Your Free Weekly Forecast For All Signs October 1


2nd – Mystic Rectangle – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 7th, trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 12th opp Venus in 5th, sextile Moon in 2nd trine Venus in 5th sextile Saturn/Mercury in 7th opp Moon in 2nd

3rd – Venus enters 6th

4th – Jupiter retrograde in 3rd

4th – Grand Cross – Venus in 6th square Mars in 8th square Neptune in 12th opp Venus in 6th square Moon in 2nd opp Mars in 8th

5th – Mercury enters 8th

5th – Saturn enters 8th

5th – Double T-square – Venus in 6th square Mars in 8th square Neptune in 12th opp Venus in 6th; Sun in 7th square Pluto in 10th, square Uranus in 1st opp Sun in 7th

7th – Mars enters 9th

7th – Grand Water Trine – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 8th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 12th trine Moon in 4th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 8th

7th – Venus in 6th opp Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 12th

7th Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 7th, square Pluto in 10th, opposition Moon in 4th, square Uranus in 1st, square Moon in 4th square Sun in 7th opp Uranus in 1st

7th – Kite – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 8th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 12th, opposition Venus in 6th and trine Moon in 4th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 8th sextile Venus in 6th sextile Moon in 4th

  • Dreaming must be balanced with doing
  • Reward and recognition vs. failure and blockages
  • Initiate long term plans

If you’ve read my overview for this week you will know that this is an unusual week that contains so many major patterns forming in the sky that no sign will remain unaffected. The aspects of this week are all about a planetary-wide awakening to our true soul paths and what I can only describe as a soul-integration occurring.

Because this week is so complex for everyone, I am concentrating on the main soul messages for each sign. For you dear Aries, the awakening is occurring in the realm of manifestation. Venus in your 6th house forms a part of almost every major aspect this week. As I’ve mentioned before, this is not a house Venus is happy in. However, this Venus is balanced out by other aspects allowing you to take advantage to the sudden changes which may occur in your work and career sectors. Look to the mystic rectangle which forms on the 2nd for clues not only to your direction but the support and resources you have available to you – and these include your own ideas which may be the most valuable resource of all.

There’s a secondary message being delivered this week by Jupiter which turns retrograde in your 3rd of communication and transport on the 4th and Mars your ruler which enters your 9th of expansion, luck and adventure on the 7th.  It’s not enough to just shoot for the stars – when it comes to manifesting your dreams and desires you have to back up visualisation with action now. The Grand Water trine of the 7th lends you the spiritual inspiration to get things done.

On the 5th both Mercury and Saturn enter your 8th house of transformations. Mercury being the closest planet to the Sun spends very little time in each sign whereas when Saturn moves in it’s for a two and a half year stay. Saturn can be a hard taskmaster but with him setting up home in your 8th house the message is going to be all about sending people through who are destined to change the course of your life in some way. Watch out for them. Saturn also loves structure and now is the time to initiate long term plans that are the building blocks for the future.

Mars your ruler has a key role to play in the double T-square of the 5th before moving off into your 9th house. Again, the message here is don’t just get caught up in those big dreams – dreams become reality when you work to make them so.

The 7th brings every sign one of the most significant days astrologically this year. A Grand Water Trine, a Cardinal Grand Cross and a kite all form on the same day. Uranus in your 1st house forms part of the Grand Cross, opposing the Sun in your 7th. Perhaps most significantly, Uranus makes a quincunx to Venus in your 6th which forms the apex of the kite and opposes Neptune and Chiron conjunct in your 12th. If you’ve been walking the wrong soul path when it comes to your career or feel the success you desire eludes you then events could transpire that open up a new path to success. It’s all about reward and recognition or else continued stumbling blocks. If those doors are remaining closed to you no matter how hard you knock – take the hint. You’re knocking on the wrong door.


2nd – Mystic Rectangle – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 6th, trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 11th opp Venus in 4th, sextile Moon in 1st trine Venus in 4th sextile Saturn/Mercury in 6th opp Moon in 1st

3rd – Venus enters 5th

4th – Jupiter retrograde in 2nd

4th – Grand Cross – Venus in 5th square Mars in 7th square Neptune in 11th opp Venus in 5th square Moon in 1st opp Mars in 7th

5th – Mercury enters 7th

5th – Saturn enters 7th

5th – Double T-square – Venus in 5th square Mars in 7th square Neptune in 11th opp Venus in 5th; Sun in 6th square Pluto in 9th, square Uranus in 12th opp Sun in 6th

7th – Mars enters 8th

7th – Grand Water Trine – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 7th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 11th trine Moon in 3rd trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 7th

7th – Venus in 5th opp Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 11th

7th Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 6th, square Pluto in 9th, opposition Moon in 3rd, square Uranus in 12th, square Moon in 3rd square Sun in 6th opp Uranus in 12th

7th – Kite – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 7th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 11th, opposition Venus in 5th and trine Moon in 3rd trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 7th sextile Venus in 5th sextile Moon in 3rd

  • Revise your definition of partnership
  • Older or more experienced people hold the keys to soul freedom
  • Keep karmic and carry on

Venus your ruler has a key role to play in many of this week’s incredible aspects starting with the Mystic rectangle which forms on the 2nd. Mystic rectangles bring us fabulous opportunities for soul progress as they contain just the right mix of beneficial aspects combined with oppositions to give us impetus. Contrary to what many astrologers would have you believe, without so-called ‘challenging’ aspects like squares and oppositions we would soon be stuck in inertia, indulgence and indolence if all we had to deal with what trines and sextiles. Proof that yes, you can have too much of a good thing.

