Your Weekly Horoscope 14th – 20th December 2010


Mars/Pluto/Mercury retro conjunct in 10th house, square Moon in Aries.

When it comes to work, a suspicion that someone who stands between you and where you want to go is actually blocking your path might make you want to leap over them.  Temper your frustration and examine your assumptions.  What else might be going on that isn’t immediately obvious? How else might you respond?  If you get the chance, take the pressure off the situation and spend some time with them in a way that means you can strengthen what’s good between you.  The goodwill attached to this time of year gives you the perfect opportunity to invite them out for Christmas drinks and build those bonds so that they become an ally in your crusade.  As it is, your plans for 2011 look likely to evolve into something far better than even you could have dreamt of, so you can afford to be magnanimous.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Aries this week, call 0905 817 2280. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Mars/Pluto/Mercury retro conjunct in 9th house.

You’re very caught up in ideas of what’s right and wrong this week.  Keep reminding yourself that everyone is always doing the best they can and that underneath we’re all vulnerable and fallible.  Otherwise you could find yourself scrutinising and questioning everyone around you and calling them out on what they’re up to in a misguided attempt to get them to clean up their act.  All of this may very well be because deep down you are struggling with your own temptations and secret fantasies and projecting that onto others.  On a practical note, travel delays look likely, so make sure you’ve got enough time to do all your Christmas shopping.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Taurus this week, call 0905 817 2281. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Mars/Pluto/Mercury retro conjunct in 8th house

A feeling of excitement begins to build as the party season approaches.  Yes, you’re anticipating good times ahead, but you’re also tuning in to bigger themes and larger dreams for the future that are somehow wrapped around the present.  Stay down to earth for long enough to finish any business before the pleasure can start and double check that you haven’t overlooked anything.  In particular, keep an ear out for a friend who may be desperately signalling that she needs to talk.  Even if the timing isn’t brilliant for you, get into the spirit of giving early and give her your full attention.  Her level of gratitude will touch you deeply.  If lovers or romantic contenders are being slow off the mark, the effect of the Moon is likely to turn your head in a totally new direction.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Gemini this week, call 0905 817 2282. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Mars/Pluto/Mercury retro conjunct in 7th house, Sun in 6th square Jupiter/Uranus in 9th.

You’re definitely in demand this week, but it might lead you to ask some pertinent and necessary questions about just how much you are able to give.  You are known to be one of the most nurturing signs of the zodiac, but have you tied this so closely into your identity that you aren’t sure who you are if you’re not giving?  Do you always jump in to help because you feel guilty if you say no?  Deep down, do you trust other people enough to say no?   Turn those amazing skills of nurturing on yourself and learn to say no with love.  If you’re taken, you can shrug off any arguments that flare up out of the blue and go straight to some passionate making up.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for the sign of Cancer this week, call 0905 817 2283. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Mars/Pluto/Mercury retro conjunct in 6th house.

Work is definitely piling up and although you usually take a huge amount of pride in being able to shoulder far more than your fair share of the weight, a small feeling of resentment may begin to creep in as you feel a calling to be a little wild and have some fun too.  Whilst you do need to bring some balance in, you’re being tipped over by romantic desires that for some reason you can’t yet bring totally out into the open and a friend may also be demanding loads of attention at the same time.  Forget any ideas that a current love interest is preoccupied with an ex as it’s simply not true.  Restore balance for yourself and watch how everything else falls magically into place.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Leo this week, call 0905 817 2284. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Mars/Pluto/Mercury retro conjunct in 5th house, sun in 4th square Jupiter/Uranus in 7th.

This week is all about how you handle a radical change of heart.  Usually totally work focussed, you may surprise yourself with what seems like an internal tussle between the desire to finish off projects and the need to respond to all of those invitations to come out and have a good time.  At the same time, anything to do with romance feels especially intense.  Singles may find themselves pursuing passionate liaisons with a wholly new vigour and long term relationships get stirred up too.  Take the pressure off yourself to be perfect and allow others the space to adjust to an evolving you.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Virgo this week, call 0905 817 2285. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Mars/Pluto/Mercury retro conjunct in 4th house.

