Your Free Monthly Astrology Forecast for All Signs January



2nd – Moon in 6th trine Pluto in 10th (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in 3rd square Moon in 6th opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 12th square Jupiter in 3rd

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower emanating in 7th

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in 3rd, trine Moon in 7th trine Mars in 11th

4th – T-square – Uranus in 1st opp Moon in 7th square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in 10th square Uranus in 1st

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in 8th quincunx Jupiter in 3rd quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in 10th (exact); Uranus in 1st quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in 8th quincunx Jupiter in 3rd

10th – Venus enters 10th

11th – New Moon in 10th

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in 12th

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in 10th

20th – Sun enters 11th

20th – Mercury enters 11th

27th – Full Moon in 5th opp Mars in 11th

30th – Jupiter Direct in 3rd

  • Where you’re going and who you’re travelling with is in focus
  • Delays with contracts or plans are resolved in your favour
  • New beginnings beckon

You’re starting the New Year with a bang thanks to powerful aspects in your career, status and goals zones. The month begins with the Moon in your 6th of work making an exact trine to powerful Pluto in your career house. Venus enters that sector on the 10th, meeting Pluto and the following day a new Moon shines a light on those new beginnings. But there’s also inspiration afoot thanks to a Grand Air Trine and the Quadrantids meteors on the 3rd – 4th which happens prior to this giving you the time to formulate those ideas and have them ready by the 6th when Mercury meets Pluto and forms part of a double Yod which is really putting the pressure on when it comes to ringing in those changes. Put it this way – if you are in the wrong career nothing will keep you there now.

It’s not only about where you want to get to but who you’re going to be going there with. The 10th house not only rules our status but that of our partners. If your goals include finding that special someone the Sun and Mercury in your 11th from the 20th, along with a full Moon in your 5th of love and romance which opposes go-getter Mars on the 27th means you may not wait for love to come to you but go looking for it and discover someone who not only makes you feel good but is good for you. Other Aries could be delighted by a partner’s soul-boosting news. Just don’t get carried away with the celebrations and forget to take care of business.  Jupiter turns direct in your communications sector at the end of this month, bringing to an end a period of delay. You’ll find yourself the focal point of whatever is going on. Good news is on its way.


2nd – Moon in 5th trine Pluto in 9th (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in 2nd square Moon in 5th opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 11th square Jupiter in 2nd

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower emanating in 6th

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in 2nd, trine Moon in 6th trine Mars in 10th

4th – T-square – Uranus in 12th opp Moon in 6th square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in 9th square Uranus in 12th

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in 7th quincunx Jupiter in 2nd quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in 9th (exact); Uranus in 12th quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in 7th quincunx Jupiter in 2nd

10th – Venus enters 9th

11th – New Moon in 9th

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in 11th

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in 9th

20th – Sun enters 10th

20th – Mercury enters 10th

27th – Full Moon in 4th opp Mars in 10th

30th – Jupiter Direct in 2nd

  • If you don’t try it how will you know if you like it?
  • Love is the key to larger experiences
  • Don’t lose your focus

This month if you’re offered a choice, I want you to go for the one that’s going to expand your comfort zone, Taurus. Love is going to be the key to unlocking expansion now thanks to major astro activity in your 9th. On the 2nd the Moon in your 5th makes a perfect trine to Pluto in your 9th opening up possibilities via romance, creativity or children. There’s a T-square happening the same day featuring Jupiter in your money sector but you’re going to have to wait until the end of the month to see the results of this when Jupiter turns direct on the 30th.

When it comes to work and career don’t allow yourself to be distracted this month as there are opportunities on the horizon that you don’t want to miss thanks to a Grand Air Trine across your entire work and money sector on the 4th – follow those ideas up now especially as the Quadrantids meteors might provide that flash of inspiration. Any transit which involves Venus your ruler is going to have an impact and she features large in this week’s line up. But first there’s a T-square featuring a Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunction in your 9th heralding a transformation and expansion in your life. The double Yod of the 6th heralds news that might initially rattle and this could involve that comfort-zone expanding choice I mentioned earlier.