Back to Venus. On the 3rd she enters your 5th of love, beauty and creativity – an area of the chart where she is very much at home. The very next day she gets tangled up in a Grand Cross which also includes the Moon in your 1st. This one is bound to get you thinking about your emotional needs when it comes to expressing yourself both in relationships and also in terms of creative self-expression. The emphasis on close personal relationships continues as on the 5th, Saturn and Mercury both enter your 7th house of partnerships and a double T-square forms keeping that focus firmly on your 5th and 7th houses. Mercury spends approximately three weeks in each house but Saturn moves in for a two and a half year stay. During this period expect to re-define what partnerships and close personal relationships mean to you. Single Taureans could find themselves attracting someone to build a future with. However, be aware that Saturn is the planet which rules timing, karma and soul-testing. If relationships are stable expect them to be further cemented. If not – Saturn may say ‘Time’s up’. No matter what, you won’t be treating close relationships as trivial now and if you’re searching for that partner nothing superficial will do. Keep karmic and carry on.

The major aspects of the 7th include a Grand Water trine, a Cardinal Grand Cross, a kite and yes, Venus opposing the Neptune/Chiron conjunction in your 11th of friends and social connections. Have you been feeling excluded or out-of-step with your social circle of late? There may also be things bubbling below the surface with friends you’re unaware of. If so, expect this line-up to bring them to light. The emphasis on relationships of all kinds continues but if you’re looking to break free from the past – either from connections which have lost their resonance or from a period of going it alone, then on both the personal and professional fronts older friends or those who may just have more life experience in certain areas will prove not only to be the most reliable, but also the ones who have the keys to your soul freedom now. And if you’re looking to make a lasting impression on someone Venus beaming a sextile at the apex of the kite to the Saturn/Mercury conjunction in your 7th enables you to do just that as you discover you have more influence than you thought when it comes to swaying others.


2nd – Mystic Rectangle – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 5th, trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 10th opp Venus in 3rd, sextile Moon in 12th trine Venus in 3rd sextile Saturn/Mercury in 5th opp Moon in 12th

3rd – Venus enters 4th

4th – Jupiter retrograde in 1st

4th – Grand Cross – Venus in 4th square Mars in 6th square Neptune in 10th opp Venus in 4th square Moon in 12th opp Mars in 6th

5th – Mercury enters 6th

5th – Saturn enters 6th

5th – Double T-square – Venus in 4th square Mars in 6th square Neptune in 10th opp Venus in 4th; Sun in 5th square Pluto in 8th, square Uranus in 11th opp Sun in 5th

7th – Mars enters 7th

7th – Grand Water Trine – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 6th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 10th trine Moon in 2nd trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 6th

7th – Venus in 4th opp Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 10th

7th Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 5th, square Pluto in 8th, opposition Moon in 2nd, square Uranus in 11th, square Moon in 2nd square Sun in 5th opp Uranus in 11th

7th – Kite – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 6th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 10th, opposition Venus in 4th and trine Moon in 2nd trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 6th sextile Venus in 4th sextile Moon in 2nd

  • Take care of the small stuff – and yes, it is all small stuff!
  • Fly high when it comes to your expectations
  • Expansion, expression, enthusiasm are your key words this week

Saturn is conjunct your ruler Mercury this week which may have the effect of making you feel everything that’s going on around you is happening in slow motion. You’ll feel the effects of this starting with the Mystic Rectangle which forms on the 2nd. Before you erupt with Aries-like impatience, Gemini, let me explain there’s a reason behind this. When it comes to your every day work you’re being asked to make sure you’re seeing things for what they are. First, make like a Virgo and take care of the details and in doing so, you’ll stop workloads getting out of proportion. This also applies to your goals. Is there something you want to achieve but you’re overwhelmed whenever you start to think about how? This aspect allows you to break down the whole into do-able, chewable, bite-sized pieces. Now you can rubber stamp those daunting tasks with your cosmic ‘Done, done, DONE!’ stamp you’ll see it was nothing but small stuff all along.

Forget the small stuff when it comes to your expectations. Have you been apologetically making do with crumbs from your slice of life? The Grand Cross on the 4th sets you thinking about where the limitations have been imposed and by who (clue – could be the person reading this). On the 7th Venus in your 4th of home and emotional security will oppose Neptune conjunct Chiron in your 10th of status. If you’ve been content up until now to accept less than your due you’ll now be examining the reasons behind this. The Grand Water trine on the same day allows you to delve deeply into your feelings and you’re seeing there’s a big difference between gratitude and settling for less than you really deserve. Lucky for you the Cardinal Grand Cross striding across key sectors allows you to direct your energy appropriately.

Because the sky is alight on this day with powerful aspects, no sign is going to be unaffected. It’s all part of the global soul-calling that’s going on to align us all with our soul paths and increase our resonance with one another. For you, Gemini, the spectacular kite pattern which forms a key part of this line-up is literally a ‘high flying’ sign. You regain your enthusiasm and joie de vive as you see living your soul path actually involves radiating your enthusiasm and infectious charm. Soul paths don’t have to be serious stuff. One person living joyfully infects those around them. Go towards the dreams that fire you up and keep going. That’s your most important task this week.



