Your Free Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs January 7


7th – Mercury conjunct Pluto in 10th

8th – T-Square:  Moon in 9th opp Jupiter in 3rd both square Neptune in 12th

9th – Venus enters 10th

11th – New Moon conjunct Venus in 10th

11th – Stellium in 10th: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto

  • News could accelerate career progress
  • Larger than life experiences loom
  • What do you want to build for the future?

Forward-thinking should be your catch-phrase this week, Aries. You’ve usually got no problem with the ‘doing’ part but the planning – that’s something else entirely. Take some time this week when it comes to career moves to think ahead to where you want to be as there’s a flurry of transformational activity in your career sector which starts with Mercury meets Pluto in there on the 7th – news that affects your status could be on the way. The T-square which occurs the following day could usher in larger-than-life experiences with a sense of déjà vu about them. Have you been here before and if so, how did you deal with what was occurring back then? Again, if you didn’t like the results last time think things through and approach them differently now.

The focus shifts back to your career and building for your future thanks to Venus entering the sector on the 9th ahead of a new Moon on the 11th. With the new Moon in there this forms what is known as a stellium – more than three planets in a house or sign. You now have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto in there. This is a true power-line up and according to where it sits in your chart points to where transformations can take place. Thanks to Venus they may not be as difficult as you might think.


7th – Mercury conjunct Pluto in 9th

8th – T-Square:  Moon in 8th opp Jupiter in 2nd both square Neptune in 11th

9th – Venus enters 9th

11th – New Moon conjunct Venus in 9th

11th – Stellium in 9th: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto

  • What is calling from far, far away? Fairy tales or galaxies?
  • Goals are due for transformation
  • Life is an opportunity to have experiences – don’t short-change yourself!

Dreams, ideals, travel, adventure. Something is calling that is offering you a larger slice of life experience now, Taurus. This could be anything from a horizon expanding trip, job or even a course of study to a person who could whisk you away to become a Jedi knight or shaman. What’s it to be? It’s all down to some intense planetary activity in your 9th house of higher education, long distance travel, adventure and luck. Mercury meets Pluto in there on the 7th – watch for news that arrives around this date. The T-square which occurs the following day has the Moon in your transformational 8th, Jupiter in your money zone and Neptune in your goal sector. It’s not so much about what you have or want to achieve as transforming your attitude towards it.

Venus your ruler enters your 9th on the 9th and along with a new Moon in there on the 11th will form what is known as a stellium – three planets or more in a house or sign. You now have five – the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto. Take advantage of this and embrace whatever manifests in terms of soul path changing events – or even people. This is no time to stay at home or lurk in the background being modest like you usually do. Grab your light saber or magician’s wand and prepare to walk into a bigger dream than you ever thought possible.


7th – Mercury conjunct Pluto in 8th

8th – T-Square:  Moon in 7th opp Jupiter in 1st both square Neptune in 10th

9th – Venus enters 8th

11th – New Moon conjunct Venus in 8th

11th – Stellium in 8th: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto

  • Get ready for change
  • Career or close relationships feel emotionally charged
  • Match your energy to what you want

Your ruler Mercury joins Pluto in your sector of transformations, shared resources, endings and sex with depth on the 7th so watch for news relating to any of those areas. You’re certainly not in a superficial mood right now – putting paid once and for all to those nasty astro-rumours that yours is the sign with the limited attention span. Thanks to a T-square on the 8th between the Moon in your 7th, Jupiter in your 1st and Neptune in your career zone, when it comes to changes around career and partnerships if it doesn’t have a larger meaning in your life, you’ll be happy to let it go.

When it comes to what you share with others – and that includes your most precious resource – you, if you want to attract something of greater depth and meaning now, act with greater depth and meaning and watch what you attract. Venus planet of love enters your 8th on the 9th and a new Moon occurs in there on the 11th. Love affairs could bring transformational experiences. With the new Moon and Venus in this house a stellium forms – this is when there are three or more planets in a house or sign. There are now five – the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto. Don’t forget – when we share an experience with someone – we are transformed for better or worse. Provided you share what you have without any expectations or need to control either your resources or the other person, transcendental experiences could result this week.