Get ready for a new Moon and Venus to join the line up in your 9th on the 10th and 11th. On the 17th Venus will conjunct Pluto in there but before that make sure friends don’t lead you astray when the Moon meets Neptune and Chiron conjunct in your social 11th on the 14th. But it’s all about allowing love to lead you towards larger experiences – not getting lost in them!  On the 20th the Sun and Mercury both enter your career zone. Remember – luck and taking a chance on something are one and the same thing.


2nd – Moon in 4th trine Pluto in 8th (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in 1st square Moon in 4th opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 10th square Jupiter in 1st

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower emanating in 5th

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in 1st, trine Moon in 5th trine Mars in 9th

4th – T-square – Uranus in 11th opp Moon in 5th square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in 8th square Uranus in 11th

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in 6th quincunx Jupiter in 1st quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in 8th (exact); Uranus in 11th quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in 6th quincunx Jupiter in 1st

10th – Venus enters 8th

11th – New Moon in 8th

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in 10th

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in 8th

20th – Sun enters 9th

20th – Mercury enters 9th

27th – Full Moon in 3rd opp Mars in 9th

30th – Jupiter Direct in 1st

  • Get ready for a forward shift
  • Expansion and opportunity beckon
  • Don’t neglect work matters

It’s time to take that leap forward, Gemini and the planets should have you revved up and ready for 2013. A change could be in the air on the home front when the Moon in your 4th of home and security makes a perfect trine to Pluto currently in your 8th and also forms part of a T-square on the same day which includes Jupiter in your 1st. In fact, themes of transformation and change could dominate the month as well as personal power and how you’re using it. The Quadrantids meteors occur at the same time as a fabulous Grand Air Trine which again includes Jupiter in your 1st as well as the Moon in your 5th and action-packed Mars in your 9th – you’re going to feel propelled forward towards your goals. The Moon is also squaring off the Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunction which forms part of a T-square and then a double Yod on the 6th. When Venus enters this sector on the 10th followed by a new Moon the next day and conjuncts Pluto in there on the 17th you’re the equivalent of sexual plutonium. Handle with care. Part of having it is knowing how to use it and this is where personal power comes in.

Don’t neglect work matters even if you are now the most likely candidate to top People magazine’s 50 Most Sexiest list. The Moon meets Neptune and Chiron conjunct in your career house on the 14th which may lead you to think work matters don’t need your attention when they do. On the 20th the Sun and Mercury your ruler enter your 9th of expansion, travel and luck joining Mars in there. When Jupiter the ruler of your 9th finally moves direct in your 1st on the 30th, any feelings of having been spinning your wheels come to an end as life gets jump started and you head off into the New Year in high gear.


2nd – Moon in 3rd trine Pluto in 7th (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in 12th square Moon in 3rd opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 9th square Jupiter in 12th

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower emanating in 4th

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in 12th, trine Moon in 4th trine Mars in 8th

4th – T-square – Uranus in 10th opp Moon in 4th square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in 7th square Uranus in 10th

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in 5th quincunx Jupiter in 12th quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in 7th (exact); Uranus in 10th quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in 5th quincunx Jupiter in 12th

10th – Venus enters 7th

11th – New Moon in 7th

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in 9th

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in 7th

20th – Sun enters 8th

20th – Mercury enters 8th

27th – Full Moon in 2nd opp Mars in 8th

30th – Jupiter Direct in 12th

  • Partnerships enter a fresh phase
  • Walking your talk transforms
  • Put your security first now

You’re lunar living in action this month, Cancer and you’ll discover a special emphasis on living with others thanks to serious activity around your partnership zone. Your ruler the Moon makes a perfect trine to Pluto in your 7th on the 2nd – feelings transform or come to the surface now. The Moon is all caught up in a T-square which happens on the same day. It’s all about walking your talk – back those words up with right action now.