2nd – Mystic Rectangle – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 4th, trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 9th opp Venus in 2nd, sextile Moon in 11th trine Venus in 2nd sextile Saturn/Mercury in 4th opp Moon in 11th

3rd – Venus enters 3rd

4th – Jupiter retrograde in 12th

4th – Grand Cross – Venus in 3rd square Mars in 5th square Neptune in 9th opp Venus in 3rd square Moon in 11th opp Mars in 5th

5th – Mercury enters 5th

5th – Saturn enters 5th

5th – Double T-square – Venus in 3rd square Mars in 5th square Neptune in 9th opp Venus in 3rd; Sun in 4th square Pluto in 7th, square Uranus in 10th opp Sun in 4th

7th – Mars enters 6th

7th – Grand Water Trine – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 5th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 9th trine Moon in 1st trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 5th

7th – Venus in 3rd opp Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 9th

7th Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 4th, square Pluto in 7th, opposition Moon in 1st, square Uranus in 10th, square Moon in 1st square Sun in 4th opp Uranus in 10th

7th – Kite – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 5th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 9th, opposition Venus in 3rd and trine Moon in 1st trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 5th sextile Venus in 3rd sextile Moon in 1st

  • Commit to creativity and love
  • Where do you think your dreams can take you?
  • Watch for inspired ideas to come out of the blue


Just a glance at the forecasts for other signs (or if you know your Moon or rising sign then you know it’s always a good idea to read those as well as your Sun sign), will tell you that this week’s incredible aspects leave no sign untouched. As the Moon your ruler is caught up with most of them this applies especially to you.


Let’s begin with the Mystic Rectangle which forms on the 2nd. This is the last time powerful Saturn will be activated in your zone of home and emotional security. Whatever has been brewing on the home front comes to a head and you may now see very clearly that security can be found in other areas.


The Grand Cross which forms ahead of the double T-square of the 5th makes a critical aspect to the Moon and also Venus which has now entered your 3rd house of communication and transport. This isn’t just about how you get from a to b – although be prepared for changes to that, but is really about you examining where you believe your dreams can take you? A tropical, sun-drenched beach or to experience a better life all round? Dreams are usually about more life and now these amazing aspects wake you up not only to that realisation but to how you can manifest that life. When Saturn and Mercury (both conjunct) move into your 5th of creativity, love and children on the 5th, it’s time to commit. Invest in your ideas, your children and above all in love – by doing whatever you need to do with love. You’re going to get two and a half years to work through this one as while Mercury only spends around three weeks in each house, Saturn sets up shop for extended opening hours! As the 5th rules love affairs, single Cancerians may find that their love life feels rather restricted during Saturn’s visit. If this is the case don’t fight against it or go looking for love in all the wrong places. Ignite your creative passion instead.

On the 7th when the sky lights up with aspects that will affect every single one of us, the Moon which forms a key part of this is actually in your own sign. Not only does the Moon form part of the Cardinal Grand Cross but it also forms part of the Grand Water Trine and the kite aspect. There hasn’t been as much heavenly activity in one day all year. It’s all part of the collective soul awakening that’s occurring now, getting us all in touch with our soul purpose and enabling many of us to connect more deeply and integrate not only with our fellow human beings but with every other living creature on the planet. For you, Cancer you’ll be not only attuned to your emotions but also those of others more keenly than usual. Expect ideas and answers especially of the spiritual variety, to arrive literally out of the blue. Being near water on this day will boost this. Allow the thoughts and feelings to come and go as you connect to a larger reality than you thought possible. It’s time to embrace the universal and allow the pure creativity of the cosmos to flood in and illuminate your life.


2nd – Mystic Rectangle – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 3rd, trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 8th opp Venus in 1st, sextile Moon in 10th trine Venus in 1st sextile Saturn/Mercury in 3rd opp Moon in 10th

3rd – Venus enters 2nd

4th – Jupiter retrograde in 11th

4th – Grand Cross – Venus in 2nd square Mars in 4th square Neptune in 8th opp Venus in 2nd square Moon in 10th opp Mars in 4th

5th – Mercury enters 4th

5th – Saturn enters 4th

5th – Double T-square – Venus in 2nd square Mars in 4th square Neptune in 8th opp Venus in 2nd; Sun in 3rd square Pluto in 6th, square Uranus in 9th opp Sun in 3rd

7th – Mars enters 5th

7th – Grand Water Trine – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 4th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 8th trine Moon in 12th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 4th

7th – Venus in 2nd opp Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 8th

7th Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 3rd, square Pluto in 6th, opposition Moon in 12th, square Uranus in 9th, square Moon in 12th square Sun in 3rd opp Uranus in 9th

7th – Kite – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 4th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 8th, opposition Venus in 2nd and trine Moon in 12th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 4th sextile Venus in 2nd sextile Moon in 12th

  • Are you really as confident as other people believe?
  • An old karmic tie may tug at you
  • An opportunity to create a launch pad from which to shoot for the stars

Venus spends her last day in your sign (the 2nd) forming part of a Mystic Rectangle. Rectangles are excellent aspects as they contain just the right mix of beneficial aspects (trines and sextiles) and challenging ones (oppositions) for us to use to bring about much needed change. There is an amazing healing quality to this Rectangle for you, Leo in that it is allowing you to look closely (or perhaps probe deeply) into how much you believe you are liked or loved for who you really are. Other signs may find it difficult to believe that you have any issues around popularity or self-confidence. That’s just your innate ability to put on a good front. If your self-esteem has taken a blow then the Mystic Rectangle and the Grand Cross which follows two days later will enable you to take steps to restore your self-image to better reflect who you really are. Are you a golden Leo who’s had to resort to hiding behind a mask of brass just to fool people into thinking everything’s okay? Time to stop the fakery and show them the 18 carat authentic you lurking beneath the cheap imitation. Venus entering your 2nd house of assets and self-worth on the 3rd also gives you a nudge in the right direction.

