Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview September 24 2012

September 26th – T-square – Venus in Leo square Mars in Scorpio square Moon in Aquarius opp Venus in Leo

September 26th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in Gemini trine Mercury in Libra trine Moon in Aquarius

September 29th – Uranus opposition in Aries

September 30th – Full Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus opposition in Aries

  • Opportunities may present themselves as challenges
  • Understand the difference between rebellion and change
  • Guard against impulsive decisions

The powerful T-square of last week involving the Sun/Mercury, Pluto and Uranus is still present but is joined this week by a second T-square involving Venus in Leo, Mars in Scorpio and the Moon in Aquarius. Should we beware of the T-square as some astrologers would have us think? Rather the catchphrase should be – be aware of the opportunities a T-square can bring us. There’s a secret to spotting them as T-squares often bring in challenges which we can get so busy focussing on we neglect to literally see the wood for the trees. So, what if this week we’re trashing through the undergrowth of some knotty problem – where should we start to look? The answer is elegantly provided by the Grand Air Trine which also occurs on the 26th. The focus and the solution will be slightly different for each sign so check your individual forecast.

On the 29th, free-thinking and revolutionary Uranus will be at its closest to Earth and the full Moon the following day will be conjunct it. Think of this as ‘supersizing’ its effect. Impulsive decisions may result. It’s one thing to be confident in one’s decision-making process but another thing to act without being in possession of all the facts or to rebel just for the sake of it. However, if there’s a long-term situation that’s long past its use-by date, channelled correctly, this full Moon can provide us with the impetus to make that long-needed change.


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