You’re being asked to make changes that enhance your long term security now, Cancer. This is always a key area for you and the transits around the 4th including the Quadrantids meteors, another T-square and a fabulous Grand Air Trine could see you dealing with home changes with aplomb and planning ahead when it comes to both personal and professional progress.

The double Yod of the 6th brings partnerships and close relationships back into focus and has you looking at how they fit into the larger picture. Venus enters your partnership zone on the 10th followed by a new Moon in there on the 11th. Relationship changes which have been in the pipeline for a while could come to fruition when on the 17th, Venus encounters Pluto in there. With the Sun and Mercury entering your transformation zone on the 20th, a full Moon in your money zone and opposing Mars also in your 8th, and Jupiter finally turning direct in your area of soul promises and secrets on the 30th, it’s all about shedding what is holding back your progress. Remember, if endings are around you this month, that in order to have what you need for the future, you have to let go of what no longer serves you from the past.


2nd – Moon in 2nd trine Pluto in 6th (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in 11th square Moon in 2nd opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 8th square Jupiter in 11th

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower emanating in 3rd

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in 11th, trine Moon in 3rd trine Mars in 7th

4th – T-square – Uranus in 9th opp Moon in 3rd square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in 6th square Uranus in 9th

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in 4th quincunx Jupiter in 11th quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in 6th (exact); Uranus in 9th quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in 4th quincunx Jupiter in 11th

10th – Venus enters 6th

11th – New Moon in 6th

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in 8th

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in 6th

20th – Sun enters 7th

20th – Mercury enters 7th

27th – Full Moon in 1st opp Mars in 7th

30th – Jupiter Direct in 11th

  • Focus on changes to work and routine
  • Be universal when it comes to personal issues
  • Delays around social plans or goals are removed

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to make changes to your everyday working life or to bring that long term career goal one step close there’s a flurry of activity in your work sector this month to help you on your way. The Moon in your money zone makes a perfect trine to Pluto in your 6th of work on the 2nd. Changes are on the way although Neptune and Chiron conjunct in your 8th and caught up in a T-square with the Moon on the same day may obscure them for a while yet. Something unexpected may occur around the 4th when the Quadrantids meteors and a Grand Air Trine and another T-square breeze through your work, expansion and goal zones. The double Yod of the 6th sees Saturn and the Moon conjunct in your security sector as well as Uranus in your 9th and Pluto and Mercury conjunct again in your 6th. You’ll soon see which areas require your attention.

Venus moves into your work area on the 10th joining the Sun, Pluto and Mercury followed by a new Moon in there on the 11th. This is not a house where Venus is happy as she is all about indulgence, pleasure and romance and the 6th rules day-to-day working tasks and also our bosses. However, all transits are there to serve a purpose and when she meets transformative Pluto in there on the 17th, you’ll begin to see it’s all about making it work at work in a way that allows you greater soul expression.

The Sun and Mercury enter your partnership area on the 20th joining fiery Mars in there. If disagreements with loved ones erupt, adopt a universal outlook otherwise molehills could become mountains and don’t take anything personally especially when the full Moon in you 1st will oppose Mars on the 27th. Put your contacts to good use now thanks to Jupiter turning direct in your house of social connections and goals on the 30th. It’s all about using your network to get to where you want to be. Share your plans and watch the assistance start to roll in.


2nd – Moon in 1st trine Pluto in 5th (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in 10th square Moon in 1st opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 7th square Jupiter in 10th

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower emanating in 2nd

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in 10th, trine Moon in 2nd trine Mars in 6th

4th – T-square – Uranus in 8th opp Moon in 2nd square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in 5th square Uranus in 8th

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in 3rd, quincunx Jupiter in 10th quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in 5th (exact); Uranus in 8th quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in 3rd quincunx Jupiter in 10th

10th – Venus enters 5th

11th – New Moon in 5th

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in 7th

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in 5th

20th – Sun enters 6th

20th – Mercury enters 6th

27th – Full Moon in 12th opp Mars in 6th

30th – Jupiter Direct in 10th

  • Watch for the start of something big
  • Keep the urge to splurge under control
  • Love and creativity are intertwined

Your love and creative goals are set to receive a boost thanks a perfect trine from the Moon in your 1st to Pluto in your love and creativity zone on the 2nd. Don’t think the good stuff is over yet however. Venus moves into her own house on the 10th and is followed by a new Moon in there the following day. New beginnings now will be significant provided you can spot the opportunity as the Moon is also caught up in a T-square which includes Jupiter in your career and status sector and a Grand Air Trine stretches right across your money, work and career sectors on the 4th after the ka-ching! of the Quadrantids meteors appearing from your money zone.