On the 5th a double T-square forms, the same day Mercury and Saturn both enter your 4th house of home and emotional security. While Mercury is only in there for a flying visit – approximately three weeks, Saturn is unpacking for a two and a half year stay. Many Leos could find themselves putting down roots during this period or buying their first home (Saturn loves structure and commitment). But for others the task will involve looking at how secure you feel in yourself. You’ll have two and a half years to work on this.

There’s an element of mystery going on for you this week with a lot of focus on both your 8th and 12th houses. A karmic tie with someone may pull you back into each other’s orbits or you may feel it snap and sever because the connection has served its purpose in this lifetime. How to recognise the latter? You’ll be left either owed or owing or holding something that belonged to the other party – anything from an article of clothing to a horse. Hopefully it’s something small and not anything you need to call the local pony sanctuary over.

There’s not a soul on Earth who will remain unaffected by the astounding aspects which occur on the 7th with a Grand Water Trine, a Cardinal Grand Cross and a kite aspect literally igniting the potential in all of us. The Sun your ruler forms an angle in the Grand Cross in your 3rd of communication while the Moon drives your emotional need for recognition. Pluto says things must transform while Uranus gives you unexpected and perhaps unorthodox ways of doing this. The real focus of today’s planetary action has to be the kite however which has at its apex Venus in your 2nd opposing a Neptune/Chiron conjunction in your 8th of transformation. We’re all being called upon to see what our unique contribution can be to the soul evolution that’s presently taking place. Perhaps in the past you’ve been made to feel that your ideas or even you, were on some level not up to par. Now is the time to discard self-limiting thoughts and use this power aspect to heal old wounds and aim high. Do it with creativity and above all, forgiveness and you’ll be amazed at where all this can take you.


2nd – Mystic Rectangle – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 2nd, trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 7th opp Venus in 12th, sextile Moon in 9th trine Venus in 12th sextile Saturn/Mercury in 2nd opp Moon in 9th

3rd – Venus enters 1st

4th – Jupiter retrograde in 10th

4th – Grand Cross – Venus in 1st square Mars in 3rd square Neptune in 7th opp Venus in 1st square Moon in 9th opp Mars in 3rd

5th – Mercury enters 3rd

5th – Saturn enters 3rd

5th – Double T-square – Venus in 1st square Mars in 3rd square Neptune in 7th opp Venus in 1st; Sun in 2nd square Pluto in 5th, square Uranus in 8th opp Sun in 2nd

7th – Mars enters 4th

7th – Grand Water Trine – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 3rd trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 7th trine Moon in 11th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 3rd

7th – Venus in 1st opp Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 7th

7th Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 2nd, square Pluto in 5th, opposition Moon in 11th, square Uranus in 8th, square Moon in 11th square Sun in 2nd opp Uranus in 8th

7th – Kite – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 3rd trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 7th, opposition Venus in 1st and trine Moon in 11th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 3rd sextile Venus in 1st sextile Moon in 11th

  • Partnership issues surface
  • Are you embracing the transformation of sharing?
  • Choose words of love

Here’s a cautionary tale for you, Virgo. A friend of mine (Capricorn) once decided to try to save her rocky marriage to her husband (Virgo) by surprising him by dressing up in a French maid’s costume. Being a reticent Capricorn this took a great deal of courage. Confronted with this feather duster wielding vision in fishnets, the Virgo’s sole response was that she looked fat. Needless to say – end of marriage. Partnership issues will be surfacing for you this week, Virgo and your key to making the most of the soul-transforming aspects is to choose words of love – not of criticism. Nit-picking has no place in soul matters.

It’s time to heal any lingering hurts in terms of your closest relationships be they with partners or friends. Thanks to the Mystic Rectangle that forms on the 2nd, followed by the entrance of Venus into your sign the next day, you’ll be spiritually inspired to come up with solutions that promote harmony. And if you’re the one nursing the hurt feelings, Venus will enable those closest to you to understand why and rectify the situation.

This week’s aspects are so plentiful and so powerful that they will leave no sign unaffected. It’s all about aligning us all to our soul purpose and enhancing our connection to each other and every living being on this planet. The message behind this is slightly different for each sign but for you in particular Virgo, the path to soul awakening is all about experiencing the transformation of sharing. This doesn’t necessarily mean sharing your resources (although this can comprise a part of this) but sharing your ideas, your abilities, your time and above all – yourself freely and fully with others. The Grand Cross on the 4th begins this process as it includes Venus now in your 1st, Neptune in your 7th of partners, the Moon in your expansion sector and Mars in your 3rd of communication. Let others know how open you are.

On the 5th, Mercury and Saturn move into your 3rd. Mercury is very comfortable in this house so expect a flurry of messages. Sadly he won’t be staying long unlike Saturn who has moved in for a two and a half year stay. However, Saturn boosts your natural ability to study so any Virgos embarking on a new course or exams can expect good results provided they put in the groundwork.

The same day a double T-square forms again asking you to transform your idea of sharing – and the words you choose when sharing your thoughts with others.

The highlight of the week occurs on the 7th when one of the most majestic line-ups appears in the sky. A Cardinal Grand Cross, a Grand Water Trine and a kite illuminate the sky bringing us all the opportunity to surmount our obstacles and live lives filled with authenticity. For you, that also means appreciation. Venus forms the apex of the kite in your sign, a clear message to you that the way forward is by choosing love and ways to express it. Sometimes that just amounts to saying ‘Thank-you’ instead of ‘No thanks’. Acceptance of others and yourself, is the way forward for you now.


