Your Free Weekly Astrology Forecast for All Signs March 18

weekly Horoscopes


20th – Sun enters 1st
20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere
22nd – Venus enters 1st
22nd – Four planet stellium in 1st – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus
22nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in 1st. Sextile Jupiter in 3rd, trine Moon in 5th

  • Prepare for a radical shift
  • Unexpected opportunities could come out of the blue
  • The astro-force is with you now. How will you use it?

Those Leo’s out there can eat their hearts out because this week the astro-action is all about YOU, Aries. Isn’t it nice to be the centre of attention for once? The planetary stellium that formed in Pisces earlier in the month has now begun to shift and the Sun enters your sign officially marking the start of spring on the 20th and of course, birthday season for the Ram. On the 22nd, Venus follows and with your ruler Mars and Uranus already in residence, this brings the stellium of planets in your sign to four. With spring officially here many of you may feel you’ve just woken up from hibernation. Don’t worry – it’s the after-effects of all those planets in dreamy Pisces. Venus may be pushing many of you to go get a make-over while others will be feeling the urge to change a particular area of their lives. If you get the feeling change is just around the corner you’re probably right. The four planet conjunction in your 1st between the Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus could drop an opportunity into your lap out of the blue and because you just happen to be celebrating your sexiness right now, the opportunity could be of a romantic nature. The conjunction will also sextile Jupiter planet of expansion and luck in your 3rd of communication and trine the Moon in your 5th of romance in show-stopping Leo.

Sometimes even opportunity brings us a challenge. Don’t forget – often the thing we want the most is also the thing that also scares us the most. Uranus rules challenges and thrills. Life’s a rollercoaster now. The question will be – do you want to get off or keep riding?


20th – Sun enters 12th
20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere
22nd – Venus enters 12th
22nd – Four planet stellium in 12th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus
22nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in 12th. Sextile Jupiter in 2nd, trine Moon in 4th

  • The focus shifts to your inner world
  • Secrets will be revealed
  • Who is your own worst enemy?

After an intense couple of months where the focus has been on you in relation to the larger world as in your friends, goals, group and collaborative ventures, expect your world to shrink down as you take some time out to explore inner space or the wonderful world of you. It’s a time of spiritual refinement this week as the planets shift from that friendship zone into your 12th of intuition, soul promises, spirituality and all things hidden. Hopefully you have been operating with your usual steadfastness and integrity, Taurus. The Sun moves into this sector on the 20th announcing the arrival of spring, and your ruler Venus follows two days later. Mars and Uranus are already in residence in there and on the 22nd, all four planets form a massive conjunction. Expect some soul-shattering revelations to come to light perhaps in the most unexpected ways. If you’ve been trying to keep something under wraps it could come out in a way that you won’t like. Transparency is your best protection right now.

The conjunction also makes a fabulous aspect to Jupiter in your money zone and the Moon in your home sector – a raise or bonus could be on the way and if it arrives then use this money wisely – perhaps investing in or buying something for your home. However, those secrets could keep surfacing and you may find out a truth about someone you won’t like. This could even be about yourself as you may suddenly see all too clearly where you have been sabotaging or holding yourself back as Uranus and Mars form a double-team to rip down the curtains of illusion. Whatever is revealed this week however will turn out to be a spiritual truth in the long term.


20th – Sun enters 11th
20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere
22nd – Venus enters 11th
22nd – Four planet stellium in 11th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus
22nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in 11th. Sextile Jupiter in 1st, trine Moon in 3rd

  • Love and friends co-mingle
  • Goals are highlighted
  • Keep your diary open and flexible

The Sun springs into your friends and goals sector on the 20th putting the focus on who you know and how the world sees you. If you’re looking for love this is no time to stay home as Venus also enters that sector on the 22nd taking the planets in there to four. All of them meet on the same day forming a mega-super-stellium-conjunction which sextiles Jupiter in your 1st and trines the Moon in your 3rd. Social gatherings or events could be where you meet that special someone. Whatever the news is – it’s big. Your goals are highlighted and you should by now be clear about what they are and ready to tell people about what it is you want to achieve. If you don’t, how do you intend to achieve it? Everybody needs a helping hand now and again and this week the universe is extending one so be ready to accept it when offered. Talk about your plans and dreams with passion and watch others sign-on for the ride.