The double Yod which occurs on the 6th is pushing you towards a new path if you’re open and again, news could arrive around love, career or creativity. By all means take time to weigh up your options but don’t let opportunity pass you by. Romance could get a little intense when the Venus/Pluto conjunction occurs in your love zone on the 17th. Single Virgos could splurge on sexy underwear or fluffy handcuffs (or both!) and have the chance to put them to good use. If love is on the agenda for you look forward to it taking you to heights you never dreamed possible. However, the heights don’t extend to your credit card so keep a tap on your spending no matter how indulgent you’re feeling. Virgos with creative projects in the pipeline will feel an intense desire to push forward and lucky for you, Jupiter moving direct in your career and status sector on the 30th could see a green light or a contract on the horizon that lifts your profile in some way. Your ruler Mercury along with the Sun moves into your 6th of work from the 20th plus a full Moon on the on the 27th in your 12th of spiritual secrets opposing Mars in your 6th means you could just be handed the piece of the puzzle you needed to accomplish the task at hand. You’ll do whatever it takes to get the job done now.


2nd – Moon in 12th trine Pluto in 4th (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in 9th square Moon in 12th opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 6th square Jupiter in 9th

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower emanating in 1st

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in 9th, trine Moon in 1st trine Mars in 5th

4th – T-square – Uranus in 7th opp Moon in 1st square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in 4th square Uranus in 7th

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in 2nd, quincunx Jupiter in 9th quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in 4th (exact); Uranus in 7th quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in 2nd quincunx Jupiter in 9th

10th – Venus enters 4th

11th – New Moon in 4th

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in 6th

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in 4th

20th – Sun enters 5th

20th – Mercury enters 5th

27th – Full Moon in 11th opp Mars in 5th

30th – Jupiter Direct in 9th

  • Opposing forces vie for your attention
  • Put your ideas to good use
  • Remember – the journey is the goal

Home and far horizons may conflict this month, Libra. You may be torn between the desire to nest and the urge to expand and explore the possibilities that are there for you now. The Moon in your spiritual 12th makes a perfect trine to Pluto in your home zone while becoming entangled in a T-square which has Jupiter in your expansive 9th and Neptune and Chiron conjunct in your 6th getting you to look at where you feel emotionally and spiritually secure When you have the answer to this you’re ready for the journey wherever it takes you.

The Moon will be in your 1st the day the Grand Air Trine forms between her, Jupiter and Mars in your 5th. If breaking free of restrictions is what you’re after you’ll have all the inspiration you need now boosted by the Quadrantids meteors. The double Yod of the 6th is asking you not to throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to anything you believe is holding you back. Venus your ruler moves into your home and security sector on the 10th followed by a new Moon in there on the 11th, bringing the promise of new beginnings when it comes to feeling emotionally sheltered. Some Librans may be on the move thanks to Venus meeting Pluto in there on the 17th – where you live may transform on some level even if it’s just you deciding in typical Libran fashion that it’s time to spend some money on beautifying your environment.

The Sun and Mercury join Mars in your 5th on the 20th, bringing the focus back to subjects you love – romance and beauty while a full Moon in your 11th puts you in touch with friends on the same emotional wavelength. On the 30th, Jupiter finally turns direct in your 9th of expansion, adventure and long distance travel. If you’re finding yourself torn between staying put and exploration then the message for you is that you are already on a journey of discovery which is leading towards what you truly need. That could even be right where you are now. The journey is the goal.


