Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview October 8th

9th – Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn (exact)

10th – Grand Fire Trine – Uranus in Aries trine Moon in Leo trine Mars in Sagittarius

11th – Sun in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini (exact)

13th – Saturn in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (exact)

14th – Uranus in Aries trine Mars in Sagittarius (exact)

  • Express love
  • Harness the creative vibe around you
  • You arrive at a new place of understanding and spiritual growth

After the amazing soul-awakening aspects of last week on the face of it, this week’s activity may seem like an anti-climax. Nothing could be further from the truth. On the 9th, Venus in Virgo makes an exact trine to transformational Pluto in Capricorn. I sincerely hope you used last week’s planetary alignments to reach out and feel your connectedness on a universal level, because this transit it all about reaching out and expressing it on a personal level. You may feel overwhelmed with feelings of intense love for someone or something. If it’s for a fellow soul being, let them know. If it’s a love for an idea, cause or a soul path then the Grand Fire Trine which takes place on the 10th will give you the impetus to make the passion grow.

For all of us, the Grand Fire Trine infuses us on a soul level to get creative. By that I don’t necessarily mean you have to paint a picture, write a book or compose a concerto but look to bringing creativity into all areas of your life in some way. Think of how you can approach even the most mundane task and infuse it with passion (yes, even the filing or the washing up!). Above all, this aspect calls to us to do everything a little differently so utilise any ideas.

On the 11th, the Sun presently in the sign of balance and harmony Libra, makes an exact trine to Jupiter now retrograde in Gemini. It’s one of the best feel-good transits there is but there is a tendency to just cruise along with the good vibes instead of utilising them to make progress with goals both personal and professional. Think of it this way – you could lie on the beach or you could grab your surfboard and ride in the perfect break. Which is it to be?

On the 13th, Saturn now in Scorpio makes another perfect trine to Neptune in Pisces. On a soul level this is asking us to detach from our egos and view the world around us from a more spiritual perspective. Allow yourself to be open to insights and ‘in-spiritation’ – thoughts and ideas that come ‘in spirit’ with this new understanding. We’re all likely to be putting others’ needs before our own under this transit – especially those who are suffering in some way.

The week ends with revolutionary Uranus in Aries making up the last of this week’s perfect trines to Mars in Sagittarius. Free-wheeling, free-thinking changes are in order that open up new paths and new ways of looking at and just being alive at this time. The message: Be the change you want to see in the world.

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