7th – Mercury conjunct Pluto in 7th

8th – T-Square:  Moon in 6th opp Jupiter in 12th both square Neptune in 9th

9th – Venus enters 7th

11th – New Moon conjunct Venus in 7th

11th – Stellium in 7th: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto

  • Partnerships become the focus this week
  • You may be surprised at a revelation
  • Watch your energy level at work

Partnerships and all close non-familial relationships are your focus this week Cancer and that includes close personal friendships. On the 7th Mercury meets Pluto in there heralding news that could be the transformational pivot when it comes to one particular relationship. The next day a T-square forms with the Moon your ruler in your 6th of work and wellbeing opposing Jupiter in your 12th of spiritual secrets and soul promises and Neptune in your 9th of expansion and adventure. A revelation could surprise you and have a deep impact on your energy or how you feel towards a situation. At the end of the day keep an open mind about what occurs as more information could be forthcoming and until you have all the facts, don’t jump to conclusions. Above all, watch your energy level at work and pay attention to what drains you. This could be your opportunity to make some changes to correct any imbalance.

The focus now comes back to those close relationships when Venus enters your 7th on the 9th and a new Moon occurs there on the 11th. New beginnings beckon when it comes to partnerships and single Cancerians – this is your cue to put the energy out there – you may be surprised at what the tide washes back in for you due to the fact there is now a stellium – three planets or more, in this sector. You actually have five – the Sun, your ruler the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto. One key relationship or your relationship status is now set to transform one way or another or this could even be the partnership you have with yourself.


7th – Mercury conjunct Pluto in 6th

8th – T-Square:  Moon in 5th opp Jupiter in 11th both square Neptune in 8th

9th – Venus enters 6th

11th – New Moon conjunct Venus in 6th

11th – Stellium in 6th: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto

  • Work or wellness undergoes a profound shift
  • Do you love what you do and do what you love?
  • Assistance with goals could be forthcoming

How you work, where you work, what you are working at or on or else your energy levels could be due for a shift this week, Leo thanks to profound focus on your 6th of work and wellbeing. All work is spiritual work when performed with mindfulness. As the saying goes: ‘Before enlightenment – chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment – chop wood, carry water’. It’s not so much about what you are doing but how you feel about what you are doing. If your energy level has not been what it should be expect a turn for the better now. Mercury meets Pluto in this sector on the 7th – watch for news relating to these issues. On the 8th a T-square forms between the Moon in your 5th of romance and creativity, Jupiter in your friends and goals zone and Neptune in your alchemical 8th.

It’s no coincidence this aspect occurs just days before Venus planet of love enters your work zone. As I’m fond of telling people, this is not an area where Venus is happy but there is always a soul message to any transit and here it’s all about loving what you do and doing what you love. The new Moon in there on the 11th adds to a massive planetary line-up in this house that is known as a stellium – when three planets or more occupy the same house or sign. There are now five – the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Pluto and your ruler, the Sun. Assistance with your goals could not be available especially if they relate to your work and the kind of work you want to be doing. Don’t be afraid to ask even if it’s just for insight into what you should do next. The answers are closer than you think.


7th – Mercury conjunct Pluto in 5th

8th – T-Square:  Moon in 4th opp Jupiter in 10th both square Neptune in 7th

9th – Venus enters 5th

11th – New Moon conjunct Venus in 5th

11th – Stellium in 5th: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto

  • Creativity, love and indulgence could sweep you away
  • Home and where you live is in focus
  • Create a space for love to grow

How loveable are you feeling, Virgo? The amount of love we receive is linked to how much love we feel we deserve. If you feel love or even creative success (your love child!) is something that happens to others and not to you, this is the week to revise the facts in your analytical Virgoan way and come to a different conclusion. Mercury your ruler meets Pluto in your love and creation zone on the 7th – romance, creative success or just the opportunity to sample life’s sensual pleasures may be just around the corner. More on that shortly.

On the 8th a T-square forms between the Moon in your 4th of home and emotional security, Jupiter in your status sector and Neptune in your partnership zone. Home issues could come to the fore especially if they are tied to partners, your mother or close (non-family) friendships.

It’s all about creating a space where love or creativity (or both!) can flourish. ON the 9th Venus moves into your 5th and a new Moon will conjunct Venus on the 11th. Watch for new beginnings and any romance that starts now should be significant thanks to an incredible ling-up of FIVE planets in this sector – the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Moon and transformational and sexually-charged Pluto. It could all add up to a very good time that sweeps you up, up and away now.