2nd – Moon in 11th trine Pluto in 3rd (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in 8th square Moon in 11th opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 5th square Jupiter in 8th

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower emanating in 12th

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in 8th, trine Moon in 12th trine Mars in 4th

4th – T-square – Uranus in 6th opp Moon in 12th square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in 3rd square Uranus in 6th

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in 1st , quincunx Jupiter in 8th quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in 3rd (exact); Uranus in 6th quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in 1st quincunx Jupiter in 8th

10th – Venus enters 3rd

11th – New Moon in 3rd

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in 5th

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in 3rd

20th – Sun enters 4th

20th – Mercury enters 4th

27th – Full Moon in 10th opp Mars in 4th

30th – Jupiter Direct in 8th

  • Messages are filled with emotion
  • You’re in a mood to create something – but what?
  • Work and wellness news could feature

You ruler Pluto gets all emotional on the 2nd when the Moon makes a perfect trine to him from your goals and friends sector. Messages flow that could bring news of changes thanks to the Moon also being caught up in a T-square of the same day. Those messages could be coming from your own inner voice thanks to a Grand Air Trine on the 4th and the Quadrantids meteors.

The double Yod of the 6th features Pluto again and there may be emotional tension around issues of work, wellness which affect not only you but others close to you. The emphasis on messages, news, short journeys (either in duration or distance) and your connections to others continues as Venus enters your 3rd on the 10th and a new Moon in there the next day hints at new beginnings. Venus meets Pluto on the 17th, so look forward to new ideas and changes in work and even how you get to work coming in. With Saturn in your sign you may have been looking seriously at what needs to be done in the long term and this alignment brings you the pivotal moment to put your plans into effect.

On the 20th the Sun and Mercury enter your house of home and emotional wellbeing. Those of you who have been considering setting up your own business are being given a green light to go for it now especially if your idea involves doing this with a partner thanks to Jupiter in your shared resources zone which finally moves direct on the 30th. The full Moon in your 10th opposing Mars in your 4th means you’ll take action to ensure your long term security. Whatever you put into action this month is set to bring about transformations. Whether it’s the boardroom or the bedroom, you could be offered something you need to kick start your plans whether it’s just somebody’s expertise, passion or something of a more concrete or financial nature.


2nd – Moon in 10th trine Pluto in 2nd (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in 7th square Moon in 10th opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 4th square Jupiter in 7th

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower emanating in 11th

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in 7th, trine Moon in 11th trine Mars in 3rd

4th – T-square – Uranus in 5th opp Moon in 11th square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in 2nd square Uranus in 5th

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in 12th, quincunx Jupiter in 7th quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in 2nd (exact); Uranus in 5th quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in 12th quincunx Jupiter in 7th

10th – Venus enters 2nd

11th – New Moon in 2nd

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in 4th

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in 2nd

20th – Sun enters 3rd

20th – Mercury enters 3rd

27th – Full Moon in 9th opp Mars in 3rd

30th – Jupiter Direct in 7th

  • The bottom line is boosted
  • Close relationships start a new cycle
  • Creative ideas could be a sound investment

The focus is on your 2nd house of money, assets, talents and values, Sag. The year gets off to a glowing start thanks to a beautiful trine between the Moon in your career zone and Pluto in your money sector on the 2nd. The Moon also forms part of a T-square on the same day which has Jupiter in your partnership house which begins a whole new chapter when it comes to close relationships. Jupiter, the Moon now in your 11th of friends and goals and Mars in your talkative 3rd form a Grand Air Trine on the 4th when the Quadrantids meteors appear. If finding that special someone is a goal then friends and invitations could hold the key as could getting out and about. You’ll find someone where you least expect them thanks to a double Yod on the 6th. Don’t dismiss an activity or group because you believe there’s nothing there for you.

Venus in your money sector from the 10th looks set to boost your bank account and a new Moon in there the next day could see a new source of income appear or a present one transform for the better especially when Venus meets Pluto in there on the 17th heralding a transformation around what you’re worth. Your creativity could be a sound investment or perhaps you just see that your skills and ideas are worth more than you thought.  Watch for news around this when the Sun and Mercury pop into your 3rd on the 20th.