Hold back from any compulsion to start digging for information to do with partners or even an ex this week.  You may be totally obsessed with finding out what they are up to or trying to unearth any secrets you feel they may be trying to keep, but in all likelihood what you come across will only lead you off onto false trails towards the wrong conclusions.  You need to pull back that desire to understand what is happening with those around you and turn it inwards in a short period of self examination that may reveal some sides of yourself that you’ve pushed out towards the edges of your understanding.  A breakthrough is on its way, and it will be far more satisfying than anything you could discover about anyone else.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Libra this week, call 0905 817 2286. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Mars/Pluto/Mercury retro conjunct in 3rd house.

No one does intensity like you do, but if you find that chasing around for an answer to one particular question is only making you brood over what you feel to be a lack of progress in one area of your life, force yourself to focus on everything that is working right now as there really is plenty to be grateful for.  Change your perspective to pick up on everything that is good, right and fabulous and watch your spirits lift.  Give yourself permission to lighten up and you could attract more than a few compliments from someone who thinks you are amazing just as you are.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Scorpio this week, call 0905 817 2287. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Mars/Pluto/Mercury retro conjunct in 2nd house; 16th and 18th = sun in Sagittarius square Jupiter/Uranus in 4th house

Distracted though you might be by all the fun there is to be had right now, slow down and make sure that you are doing as much careful listening as you are joking and playing around.  Your mood may be light, bright and buoyant, which puts you at your charismatic best wherever you go, but your desire for fun could spill over into mischief if you’re not careful.  Besides, there are changes on the work front that you’ll want to stay ahead of, even if it’s you heading off in a new direction.  Keep an eye on cash if you can.  A lump sum could very well land in your lap, but it’s likely to be gone before you’ve even had time to count it.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Sagittarius this week, call 0905 817 2288. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Mars/Pluto/Mercury retro conjunct in Capricorn.

Don’t put yourself on the spot if someone asks you to say that they were with you when they weren’t this week.  It looks as though someone wants to cover their tracks with your promises.  Deep feelings of uncertainty that you don’t want to broadcast to the world are unsettling, but find someone you trust who can act as a sounding board as you get to the bottom of yourself and what is currently driving you.  Emotionally, there’s a great deal that needs your attention, but you can still find time to go out and enjoy yourself in the spirit of the season.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Capricorn this week, call 0905 817 2289. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Mars/Pluto/Mercury retro conjunct in 12th house.

An overall air of restlessness convinces you that you have to pay attention to your own desire for freedom and the need to live life a bit more on your terms.  This applies especially to work, where you just can’t find the energy for what seems to you to be petty power plays.  On a more mundane level, increasing hints that someone is worshipping you from afar makes you want to know exactly who it is – but any efforts in finding out only hit brick walls.  All will be revealed – and what happens next is up to you.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Aquarius this week, call 0905 817 2290. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only. *


Mars/Pluto/Mercury retro conjunct in 11th house, 16th/18th = sun in 10th square Jupiter/Uranus in Pisces.

A feeling of being at odds with others around you at work makes it hard for you to concentrate.  It may just be that you are feeling especially sensitive.  Really getting to grips with the idea that others are just playing out their own projections is the route to a totally new understanding of the principle of not taking anything personally.  Let them be.  Step out of the drama and watch how you shrug off the energy, even though they may continue.  When it comes to romance, singles find themselves embroiled in an affair with a touch of adventure and those in long term relationships share some unusually good times.  You’re overjoyed when you meet old friends at a seasonal party.

For more from Michele about what’s happening for Pisces this week, call 0905 817 2291. All calls cost 75p per minute on a BT landline.  Mobiles and other services may cost more. Over 18 service and for entertainment only.*

*BT calls cost 75p per min and last approx 2 minutes, costs from other networks may be higher. Lines updated every Tuesday. SP: Telecom Express 0870 880 4869.

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