7th – Mercury conjunct Pluto in 4th

8th – T-Square:  Moon in 3rd opp Jupiter in 9th both square Neptune in 6th

9th – Venus enters 4th

11th – New Moon conjunct Venus in 4th

11th – Stellium in 4th: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto

  • Home matters matter this week
  • A time of new emotional beginnings
  • Emotional ties from far away may tug your heart strings

Where you are right now and where you’ve been in the past as well as where you want to go, feature this week. If you have moved away from loved ones or friends, expect them to tug at your heartstrings this week. There’s a lot of soul-searching focus going on around home and where you feel you belong. Some of you may be contemplating a move or be torn between a desire to move forward or return. What is happening right now is that you are approaching a time of new emotional beginnings – the past has placed you where you are today but understand this is a staging post only. Mercury conjuncts Pluto in your home sector bringing news around this on the 7th while on the 8th a T-square between the Moon in your 3rd, Jupiter in your 9th and Neptune in your 6th may bring doubts about where you should be or you feel the pull of loved ones in far away places or somewhere else you’d just like to be.

Hang on as your ruler Venus enters your 4th on the 9th, bringing a heart-resonance into play especially when the new Moon and Venus meet on the 11th. This makes the total number of planets in this sector five comprising of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Pluto and Venus. Transformation is inevitable now. Home is where the heart is so follow where it takes you now.


7th – Mercury conjunct Pluto in 3rd

8th – T-Square:  Moon in 2nd opp Jupiter in 8th both square Neptune in 5th

9th – Venus enters 3rd

11th – New Moon conjunct Venus in 3rd

11th – Stellium in 3rd: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto

  • Communication and how you move around is in focus
  • Messages bring love and opportunity
  • You discover how much you are valued

Communications this week could have you feeling just that little bit special, Scorpio thanks to some pretty major activity in your sector of communications and transport. Change could begin for you when Mercury meets your ruler Pluto in there on the 7th. You could receive important news or documents to sign. Other Phoenixes may find themselves varying their normal routine by taking a different route to work. You’d be surprised at how a simple change effects other life areas.

On the 8th a T-square forms between the Moon in your 2nd of assets and values, Jupiter in your 8th and Neptune in your 5th. Others may show how much they value you now but if you feel taken for granted you have the opportunity to shore-up that self-esteem by setting some new boundaries especially when it comes to dating, love and romance.

On the 9th, Venus moves into your 3rd and the new Moon of the 11th will conjunct her. This brings the total number of planets in this house to five – the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and of course, your ruler Pluto. If you’ve been thinking of upgrading your communication devices – new phone, tablet, computer – or alternatively buying a new car or other means of transportation, this is the week to do it. Your life and therefore you, are on the move now.


7th – Mercury conjunct Pluto in 2nd

8th – T-Square:  Moon in 1st opp Jupiter in 7th both square Neptune in 4th

9th – Venus enters 2nd

11th – New Moon conjunct Venus in 2nd

11th – Stellium in 2nd: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto

  • You have the assets you need at your disposal
  • Your emotional wellbeing and security is important now
  • A fresh opportunity arrives in partnerships or soul progress

Even if you’re cash-strapped right now Sag, the message from the universe is that you have more assets at your disposal than you think and if you’ve not been able to see or appreciate them up till now, this week should see you taking an audit that allows you to tap into your resources – material or otherwise. Mercury meets Pluto in this zone on the 7th when you may receive bottom-line boosting news or else be made aware of something of value at your disposal (this could even be a hidden talent!). Your emotional wellbeing and security come into focus especially with regards to others and their impact on this thanks to a T-square which forms the following day between the Moon in your 1st house opposing your ruler Jupiter in your 7th and squaring Neptune in your 4th of home matters. Partnerships and soul matters could feature especially if they are tied to where you live and wellbeing.

Venus enters your money and assets zone on the 9th and the new Moon will conjunct her on the 11th. Watch for new beginnings or a new source of income opening up. The focus is firmly on what you’re worth and self-worth matters now because this makes a grand total of five planets in this sector – the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto. Your attitude towards money and values could undergo a shift as a result putting you in a position to realise your capital now – even if what you invest in is yourself. Even a free spirit like you needs something they can bank on.