Your ruler Jupiter finally turns direct in your partnership zone on the 30th bringing to an end questions around which way a relationship may be going. Single Sagi’s could find their attention captured by someone who not only shares your spirit of adventure but can keep you on your toes intellectually. Suddenly pastures new may be those you can share with a like-minded soul. You’ve waited for this for some time. And yes – you’re worth it.


2nd – Moon in 9th trine Pluto in 1st (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in 6th square Moon in 9th opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 3rd square Jupiter in 6th

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower emanating in 10th

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in 6th, trine Moon in 10th trine Mars in 2nd

4th – T-square – Uranus in 4th opp Moon in 10th square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in 1st square Uranus in 4th

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in 11th, quincunx Jupiter in 6th quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in 1st (exact); Uranus in 4th quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in 11th quincunx Jupiter in 6th

10th – Venus enters 1st

11th – New Moon in 1st

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in 3rd

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in 1st

20th – Sun enters 2nd

20th – Mercury enters 2nd

27th – Full Moon in 8th opp Mars in 2nd

30th – Jupiter Direct in 6th

  • Feel brand new
  • Look for new beginnings
  • Work delays are resolved in your favour

A new year and new beginnings beckon thanks to some serious planetary action in your sign this month. The Moon in your adventurous 9th beams a lovely trine to Pluto in your 1st to start the year off with the promise of expansion and new beginnings. The Moon also features in a T-square between Jupiter in your 6th and Neptune and Chiron conjunct in your 3rd. Don’t take any set-backs personally when it comes to work. Wait for the end of the month as the situation could change. On the 4th the Quadrantids meteors emanate from your 10th while a Grand Air Trine hooks up Jupiter, the Moon and Mars across your entire work and money sector. The double Yod may stir up some themes you dealt with around 21.12 but there’s a more emotional feeling around this. Don’t hold on to the past. If life is a two-way street you’re being asked to give way now even if Saturn your ruler, wants you to hold on.

Back to that new you when Venus moves into your sign on the 10th to be followed by a new Moon on the 11th. Look for the first signs of the birth of something special during the lead up to Venus meeting transformational Pluto on the 17th. This is all about rebirth on some level. Think of yourself as a phoenix rising from the ashes, ready to launch yourself on a golden flight of possibilities that just didn’t exist before. The Sun and Mercury move into your 2nd on the 20th, joining Mars there. Use initiative, not haste when it comes to money and finances. On the 30th, Jupiter planet of luck, log distance travel and adventure finally turns direct in your work sector removing any barriers to progress. If your New Year’s resolutions included finding a new job then this is your cue to go for it but even if you’re staying put you can expect new opportunities to appear that expand your prospects. After all, the whole point of change is to replace the old with something better – even if it’s just a new you.


2nd – Moon in 8th trine Pluto in 12th (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in 5th square Moon in 8th opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 2nd square Jupiter in 5th

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower emanating in 9th

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in 5th, trine Moon in 9th trine Mars in 1st

4th – T-square – Uranus in 3rd opp Moon in 9th square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in 12th square Uranus in 3rd

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in 10th, quincunx Jupiter in 5th quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in 12th (exact); Uranus in 3rd quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in 10th quincunx Jupiter in 5th

10th – Venus enters 12th

11th – New Moon in 12th

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in 2nd

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in 12th

20th – Sun enters 1st

20th – Mercury enters 1st

27th – Full Moon in 7th opp Mars in 1st

30th – Jupiter Direct in 5th

  • Keep your feet on the ground
  • Don’t let others take advantage of you
  • Are you seeing things for what they truly are or what you want them to be?

