simple pleasures that fill you with a real sense of gratitude and bliss. You see the many miracles in your life and a past emotional pain gets put in perspective, you no longer need to carry that burden as you can be in the brand new and very beautiful present.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Virgo this week, call 0905 817 2285. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


18th – venus direct in libra; 21st – full moon semi-sq saturn in libra; 20th- mars conjunct mercury in 3rd house

You change your mind in spectacular fashion about just about everything this week.  It might seem as though it’s all very sudden, but actually you’ve been turning a few things over for ages and realised that you needed a whole new perspective on a lot of things.  Anyone who has become used to you as someone who turns in the breeze is likely to get a big surprise as you come out with some pretty firm opinions.  A Cancerian friend is grateful for your back up as you are your usual supportive and loving self. Take time to discuss your own inner emotions after the 18th and it should help you form an honest and deep bond.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Libra this week, call 0905 817 2286. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Mars conjunct Mercury in 2nd house; full Moon sem-square saturn in 12th house.
This week is all about hitting the right balance and avoiding falling into any kind of extremes.  It

might mean a bit of give and take where others are concerned. You really can afford to go with the flow so switch your focus to everything that is going right. The last few weeks have been very intense for you, you have dug deep and faced your biggest fears and owned you vulnerability. All of this intensity is easing now and you start to feel the shoots of pleasure and joy that life has to offer. Someone close wants to join you in an adventure and their playful loving attitude rubs off. You;re heading to a brand new cycle which gives you the chance to step into your power in a different and very pleasant way.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Scorpio this week, call 0905 817 2287. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


16th – sun trine moon in 4th conjunct jupiter/uranus; 18th mars conjunct mercury in sagittiarus; jupiter direct

Don’t confuse things running harmoniously with not much going on as the week starts out.  You’re just feeling seriously fired up and raring to go.  Stop fretting.  If you start out with a blank page it will soon get filled with unexpected brilliant things popping up that give you plenty of opportunity to play. Anyone who knows you will find you totally irresistible and you’ll also find that you’re a magnet for other high-energy people.  As the week ends, you’ll see that everything is turning up bright and shiny and getting on the move again. you also understand that like attracts like and some of your experiences mirror how you are feeling. Your connection to the whole is full on this week so expect wonderful synchronicity and some magical experiences. The more you understand that you are a unique part of the whole the more you are able to move to the next step of your personal evolution!

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Sagittarius this week, call 0905 817 2288. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


18th – mars conjunct mercury in 12th house, venus direct in 10th house, 21st -full moon in 11th house semi-sq saturn in 10th house

Make sure you’re at your best and be prepared for anything to happen as career plans that might have felt stalled recently get back into gear this week.  Any outstanding mysteries might make you puzzle but they don’t stand a chance of holding you back.You’ll be thinking a lot about loyalty and the long term and how important that is in your closest relationships.If you’ve been tempted to start something new or let go of a past commitment you will be looking at how committed you are to everyone involved. Single or taken take a moment to think about how committed you are to you as this is where the real foundations are laid.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Capricorn this week, call 0905 817 2289. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *

18th – venus direct in 9th house; jupiter direct in 2nd house; 20th – mars conjunct mercury in 11th house

Life get’s easier and simpler this week. You’re determined to sort out some practical matters and then have some play time. if someone is not pulling their weight financially or you feel there is an imbalance in a relationship look within to see your part in it. Is this a familiar pattern for you? if so you have the power to transform it! Within a group of people there is some gossip or talk about a friend, remember the power of your words and stick to your integrity. You are a free spirit who understands other peoples right to freedom and tend not to judge people, this is a big gift and allows you to make a big impression on someone listening. Communication with a love interest takes a new turn and speeds up, you’re loving the connection but try not to get too carried away as a part of you is hungry for a new experience.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Aquarius this week, call 0905 817 2290. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


18th – jupiter direct in pisces; mars conjunct mercury in 10th house.

A change of perspective brings a whole new career path into sharp focus.  What might have previously seemed too difficult or out of reach comes within your grasp and you realise that you have everything you need to flow toward it  Don’t hang about wondering if it’s all too good to be true – go for it.  If you’re in a relationship, something your partner reconnects you and you feel like you’ve just met.  If you’re single, your heart is open for the write karmic match. The Universe loves you and wants you to be happy, know that and let the love in!

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Pisces this week, call 0905 817 2291. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline. Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only.*

*BT calls cost 75p per min and last approx 2 minutes, costs from other networks may be higher. Lines updated every Tuesday. SP: Telecom Express 0870 880 4869.

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