Your Free Weekly Astrology Overview March 31

2nd – Cardinal Grand Cross: Sun/Uranus exact conjunct in Aries square Jupiter in Cancer square Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn square Sun/Uranus exact conjunct in Aries

2nd – Sun/Uranus exact conjunct in Aries

2nd – Mercury in Pisces trine Jupiter in Cancer

2nd – T-Square: Moon conjunct Sedna in Taurus opposition Saturn in Scorpio square Venus in Aquarius square Moon/Sedna conjunct in Taurus

5th – Venus enters Pisces

5th – 4 Planet Stellium in Pisces

  • What actions will you choose now?
  • An inconvenient truth could emerge
  • Link to spiritual love for solutions

April is one of the most complex and challenging months we have seen for quite some time and the first week of it is merely the entrée into soul stretching transits we will see impacting on us all month.

The Sun and Uranus meet this week in Aries and we have another Cardinal Grand Cross appears. This same day (the 2nd) sees this combined with a T-Square with the Moon and Sedna conjunct in Taurus which oppose Saturn in Scorpio and Square Venus in Aquarius. This could well result in environmental issues surfacing or expect the focus to once again be on how patriarchal systems have oppressed or failed women. Where ‘environments’ whether internal or external are less than pristine we will see issues arise and this also includes the exploitation of people and resources. There is going to be a feeling around this month’s Cardinal Grand Crosses of not only having seen this all before on some level but also some of us could be facing situations where we finally realise the issues need to be dealt with properly and what we thought was adequate in the past is revealed to be anything but. This could literally be an inconvenient truth we would rather ignore but can’t.

If you are thinking ‘This all sounds a little intense and scary’ – take heart. First of all remember all transits contain positive and negative energies and second – they occur for a reason. Also, we can choose to focus on the more challenging or we can look to the more positive aspects that are happening in the sky. Jupiter in Cancer is of course involved in the Cardinal Grand Cross but also sits conjunct the fixed star Sirius which gives us a sign that no matter what disruptions the Grand Crosses may evoke, the changes that we have to make due to them will have long-term beneficial results and it is only in-action that continues cycles of negativity. Against this big sky picture we also have Venus entering Pisces on the 5th once against bringing the total number of planets in here on this day back up to four – Mercury, Neptune and Chiron being the others involved in this stellium. It’s all about awakening our empathy and compassion – or perhaps re-awkening it may be a better way of putting it as in many situations this has been absent for far too long. Venus in Pisces is about spiritual and universal love as well as inspiration. We are offered a choice here – to look away or take refuge in delusion and denial or to take the actions we know we should have taken in our lives long ago. So, this week asks you to start to choose. The energy will peak mid month so – choose wisely and follow your inner guidance.

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