It’s important to be flexible in order to take advantage of this week’s excellent astro-vibe. Keep your diary open and be ready to change plans or accept that last-minute invite. Uranus, in for a long stay in this sector is all about surprises. Think of it this way – if you always knew in advance what was going to happen, wouldn’t life be dull? For you, this week promises to be anything but.


20th – Sun enters 10th
20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere
22nd – Venus enters 10th
22nd – Four planet stellium in 10th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus
22nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in 10th. Sextile Jupiter in 12th, trine Moon in 2nd

  • Watch for unexpected changes on the career front
  • Your path may be shifting
  • What you attract could boost your status

Your long-term career path and reputation are all in focus this week, Cancer. The Sun enters this area on the 20th, a day which also marks the first official day of spring, and Venus will follow on the 22nd. This is the day where four planets meet in this house – a super-conjunction between the Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus. You could be faced with an unexpected although not necessarily unwelcome, change to your career. Your path may be shifting or else you may find your focus is now on another way of utilising your talents. With Uranus, planet of innovation and also re-invention all caught up in this, all I can tell you is that if you have been feeling for some time that you’re in the wrong career, nothing now will keep you there.

What you end up attracting this week could in fact boost your status in the longer term. This superconjunction also sextiles Jupiter in your 12th and trines the Moon your ruler in your money zone. If you have a karmic reward due, this could be about to be paid. Single female Cancerians should not lose sight of the fact that the 10th house rules the status of their partner – or potential partner and Venus, planet of love is all tangled up in this planetary group-hug. That new path that’s opening up could be the path to true love.


20th – Sun enters 9th
20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere
22nd – Venus enters 9th
22nd – Four planet stellium in 9th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus
22nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in 9th. Sextile Jupiter in 11th, trine Moon in 1st

  • Spring brings the spirit of adventure
  • New social connections flourish
  • You’re a lamb, not a lion this week!

Spring is bringing with it the promise of adventure and expansion in a key area of your life, Leo. The past few months have been about endings and transformations and how you’ve dealt with those is going to determine in what area life opens up for you now. If you’re not seeing the doors opening this week, you have a lot of serious thinking to do. The Sun entering your 9th marks the Spring Equinox on the 20th. Venus enters this sector on the 22nd and gets herself into a major planetary love-in with the Sun your ruler, Mars her old flame and that rock-star planet Uranus. It’s all about thinking big and not accepting excuses (even from yourself) when it comes to taking a leap into the unknown which is what you may be required to do now. There’s a feeling of leaving what is safe and known behind you as you set sail into the uncharted waters of new experience.

As the four planet conjunction forms it will make a fabulous sextile to Jupiter in your friends and social events sector ushering in some new friendship and networking connections who could be instrumental in guiding you on this new path. This trines the Moon sitting in your own sign and casting an ethereal light over you. The result – you may be feeling overwhelmed, emotional and quite shy. It’s totally out-of-character for you. Don’t worry. You’ll be back to roaring king-or-queen of the jungle again quite soon.


20th – Sun enters 8th
20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere
22nd – Venus enters 8th
22nd – Four planet stellium in 8th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus
22nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in 8th. Sextile Jupiter in 10th, trine Moon in 12th

  • Spring brings a change
  • You could be smitten by sudden attraction
  • Watch for changes around earnings

All change! It’s not just spring in the air but change for you this week, Virgo. The Sun is in your transformation sector from the 20th which marks the spring equinox. You need to observe carefully this week what area of your life is changing as it may not be immediately obvious. Lucky you are the sign that knows the devil is in the details. Some of you may be distracted when Venus also moves into this area of your chart on the 22nd joining the Sun, Mars and Uranus in there and forming a four planet conjunction. When it comes to spring fever, some of you may be uncharacteristically impulsive this week. Flings could get flung as unexpected or even unusual romantic encounters could be on the cards. Whether they last or not is another matter. Others may suddenly be hit with the realisation that the ‘one’ they’ve been looking for has been under their very nose all along.