2nd – Mystic Rectangle – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 1st, trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 6th opp Venus in 11th, sextile Moon in 8th trine Venus in 11th sextile Saturn/Mercury in 1st opp Moon in 8th

3rd – Venus enters 12th

4th – Jupiter retrograde in 9th

4th – Grand Cross – Venus in 12th square Mars in 2nd square Neptune in 6th opp Venus in 12th square Moon in 8th opp Mars in 2nd

5th – Mercury enters 2nd

5th – Saturn enters 2nd

5th – Double T-square – Venus in 12th square Mars in 2nd square Neptune in 6th opp Venus in 12th; Sun in 1st square Pluto in 4th, square Uranus in 7th opp Sun in 1st

7th – Mars enters 3rd

7th – Grand Water Trine – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 2nd trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 6th trine Moon in 10th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 2nd

7th – Venus in 12th opp Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 6th

7th Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 1st, square Pluto in 4th, opposition Moon in 10th, square Uranus in 7th, square Moon in 10th square Sun in 1st opp Uranus in 7th

7th – Kite – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 2nd trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 6th, opposition Venus in 12th and trine Moon in 10th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 2nd sextile Venus in 12th sextile Moon in 10th

  • Spiritual solutions offer soul evolution
  • Career and work decisions are highlighted
  • What’s important to you changes focus

Saturn ends his two and a half year stay in your sign this week on a grand note as he forms part of a Mystic Rectangle which also involves Venus your ruler in your 11th house of friends and social connections which also includes co-workers. I’ll return to the subject of work and career shortly but expect some kind of transformation to occur within your larger social circle as a result. On the 3rd. Venus enters your 12th of spirituality, secrets and all that ‘lies beneath’. Just because you can’t touch something or ‘prove’ something doesn’t mean it’s not real. And that includes those hunches you’ve been having lately – something which the Grand Cross on the 4th may highlight.

On the 5th. Saturn finally moves out of your 1st and into your 2nd heralding a two and a half year period where you can asset-build. Your investment may include yourself and your ideas. Don’t necessarily treat this as an excuse for a make-over – although when it comes to shopping Libra rarely needs an excuse. This is all about the content not the frame and certainly your investment strategy must be geared towards things of lasting value – assets and self-worth, not something that depreciates like Jimmy Choos.

The focus now shifts to your work and career sectors with the double T-square of the 5th asking you to find new ways to show what you have to offer. Do you feel your work sustains you spiritually as well as financially? Do you feel valued? Does your job allow you to utilise your skills and continue to serve your growth? If you’re coming up short on these questions then you need to adjust your career settings to bring them more into alignment with your soul path and your soul path and purpose is what the amazing aspects of the 7th are all about as what’s important to you suddenly changes focus thanks to a Grand Water Trine, a Cardinal Grand Cross which includes the Sun in your 1st, and a kite which forms with Venus at its apex. It’s also worth noting that on this day Venus makes an opposition to Neptune and Chiron conjunct in your 6th of career. There isn’t a soul alive on this planet who will fail to be touched by these aspects whose influence will be far-reaching. It’s all about awakening to our soul purpose and seeing how that fits into the collective evolution that is taking place right now. Follow any spiritual insights you receive now into your true calling which may or may not be the job you are doing. If you discover that your career has now lost the meaning it once had for you – don’t despair. If we don’t evolve on every level – and that includes refining our goals as we ourselves are spiritually refined, we remain stuck.

Anything that’s not longer working represents an imbalance in your life and your sign is after all, all about balance. Open yourself up to signs and synchronicities that point the way forward whether it’s to a new path or just towards a new focus. The road ahead is clear – funny you couldn’t see that until now.


2nd – Mystic Rectangle – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 12th, trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 5th opp Venus in 10th, sextile Moon in 7th trine Venus in 10th sextile Saturn/Mercury in 12th opp Moon in 7th

3rd – Venus enters 11th

4th – Jupiter retrograde in 8th

4th – Grand Cross – Venus in 11th square Mars in 1st square Neptune in 5th opp Venus in 11th square Moon in 7th opp Mars in 1st

5th – Mercury enters 1st

5th – Saturn enters 1st

5th – Double T-square – Venus in 11th square Mars in 1st square Neptune in 5th opp Venus in 11th; Sun in 12th square Pluto in 3rd, square Uranus in 6th opp Sun in 12th

7th – Mars enters 2nd

7th – Grand Water Trine – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 1st trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 5th trine Moon in 9th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 1st

7th – Venus in 11th opp Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 5th

7th Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 12th, square Pluto in 3rd, opposition Moon in 9th, square Uranus in 6th, square Moon in 9th square Sun in 12th opp Uranus in 6th

7th – Kite – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 1st trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 5th, opposition Venus in 11th and trine Moon in 9th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 1st sextile Venus in 11th sextile Moon in 9th

  • The chance to establish something of worth begins
  • What limits you now?
  • Your creativity shines

For those Phoenixes who have felt they have just been spinning their wheels over the past two and a half years, I have good news. Saturn planet of karma and restriction and the one responsible for any feelings of restriction, finally moves out of your 12th house this week and into your first. You’ll feel the shift of energy right after the Mystic Rectangle which occurs on the 2nd. Your much-unused symbol of the phoenix is appropriate now as you spread your wings and rise from the ashes of your former self, transformed. The next day Venus hops out of your 10th and into your 11th heralding a period of social enjoyment and fun. Get out and about and accept all invitations. They will aid in the transformation process.

Saturn’s two and a half year stay in your first allows you to lay some serious foundations for future success. Don’t forget however, Saturn is hardly the planet of overnight results. You may have to wait two and a half years for him to move into your 2nd to reap the rewards but they will be worth it.

Jupiter turns retrograde in your 8th of shared resources, endings and yes, here comes that word again – transformations, on the 4th. On the same day a Grand Cross forms which includes Mars in you 1st, Venus in your 11th, Neptune in your 5th and the Moon in your 7th. When it comes to reaching out – especially to others, what is limiting you now? Dig deep for the answers – they will be forthcoming.

