Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview June 4 – 10

4th – New Moon in Sagittarius

4th – Partial lunar eclipse in Sagittarius

4th – Neptune retrograde in Pisces

6th – Venus Transit of the Sun in Gemini

8th – Mercury enters Cancer

We could all be forgiven for thinking that this week’s celestial events are all occurring on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. The new Moon at 14 degrees of Sagittarius is also a partial lunar eclipse. No matter what your sign, cast your thoughts back to what occurred around the 20th of last month when the annular eclipse took place in Gemini as this eclipse may well prove to be the culmination of events set in motion back then.

With Neptune turning retrograde in Pisces on the same day as the eclipse occurs, all of us could see veils either lifted or drawn across certain events, people or situations. You may suddenly be hit by clarity – seeing someone or something for what they finally are – or suddenly everything looks a bit foggy. If it’s the latter then wait until the new Moon on the 19th before taking action.

The biggest event in the skies is of course the Venus transit of the Sun in Gemini which occurs on the 6th. We won’t get a chance to see another one in our lifetimes as the next one isn’t due for 117 years! These transits do occur on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis so if you’re born under either, expect to feel this the most. The transit also packs a punch for Pisces and Virgo but all of us will end up examining not only how we communicate our feelings to others but how we integrate the masculine and feminine sides of our personalities. When both are communicating in harmony we become ‘whole souls’. This is the gift of the Venus transit.

On the 8th, Mercury planet of communication and transport enters Cancer. Here’s a little astrological secret. Cancer has long been the sign associated with home but more importantly it’s the sign associated with emotional security. Cancer’s ruling planet is of course, the Moon which has of course been eclipsed in Sagittarius – sign of exploration and adventure. Because the Moon rules the tides, years ago Cancerians were also seen as the restless explorers of the zodiac – joining their Sagittarian friends in the search for pastures new. Mercury combined with the eclipse makes us suddenly all understand that our security comes from within. From being the ‘whole souls’ the Venus transit promises us. At which point – we are at home everywhere.

This week’s message – no matter what your sign or where you are – welcome home.

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