Your long-term earning ability and subjects such as expense accounts, joint accounts, bonuses or shares and ‘perks’ could be in focus now especially as on the 22nd the quad-conjunction sextiles Jupiter in your career zone while trineing the Moon in your 12th. Keep an eye out for shady dealings or for the terms of something you share or a paid by another person, business or government source, to suddenly change. The only thing you can bank on this week is the unexpected.


20th – Sun enters 7th
20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere
22nd – Venus enters 7th
22nd – Four planet stellium in 7th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus
22nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in 7th. Sextile Jupiter in 9th, trine Moon in 11th

Partnerships and other close connections bring surprises
Someone could open up your horizons
Friends and social events pull at your heartstrings

Yes, Libra. This week is all about your favourite subject – partnerships. This also includes your closest personal connections (non-family) and business or activity partners. You’ll be looking at being coupled-up in all its shapes and forms now when the Sun joins Mars and Uranus in your partnership zone on the 20th heralding the start of spring. If you’re a sad, single Libran then this is the time of year for new beginnings and your ruler Venus is about to give you a helping hand when on the 22nd she takes the number of planets in this sector to four. They are all joining up for a love-in on the same day while sextiling mighty Jupiter in your zone of expansion and the Moon in your circle of friends. The obvious message here is that if you are single and looking, you need to be out and about now and not home cataloguing your shoe collection.

There’s another level to this transit. Someone or something could arrive that opens up new possibilities for you or you could find yourself at a social event that has an unexpected emotional effect on you. If you’re missing people who are far away now this is your call to start to make plans to visit. As Shakespeare said: Journeys end in lover’s meetings.


20th – Sun enters 6th
20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere
22nd – Venus enters 6th
22nd – Four planet stellium in 6th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus
22nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in 6th. Sextile Jupiter in 8th, trine Moon in 10th

  • Are you doing what you want to be doing?
  • What needs to change around work and career?
  • Have a skill-set stock-take

Spring brings a fresh emphasis on your day-to-day working environment and also your feelings towards it, Scorpio. The Sun joins your former ruler Mars and innovative Uranus in this part of your chart on the 20th which also marks the start of Spring. You may be filled with a certain restlessness at work especially when Venus follows on the 22nd. As I like to remind all the signs, this is not an area of your chart where Venus is a happy glamper. However, she is bringing you the opportunity to look at whether you are doing what you really want to be doing while Uranus is feeding you fresh ideas and Mars gives you the impetus to act on them rather than just sit back and complain that you hate your job/boss/life.

On the 22nd, all four planets meet and form a super-conjunction while sextiling Jupiter in your house of change and trineing the Moon in your 10th of long term career (as opposed to day-to-day work). You need to guard against making impetuous decisions (such as telling your boss they are an idiot and handing in your notice there and then – even if they are and it’s what you truly want to do!), but use this alignment to carry out an honest assessment of your skills. Even if you like what you’re doing, a stock-take won’t hurt as you’ll be able to sell yourself a lot better when it comes to a promotion or raise. Look at what you have to offer and appreciate your abilities more. That’s the key to doing and getting what you want now.


20th – Sun enters 5th
20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere
22nd – Venus enters 5th
22nd – Four planet stellium in 5th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus
22nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in 5th. Sextile Jupiter in 7th, trine Moon in 9th

  • Make lasting connections
  • Don’t limit yourself
  • Love! Create! Indulge! Enjoy!

Whatever you do, Sag, unleash your passion for life this week. If you do, you will be amazed at the results and what you attract. The Sun joins go-getting Mars and maverick Uranus in your 5th of love, romance, creativity and attraction this week marking the start of spring. There should be a spring in your step as heads turn when you pass by! If you’re looking for romance or backing for a creative idea reach out, broadcast yourself (as they say on YouTube) and watch who answers the call especially when Venus joins in the fun on the 22nd.

On this day the Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus all form one massive conjunction and send a wonderful message of expansion to your ruler Jupiter in your partnership zone. Open up and there’s the opportunity to make a lasting connection now. This alignment also sends across a sexy wink to the Moon in your expansion zone. Don’t limit yourself – think big and that’s what you’ll attract. And one more thing, don’t imitate others. You are an original. You’ll attract what you need this week by living your passions and just by being you.