The Sun and Mercury are in your sign from the 20th but before that there’s some serious stellar activity taking place in your 12th of secrets, spirituality and soul promises. The month begins with the Moon in your transformational 8th making a perfect trine to Pluto in your 12th and the Moon also forms part of a T-square that day. It’s all about releasing issues around love and creativity. No matter your situation just observe and remain neutral as the Quadrantids meteors and a stunning Grand Air Trine between Mars in your 1st, Jupiter in your 5th and the Moon now in your 9th on the 4th has some big plans for you. Get out of your own way and allow things to happen especially when the double Yod of the 6th brings change but emotional resistance. Go with the vibe of Uranus your ruler and think of this as your own personal rollercoaster ride.

Do keep your feet on the ground now as there may be a tendency to see people and situations how you would like them to be, not how they are. It’s all very well to see the best in people, but the Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron on the 14th may mean that someone isn’t living up to your ideals and disappointments could result.

If you’re looking for love however, single water bearers could meet someone they feel they have known before when Venus enters that zone on the 10th followed by a new Moon on the 11th. However, a word of warning when Venus also meets Pluto in there on the 17th. If you or anyone close to you has been hiding something this could well bring it out into the open. If it’s a crush you’ll find out once and for all how the other person feels but if it’s something you’d rather have stay in the closet you may not be able to stop it from coming out especially when the Sun and chatterbox Mercury join Mars in your 1st from the 20th and the full Moon opposes Mars on the 27th.

Jupiter turns direct in your 5th of love and creativity on the 30th giving you a green light when it comes to romance and that secret love as well as creative ventures. You’ll be afire with ideas. Put them into action now and see what comes to fruition.


2nd – Moon in 7th trine Pluto in 11th (exact)

2nd – T-square – Jupiter in 4th square Moon in 7th opposition Neptune/Chiron conjunct in 1st square Jupiter in 4th

3rd – 4th – Quadrantids Meteor Shower emanating in 8th

4th – Grand Air Trine – Jupiter in 4th, trine Moon in 8th trine Mars in 12th

4th – T-square – Uranus in 2nd opp Moon in 8th square Sun/Mercury/Pluto conjunct in 11th square Uranus in 2nd

6th – Double Yod – Saturn and Moon conjunct in 9th, quincunx Jupiter in 4th quincunx Pluto and Mercury conjunct in 11th (exact); Uranus in 2nd quincunx Saturn and Moon conjunct in 9th quincunx Jupiter in 4th

10th – Venus enters 11th

11th – New Moon in 11th

14th – Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in 1st

17th – Venus conjunct Pluto in 11th

20th – Sun enters 12th

20th – Mercury enters 12th

27th – Full Moon in 6th opp Mars in 12th

30th – Jupiter Direct in 4th

  • Keep the focus on what you can achieve now
  • Relationships must have depth to be meaningful
  • Delays around the home and how you are living are lifted

This month is all about goals, Pisces. Goals to do with your home and wellbeing and even goals in general will receive a boost. Keep your focus on what you can achieve right now to get the most out of this month’s aspects. The Moon in your 7th makes an exact trine to Pluto in your social and goals sector. Your friendships and social circle may have been going through changes and you may see more of them now but this Moon also forms part of a Grand Air Trine which includes Neptune and Chiron conjunct in your 1st and Jupiter in your 4th, bringing the effects more close to home and along with a Grand Air Trine and the Quadrantids meteors on the 4th and an emotionally charged double Yod on the 6th, this is your sign change is in the air and you have the power to achieve it right now.

Venus enters your 11th house of social connections and important hopes and dreams on the 10th and there’s a new Moon in there on the 11th which could herald the start of new friendships or you embarking on a new goal path. Expect your social circle or even what you want to achieve to undergo some kind of transformation after Venus conjuncts intense and alchemical Pluto in the same sector on the 17th. Make sure you are clear about what you want now as you may well get it but again, when the Moon conjuncts Neptune and Chiron in your 1st on the 14th make sure everything is grounded in reality.

Jupiter finally turns direct in your 4th of home and emotional security on the 30th. If you’ve been wanting to move but experiencing delays, the planet of luck and expansion will be working to remove them now. You’ll soon discover you can build a secure base from which you can launch those big plans whether they revolve around home, family or something you thought beyond your reach. The message this month is nothing is as far away as it appears.

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