The double T-square which forms on the 5th includes Pluto your ruler in your 3rd making a tense angle to the Sun in your 12th and Uranus in your 6th of work and bosses. Watch out for power plays and hidden agendas to surface on the work front and above all, steer clear of confrontations with superiors.

All the main action of the week occurs on the 7th however, when the major soul-enhancing aspects of the day will leave no sign unaffected. The Grand Water trine involves both Saturn and Mercury in your 1st trineing Neptune and Chiron conjunct in your 5th and the Moon in your 9th for a fabulous creative power placement. Venus in your 11th beams an opposition to Neptune and Chiron in your 5th healing any feelings of inferiority. It’s all about getting you ready for the soul journey we’re all undertaking now that aligns us to our soul path and enables us to appreciate the way we are all connected. On the same day a Cardinal Grand Cross forms which includes Pluto in your 3rd and a kite which has Venus in your 11th at its apex. The kite is all about flying as high as you can go in a particular area of life. It’s part of a planetary wide awakening that will be enacted out slightly differently but equally relevantly by everyone. If the message wasn’t clear before it should be now. For you, it’s all about enhancing your connection to friends, to colleagues, to loved ones and to total strangers via any means at your disposal. Use your creativity in unique ways. Communicate. Create. Connect. These three words will fuel your soul journey now.


2nd – Mystic Rectangle – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 11th, trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 4th opp Venus in 9th, sextile Moon in 6th trine Venus in 9th sextile Saturn/Mercury in 11th opp Moon in 6th

3rd – Venus enters 10th

4th – Jupiter retrograde in 7th

4th – Grand Cross – Venus in 10th square Mars in 12th square Neptune in 4th opp Venus in 10th square Moon in 6th opp Mars in 12th

5th – Mercury enters 12th

5th – Saturn enters 12th

5th – Double T-square – Venus in 10th square Mars in 12th square Neptune in 4th opp Venus in 10th; Sun in 11th square Pluto in 2nd, square Uranus in 5th opp Sun in 11th

7th – Mars enters 1st

7th – Grand Water Trine – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 12th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 4th trine Moon in 8th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 12th

7th – Venus in 10th opp Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 4th

7th Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 11th, square Pluto in 2nd, opposition Moon in 8th, square Uranus in 5th, square Moon in 8th square Sun in 11th opp Uranus in 5th

7th – Kite – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 12th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 4th, opposition Venus in 10th and trine Moon in 8th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 12th sextile Venus in 10th sextile Moon in 8th

  • What needs to be revised in close relationships?
  • Where is your spiritual home?
  • Action combined with inspiration brings success

Saturn moving into your 12th this week for a two and a half year stay has a mission for you, Sag and that is discovering where your spiritual home lies. Be prepared to undertake a journey – at least on a spiritual level, to discover this. Saturn is the master builder and teacher. Think of him as the unrelenting, crusty teacher who pushes you but is short on praise until you pass whatever test he’s set you. Then you suddenly realise all those tasks he set you were because he knew what you were capable of all along. His job was to get you to realise it.

Saturn plays a vital role for you in this week’s amazing aspects which will leave no sign unaffected. Before he moves into your 12th he will form part of a Mystic Rectangle in your 11th along with Venus in your 9th, Neptune in your 4th and the Moon in your 6th. Your sense of security now comes not just from the work that you do but where you do it from. Some Sagi’s may decide to make the move to working from home. Others may take the attitude that their office is wherever their laptop happens to be.

Your ruler Jupiter turns retrograde in your partnership sector on the 4th, giving you an opportunity to refine any close relationship. With Sagittarians that does not necessarily have to mean the partnership is of the human variety – it is just as likely to be with an animal soul partner. Watch for your tendency to open your mouth merely to get the other foot in there when it comes to dealing with partners of the human variety however.

The 5th sees Saturn enter your 12th of spirituality and secrets as I mentioned earlier where he’s also joined by Mercury. Your intuition could be at a peak for the next three weeks as a result. On the same day a double T-square forms. Any tension in the areas of home, assets, friends or your career can be alleviated by keeping your thinking as universal as possible and not getting drawn into anything petty. If you focus on the big picture you’ll avoid conflicts.

The focus of the week for everybody is centered on the aspects that occur on the 7th. These stretch across the sky involving every single planet which means that no person will remain unaffected. It’s all part of the global soul awakening we’re all undergoing designed to align us with our true calling and with one another. The Grand Water Trine which forms part of this points to a transformation for you in how you take the incredible ideas you often have and turn them into something concrete. If you’ve been doing nothing about them up until now, expect that to change especially as Mars now in your 1st is impelling you not to just dream it but to do it.

The Cardinal Grand Cross of the same day pulls in Pluto in your 2nd of assets and Uranus in your 5th – an idea or opportunity could drop right into your lap. The real action is the spectacular kite with Venus at its apex in your 10th house of status and career. The soul transformation message for you is to be an inspiration to others in whatever you choose to do now. It doesn’t matter what it is – so long as you value it and aren’t bothered by what others think. The funny thing when you let go of worrying about the opinions of others is that the others then want your opinion. Your soul calling is to be someone to emulate whether its in how you love, how you life or just how you relate to your world.