7th – Mercury conjunct Pluto in 1st

8th – T-Square:  Moon in 12th opp Jupiter in 6th both square Neptune in 3rd

9th – Venus enters 1st

11th – New Moon conjunct Venus in 1st

11th – Stellium in 1st: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto

  • You project a new image to the world
  • Soul progress comes from transformations
  • What’s going on behind the scenes at work?

These past months should have been a period of reinvention and refinement for you Capricorn, especially those of you born in the first trimester of your sign. Now put all that realignment to good use and get ready to launch the new ‘you’. Mercury conjuncts Pluto in your 1st on the 7th bringing insight into how the world sees you now. On the 8th the focus shifts slightly when the Moon in your spiritual secrets sector opposes Jupiter in your work zone and both square Neptune in your 3rd. What’s going on behind the scenes at work? If there’s something you need to know don’t worry – you’re going to find out but if you’ve been hiding the fact you’re behind schedule on critical tasks then expect to be discovered now.

Venus lends an aura of glamour to your image when she moves into your 1st on the 9th and the new Moon which conjuncts her on the 11th hints at fresh starts and new beginnings. Project yourself in a new way and don’t be afraid to change your image – yes, a trip to the sales is certainly on the cards so try on a new look for size. Venus and the Moon join the Sun, Mercury and of course, Pluto in your 1st making a stellium (three planets or more) of five. The old you should have been left behind in 2012. Ring in the changes and above all – be the self you’ve always wanted to be.


7th – Mercury conjunct Pluto in 12th

8th – T-Square:  Moon in 11th opp Jupiter in 5th both square Neptune in 2nd

9th – Venus enters 12th

11th – New Moon conjunct Venus in 12th

11th – Stellium in 12th: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto

  • You feel part of a larger reality
  • Be upfront with others this week
  • Creative goals and romance could take a leap forward

You may receive insights into just how you fit into the grand scheme of things this week, Aquarius thanks to a massive planetary line up in your 12th of spirituality and soul secrets. Your intuition is likely to be at a peak and provided you keep your feet on the ground while looking at the stars, if you ask questions expect to receive the answers now. Mercury meets Pluto in your 12th on the 7th while a T-square on the 8th formed between the Moon in your friends and goals sector, Jupiter in your 5th of love and creativity and Neptune in your 2nd of values is asking you to be upfront with others this week and make sure they understand where you’re coming from – and you’re clear about their intentions as well. If unsure – ask don’t assume but creative and romantic goals could receive a boost provided you have clarity of intention.

The focus on your 12th continues when Venus enters that sector on the 9th and a new Moon conjuncts her in there on the 11th. This adds up to an incredible total of five planets in there – the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and of course, Pluto. Pluto energy has to be kept very ‘clean’ or blowbacks and meltdowns can occur. Secrets and obsessions may feature. The 12th contains soul lessons and these can come from unexpected sources. Remember – the souls that love us the most come in to teach us our biggest lessons and sometimes the only way we learn is through revelation and the transformation that follows.


7th – Mercury conjunct Pluto in 11th

8th – T-Square:  Moon in 10th opp Jupiter in 4th both square Neptune in 1st

9th – Venus enters 11th

11th – New Moon conjunct Venus in 11th

11th – Stellium in 11th: Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Pluto

  • Your social life is in focus
  • Opportunities could come via friends or colleagues
  • Make sure all is at it appears when it comes to your emotional wellbeing

Your social life may be going through a major shift this week, Pisces thanks to some intense activity all centered around your area of friends, contacts and goals. Mercury meets Pluto in there on the 7th which could bring news of changes in your circle. You also need to pay attention to your emotional needs now. Are you letting people know what it is you need from them right now? The T-square of the 8th has Neptune your ruler in your 1st squaring off the Moon in your career and status sector and Jupiter in your home zone. Don’t pretend you’re happy with things if you’re not.

Back to that social-packed 11th house. Venus moves in there on the 9th and a new Moon conjuncts Venus on the 11th. Water bearers looking for love should get out and about now especially if it involves friends and large social gatherings. Goals are also featured and friends and colleagues may assist. The 11th sees an incredible line-up of five planets – known as a stellium, in your 11th comprised of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and of course, Pluto. Your social life is about to go through a shift as is what it is you want to create in your life right now. Remember, when we change our goals or even our social circle, this is a reflection of how far we have already come on our journey. Get ready for the next stage.

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