Weekly General Astrology Overview October 16th 2023


Weekly General Astrology Overview October 16th 2023

Enter the crucible of transformation

Resurrect those dreams

Surrender to heart-starting new beginnings

Get the skinny that last week’s eclipse in Libra made so hard to see. Juno is the astral body that very much vibes with Libra’s rulership of partnerships, promises and balancing acts. Except this week Juno arrives in Libra’s next-door sign of Virgo (18th). This helps any of us who are dealing with the whys, hows and wherefores around any double act dynamic. That’s because while Juno deals with marriages and promises we make for the long term, Virgo deals with the facts and whether something works or is good for us. Or not as the case may be.

Mercury, Virgo and Gemini’s ruling planet, is in Libra and has a confusion-banishing meeting with the Sun in here on the 20th. Both make angles to Pluto in Capricorn (21st). First you see it for what it is. Then you embrace fully the changes it brings you. Go with the process. And don’t resist it. That’s the key to any major Pluto transit. Surrender to the change that needs to occur. The clarification for this comes as Mercury moves into Scorpio, ahead of the Sun’s arrival next week.

Gorgeous and gratifying conclusions play out as Venus also in Virgo, trines Jupiter in Taurus. And Mercury in Scorpio trines Saturn in Pisces (22nd). By waiting, by syncing our insights with what needs to be done, by being spiritually aware but grounded in reality, we emerge into a new and better reality. I’m not saying it may be easy for all of us. It may even hurt. But see this as birth pains ushering you into a new state of being. On some level we’re closing off one path but emerging out into a new one.

It’s the energy of the Judgement card in the Tarot if you are seeking another way of tuning into this week’s vibe. Intense, breathtaking and ultimately, resurrecting. We rise and feel fully alive again. It’s a de-fib of the soul as we all feel the heartbeat around an issue or important dream we once held. Reclaim your power or just the ability to deal with what’s between you and what you imagined love could be.

In a nutshell: Maybe fear or lack of self-belief has been stopping you from tackling something once and for all. Or led you to abandoning that vision around what love could possibly look like. The good news this week is a transformation turns into the ultimate catalyst that removes barriers between us – and feeling alive again.

18 Oct 2023 Juno enters Virgo (Virgo)

20 Oct 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra (Libra)

21 Oct 2023 Mercury in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (Libra to Capricorn)

21 Oct 2023 Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (Libra to Capricorn)

22 Oct 2023 Mercury enters Scorpio (Scorpio)

22 Oct 2023 Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus (Virgo to Taurus)

22 Oct 2023 Mercury in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces (Scorpio to Pisces)