Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview January 28

29th – Yod: Uranus in Aries sextile Sun in Aquarius. Both quincunx Moon in Virgo

30th – Jupiter Direct in Gemini

1st – Grand Air Trine: Sun in Aquarius trines Moon in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini

1st – Yod: Jupiter in Gemini sextiles Uranus in Aries. Both quincunx Saturn in Scorpio

2nd – Venus enters Aquarius

2nd – Stellium in Aquarius – Sun, Mercury and Venus

2nd – Mars enters Pisces

  • Events may impact on a deep level
  • Freedom becomes important – especially with regards to freedom of speech and self-expression
  • Build bridges – don’t shake them

The importance of individual freedom may play out in our lives and on a global scale this week. There’s a line-up of planets known as a stellium – where more than three planets occupy a sign, forming in free-thinking Aquarius. When free-wheelin’ Jupiter finally moves direct in Gemini on the 30th, it’s time to put ideas into action especially when a Grand Air Trine on the 1st ignites Jupiter’s forward-motion and a Yod on the same day pulls Uranus, Aquarius’s ruler in along with Saturn in Scorpio. It’s all about building better structures rather than just demolishing present ones because they no longer serve. Use the past as a foundation now. Venus enters Aquarius on the 2nd, completing the stellium which includes the Sun and Mercury. Freedom of speech and self-expression could be a theme in the media. How are you conveying your beliefs and ideas? Remember, they are two different things and situations may emerge now where we see the results of what happens when people identify too strongly with their beliefs.

Also on the 2nd Mars enters Pisces. There is a huge line-up forming in the sky which will peak in March but action-oriented Mars is now tempered with wisdom and empathy – at least we hope so. If knee-jerk reactions are occurring this is a sign we have yet to really resonate with the soul-expansion opportunities that are present in these transits now. Look to reinvention of the past as the way forward – but don’t cling to tradition and out-dated beliefs just because ‘that’s the way it’s always been done’. To get where we need to go we have to know where we’ve been. That’s this week’s planetary message for us all now.

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