2nd – Mystic Rectangle – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 10th, trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 3rd opp Venus in 8th, sextile Moon in 5th trine Venus in 8th sextile Saturn/Mercury in 10th opp Moon in 5th

3rd – Venus enters 9th

4th – Jupiter retrograde in 6th

4th – Grand Cross – Venus in 9th square Mars in 11th square Neptune in 3rd opp Venus in 9th square Moon in 5th opp Mars in 11th

5th – Mercury enters 11th

5th – Saturn enters 11th

5th – Double T-square – Venus in 9th square Mars in 11th square Neptune in 3rd opp Venus in 9th; Sun in 10th square Pluto in 1st, square Uranus in 4th opp Sun in 10th

7th – Mars enters 12th

7th – Grand Water Trine – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 11th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 3rd trine Moon in 7th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 11th

7th – Venus in 9th opp Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 3rd

7th Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 10th, square Pluto in 1st, opposition Moon in 7th, square Uranus in 4th, square Moon in 7th square Sun in 10th opp Uranus in 4th

7th – Kite – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 11th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 3rd, opposition Venus in 9th and trine Moon in 7th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 11th sextile Venus in 9th sextile Moon in 7th

  • Friends offer freedom
  • Endings and new beginnings dominate
  • Guard against feeling overburdened

Focus on friends and contacts for the early part of this week, Capricorn because they hold the keys to breaking you free of any restrictions you have been experiencing. These may not necessarily be those you would normally turn to – new friends, your extended social and professional network and casual acquaintances may surprise you with ideas, leads and above all, understanding of any changes you want to make. Your networks represent your greatest asset this week so please don’t be afraid of utilising them. Above all, bear in mind that in order for people to help you, you have to ask for it. Think about how pleased you are when people consult you for help. Why would you deny that pleasure to others?

The Mystic Rectangle which occurs on the 2nd brings the focus back on to endings and transformations, especially those which impact on your status in some way. Along with this however, is the promise of fresh starts and new beginnings. You should see the first signs of these appear when Venus enters your 9th of expansion on the 3rd. Jupiter retrograde in your work sector on the 4th may have you re-evaluating either your role or that of a team member’s. On the same day a Grand Cross forms pulling that focus back onto your area of friends and connections. The following day Saturn and Mercury both move into the same sector. Friends and contacts who are older or who have experience in areas of interest to you offer the best solutions.

By now you’re used to my mentioning Pluto and this week’s forecast wouldn’t be complete without pointing out that Pluto forms part of one of two T-squares which also form on the 5th focussing on your home and status sectors. Think of any changes as transformations or better yet – as new incarnations – the chance to be re-born into a new life within this one.

The theme of letting go carries on into the astounding aspects which occur on the 7th when the sky shifts to form patterns that will affect each and every one of us. The Cardinal Grand Cross which forms part of these includes Pluto again which forms a tense angle to Uranus in your home sector. What you’ve been clinging to may turn out to be less stable than you thought. However, the Grand Water Trine puts you firmly in touch with the feelings of others and they with yours. Don’t be afraid under this influence to be upfront about what you really think and feel and others will reciprocate. Above all, watch out for taking on too much and feeling overburdened. Again, turn to older or friends with a great deal of life experience for support.

The real ‘star’ aspect of the week is the kite which also forms on the 7th. The apex of the kite is formed by Venus in your 9th house – sector of luck, expansion, long distance travel, further education, law and philosophy. It’s all about connecting to your soul path and to the larger reality that underpins life here on Earth. Consider any ventures you start on now favoured. This is the next step on a long soul journey you’ve undertaken. Rewards for your progress so far could well be following. No – it’s not luck. Anything that turns up this week is something you’ve earned.


2nd – Mystic Rectangle – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 9th, trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 2nd opp Venus in 7th, sextile Moon in 4th trine Venus in 7th sextile Saturn/Mercury in 9th opp Moon in 4th

3rd – Venus enters 8th

4th – Jupiter retrograde in 5th

4th – Grand Cross – Venus in 8th square Mars in 10th square Neptune in 2nd opp Venus in 8th square Moon in 4th opp Mars in 10th

5th – Mercury enters 10th

5th – Saturn enters 10th

5th – Double T-square – Venus in 8th square Mars in 10th square Neptune in 2nd opp Venus in 8th; Sun in 9th square Pluto in 12th, square Uranus in 3rd opp Sun in 9th

7th – Mars enters 11th

7th – Grand Water Trine – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 10th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 2nd trine Moon in 6th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 10th

7th – Venus in 8th opp Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 2nd

7th Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 9th, square Pluto in 12th, opposition Moon in 6th, square Uranus in 3rd, square Moon in 6th square Sun in 9th opp Uranus in 3rd

7th – Kite – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 10th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 2nd, opposition Venus in 8th and trine Moon in 6th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 10th sextile Venus in 8th sextile Moon in 6th

  • Avoid rash decisions when it comes to finances
  • Hidden assets surface to be utilised
  • Time to get serious

Have you felt you’ve been on a journey for the past two and a half years, Aquarius? Perhaps you have literally seen your world and your philosophy on life open up due to a significant journey overseas. Other water bearers may simply feel they have been on a transformational expedition exploring their spiritual path. This week brings the lessons gained by travelling – whether of the outer or inner variety – to the surface to be integrated and utilised in your every day life.

This is a week of soul-discovery aspects which begins with the Mystic Rectangle which forms on the 2nd. For you, this is all about clearing up once and for all any feelings of powerlessness around money and assets. Do you feel you are being paid what you’re worth? Or are you unable to hang on to your money no matter how much of it you have? Are you always broke? Do you splash out on things only to regret it later? This Mystic Rectangle wants you to understand that to transform your relationship to money you must first transform what you think about money. Are you one of those people who proudly say ‘I don’t care about money’ – and are always struggling to pay your bills? Be ruthlessly honest about what you think about money this week and in doing so you’ll start to build a better relationship with it – no matter how much of it you actually have.