20th – Sun enters 4th
20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere
22nd – Venus enters 4th
22nd – Four planet stellium in 4th – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus
22nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in 4th. Sextile Jupiter in 6th, trine Moon in 8th

  • Spring clean your life!
  • Focus on what needs to change at work
  • What’s in your closet?

It’s time for the great cosmic de-clutter this week, Capricorn. The Sun enters your home sector announcing the arrival of spring on the 20th. Mars and Uranus are already in residence. Clean out those closets, dust, de-clutter and open windows and let in some fresh air. Some of you may now be contemplating moving and some kind of regeneration of your home environment looks certain for many. It could just be a spring clean and re-decoration. Venus moves into this sector on the 22nd taking the total of planets in there to four. Venus loves to make things beautiful so at the very least you could find yourself shopping for new furniture or accessories for your home.

The four planets form one massive conjunction on the 22nd and will sextile Jupiter in your work zone asking you what you need to change there as well – even if it’s just to tidy your desk (come on – it’s looking a little messy, isn’t it?). Take a zero-tolerance policy to clutter, anything unused, broken or out-dated in your life be it clothes, objects, systems, thoughts, people, relationships, jobs or ways of doing things. With the Moon in your 8th it’s all about transforming you life this week so spring clean every part of it.


20th – Sun enters 3rd
20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere
22nd – Venus enters 3rd
22nd – Four planet stellium in 3rd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus
22nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in 3rd. Sextile Jupiter in 5th, trine Moon in 7th

  • Look at what you’re attracting
  • Communicate your real feelings
  • Talk up a storm this week and share your ideas!

It’s all going on in your sector of communication, ideas and transport this week, Aquarius. The great thing is that when it comes to reaching out to people and connecting you probably don’t have to leave your immediate environment. Focus on ideas that are close to your heart and close to home. Siblings may also feature and have news. It’s all down to a four planet conjunction forming in your 3rd with your ruler Uranus sparking off some bright ideas and Mars telling you to do something with them. On the 20th the Sun joins them which marks the start of spring and on the 22nd they will be joined by Venus. You may be buzzing with news and excitement and also finding new ways to connect.

When it comes to those closest to you (or someone you would like to get closer to), sharing your real feelings is the key to deepening your connection. You’ll be surprised how a little candour makes them reciprocate thanks to the Moon in your 7th on the 22nd. Jupiter in your 5th of romance and attraction beams a positive note to the four planet mega-conjunction on the 22nd and provided you speak with passion and sincerity you should have no trouble getting the results you want now. Sharing your thoughts and ideas will bring whatever it is you need right to your door.


20th – Sun enters 2nd
20th – Spring Equinox Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox Southern Hemisphere
22nd – Venus enters 2nd
22nd – Four planet stellium in 2nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus
22nd – Sun/Venus/Mars/Uranus conjunct in 2nd. Sextile Jupiter in 4th, trine Moon in 6th

  • Bank account boosting opportunities await
  • Your home could provide extra income
  • Create a safe haven

You’ve had the benefit of creating a new you these past few months, Pisces and now it’s time to show the universe how this more refined version of you brings this knowledge into the more material world. The Sun enters your money sector on the 20th joining Uranus and Mars in there. While I would caution you to guard against impulsive spending, the entry of Venus in there on the 22nd points to a bank account boosting opportunity heading your way.

The planets all meet on this day forming a mega-conjunction while beaming a sextile to Jupiter in your home zone. If you’re looking for an extra source of income (and who isn’t in these Pluto-in-Capricorn until 2024 days?), then the solution may well lie in your home. Innovative Uranus could get you thinking outside the box room while the Moon in your 6th will have you thinking about either starting a part-time business from home or else letting that box room out somewhere like airbnb. But you’re also looking for security and wellbeing now as well. In the long term, start to save even if it’s only a tiny amount of change every week and create a haven in your home that becomes a sanctuary for you and anyone who visits. Want a new home? Take a small amount of money and buy something specific you will put into your new residence and make it something beautiful. Now, sit back and put those pennies away as soon as they start rolling in.

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