The Grand Cross which occurs on the 4th will push this point home and if you’re handling other people’s money please keep things above board or misunderstandings could result. Your reputation is important now as Saturn moves into your house of status for a two year stay on the 5th. It’s an opportunity to build a reputation in some way so make sure it’s one you can be proud of.

The real action of the week takes place on the 7th when all-encompassing aspects form that will leave no sign untouched. A Grand Water Trine forms pulling the focus once again onto your 2nd house as well as the sectors of work, wellbeing and career. It’s time to direct your energy into career matters as this day’s aspects are all about aligning our soul path with the greater good and seeing how our contribution fits into the planetary soul-evolution that is taking place now. With Venus now in your 8th house and opposing Chiron and Neptune conjunct in your 2nd (there it is again!), you may find that others may put their resources at your disposal in order for you to build something of worth for yourself. If you’re looking for backing – for a promotion, an idea or a business you may well get it.

The Cardinal Grand Cross shifts the focus slightly onto your houses of communication, expansion and hidden resources – don’t keep your plans a secret as you may deny yourself valuable help. At the same time, anything underhanded is likely to be exposed so be sure to keep any energy ‘clean’ or reap the whirlwind!

The day’s aspects also include an amazing kite which is literally a sign to fly high and ‘go for it’. For you, the message here is first owning your own power – you have the abilities you need to accomplish whatever you want to. Second it’s all about bringing along others on your journey with you be they partners, friends or colleagues. While you’re the sign of the individual your individual journey isn’t necessarily about going it alone. Being part of the whole doesn’t mean being apart from it. Include others on your path and you’ll get where you want to be a lot quicker.


2nd – Mystic Rectangle – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 8th, trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 1st opp Venus in 6th, sextile Moon in 3rd trine Venus in 6th sextile Saturn/Mercury in 8th opp Moon in 3rd

3rd – Venus enters 7th

4th – Jupiter retrograde in 4th

4th – Grand Cross – Venus in 7th square Mars in 9th square Neptune in 1st opp Venus in 7th square Moon in 3rd opp Mars in 9th

5th – Mercury enters 9th

5th – Saturn enters 9th

5th – Double T-square – Venus in 7th square Mars in 9th square Neptune in 1st

opp Venus in 7th; Sun in 8th square Pluto in 11th, square Uranus in 2nd opp Sun in 8th

7th – Mars enters 10th

7th – Grand Water Trine – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 9th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 1st trine Moon in 5th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 9th

7th – Venus in 7th opp Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 1st

7th Cardinal Grand Cross – Sun in 8th, square Pluto in 11th, opposition Moon in 5th, square Uranus in 2nd, square Moon in 5th square Sun in 8th opp Uranus in 2nd

7th – Kite – Saturn conjunct Mercury in 9th trine Neptune conjunct Chiron in 1st, opposition Venus in 7th and trine Moon in 5th trine Saturn/Mercury conjunction in 9th sextile Venus in 7th sextile Moon in 5th

  • The call to soul freedom leads you on a new path
  • What are your personal goals?
  • You have more support than you think

The call to soul freedom is affecting us all this week Pisces, with the sky filled with aspects that include every single planet – so no sign will be unaffected. It’s going to be all the more potent for you as all the major aspects include your ruler Neptune, presently conjunct Chiron in your 1st house. So, when it comes to revealing soul purpose and exposing those deep soul wounds, your sign may well be the one which undergoes the most radical shift.

Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean that others will perceive much of a change as the transformation may be inward. It all begins with the Mystic Rectangle on the 2nd placing a particular emphasis on work, wellbeing and how you communicate – especially in relation to how you see others helping on hindering you on your path.

Your personal goals may be shifting as a result of the soul-searching that is happening now. What you once valued may lose its appeal. Just take care that this doesn’t include relationships which you may perceive as outgrown. You may not be seeing these clearly at the moment. This is more of a time to turn within rather than focus any frustrations you may be feeling on others especially on the 4th when the Grand Cross may bring up feelings of restriction and you may feel a powerful urge to break free.

On the 5th a double T-square forms again between Neptune in your 1st and also Venus on your 7th and Mars in your 9th. On the same day Saturn moves out of your 8th house of transformation, power and shared resources and into your 9th of expansion, long distance travel and adventure. Mercury also moves into your 9th but unlike Saturn he’s only visiting for a few weeks. Saturn is set for a two and a half year stay during which you’ll have plenty of opportunity to expand your horizons – another reason to curb your impatience now.

If you’ve been feeling unsupported by others rather than restricted the soul-enhancing aspects of the 7th will ask you to look at this and ask yourself if this is really the case? On this day a Grand Water Trine scoops up that Neptune/Chiron conjunction in your 1st and beams a trine to the Moon in your 5th and that Saturn/Mercury conjunction in your 9th. Look closely – you’ve got more support than you think.

This is one of the busiest days in the sky all year as on the same day a Cardinal Grand Cross forms along with a stunning kite aspect. It’s all about connection and alignment – with your soul purpose and with every soul on the planet. If you were to take a look at the chart for the day you would see Venus at the apex of the kite and directly opposite Neptune and Chiron conjunct. The pattern looks like a bow and arrow with Venus in your 7th pointing directly at the stars. This is hardly a subtle message. Your soul evolution stage has everything to do with partnerships and close relationships whether with business partners, very close friends or even animal ‘partners’. What are your goals when it comes to partners? To set up a business with someone? A romantic partnership? To train that champion dressage horse? To deepen a friendship? It’s all about partnerships and working together. So take aim at your partnership goals and know your arrow is right on target now.

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